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    greetings!. i'm a newbie, just now started. it's 2am in idaho and i'm looking forward to starting my life over again and i'm going to need some help from you all.
    i've been an alcoholic most of my adult life.... i guess you could say i've been a functional alcoholic, but one nevertheless. i've tried to battle this demon recently with the support of my family... my brother in Alaska has been in recovery for over 20 years, and i've been sober for some periods of time. but kept resorting back. well, it all came crashing down last saturday night when i was pulled over and arrested for dui. my wife refused to help me out, feeling that i needed to learn a lesson, and she's right. i have some friends that i'm staying with till i can figure out the best way to start the road to recovery. i'm fascinated by this web site and i hope to hear back from any of you for some advice.


    Welcome mark. I too have been done for dui. Make sure it is the wake up call your after and dont, as i did, us it as self pity and a reason to drink. Even more in my case. Your in a good place, with lots of people willing to give you there help. Keep reading and posting and stay positive. Lets hope this is the start of your journey to sobriety.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!



      Hi mark
      Welcome. You have come to the right place. Lots of help here but as you know its down to you too. If you read the book it will give you an understanding of what is involved with the program and most people try to equip themselves with as many of the tools as possible to get the best effect. Its not very rigid and lots of people vary it to suit themselves and their circumstances.
      I am sure you will be glad you made this step. Keep reading and posting.
      BH (no more)



        :welcome: Mark54,

        Greeting to you 2. This is a great place to be you will get lots of support and help here. im glad your looking forward to starting a life over again and it can be done with lots of hard work. Advice keep reading and posting it always helps me and take the supp's and read the book, drink lots of water let us know how you getting on later!

        Wishing you all the best of luck.


        family is everything to me



          Hi Mark and :welcome:

          This program has helped a lot of people. I think it's best to read "My Way Out" and then go from there. I finally surrendered too when I had a near-miss on a DUI.
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



            Welcome Mark,You have found a great place to learn how to live a sober life.I think that you need to READ THE BOOK MWO..Then stay close to this site and ask for help.WE CAN BEAT THIS BEAST..TOGETHER..
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



              Hi Mark,I am new also and have ordered the supplyments.& being to the dr.and got a script for the book downloaded..Now waiting for the postage to arrive..Im in Australia,may take long time..still drinking..but hoping I can be strong..Have my G.P.'s fact it was he who got me access to topo...So if you need any assistance for obtaining CHEAP me..



                [QUOTE=mark54;404826]my brother in Alaska /QUOTE]

                Greetings from Alaska!!! Good luck to you on your journey, this place is awesome. Read the book, buy the supps ...I'm not there yet but this is defiantly the place. I know now I have the tools. PM me anytime :welcome:
                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



                  Hi Mark,
                  Well, you're not alone here, lots of support and advice on offer.
                  Soon as you can get the MWO book. It has a brilliant bit in it about disempowering the power of alcohol.............................treat /think about alcohol as you would butter.
                  But you'll get to that at your own pace.
                  You mention you're staying with friends. Did your wife say don't come home till you sort this out, or is everything OK with her. This is not the best time for marital discord/argument. Can you patch things up there, let her know you love her and need her help to work through this?.
                  Read through the varius threads, see if you can work out a bit of a starting plan for yourself. Give yourself workable goals, and away you go!!!
                  Stopping drinking need not be full of turmoil. It really can be a happy liberation!!!! Enjoy the journey!



                    Hi Mark,

                    You have already been given great advice - do read the book though it is the starting point to a sucessfull journey.

                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

