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Should I, Could I--have just one glass of wine with dinner?

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    Should I, Could I--have just one glass of wine with dinner?

    I'll just say this: it went from "having a glass of wine or beer" on occasion after a month AF...

    To my now STARTING ALL OVER.

    Was it worth it?

    NO NO NO

    ... but that's just Me.

    I was "there" - I had learned the habit of "not drinking", was sleeping better, was dealing with my emotions... until.

    I didn't even have an "until". It's not like some big thing happened. It was more of a "why not?" type of thing. I "proved" to myself I could go without... so ... why not?

    Here I sit. Drinking again. No motivation. Dismal!!

    I'm not preaching. Just telling you what happened to me.

    Now I have to get "re-motivated" all over again... and that's the Hardest part!!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      Should I, Could I--have just one glass of wine with dinner?

      Savon, thanks for your very honest post. When I finally made it to day 30, I was scared, almost felt like I had "permission" to drink. I've had a few sips on just a 3 occasions. I'm just too scared to go there again. I've been thinking about the 30 days AF thing, wondering if 60 or 90 are more realistic for really changing habits? I'm about day 80 into this journey, and I'm not sure I'll ever feel "safe" going there again, so I'm going to keep going without. Now, instead of missing alcohol, I look at it and am afraid. I guess that's good?
      Sending you hugs and a dose of motivation, you can do it!
      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


        Should I, Could I--have just one glass of wine with dinner?

        Kay, the great part is you are thinking it through - good for you for putting it out there.

        For me, there are all sorts of occassions where I'd like to justify having a glass of wine, but after being AF for a fair amount of time I have realised that I used to use any occassion, be it someone popping around to visit, a good meal, a hard day at work or bad news to crack open my wine and sip away.

        Which ever descision you do chose it is part of your journey and you'll be stronger for it!
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Should I, Could I--have just one glass of wine with dinner?

          Hi Everyone: Well, I did indeed have that one glass of wine, a lovely sauvignon blanc with my dinner, savored it, and really did not want another. My husband finished the bottle. I took the puppies out on the new patio, turned on the light in my new pool house so I could admire the stained glass, as well as the pool light, enjoyed the cool breezes as I listened to the subliminal cd. I thought to myself for the first time in a long time that life is good. Watched a little TV, went to bed and fell asleep listening to the hypnotic cd. Woke up at 2:15 but was able to go back to sleep which is a blessing. Am going to continue AF but am not going to beat myself up every day. I feel very proud and amazed that I have only had one beer and one glass of wine in 7 days--painlessly. Seven days doesn't sound like a lot to many of you long time abstainers, but to me it is miraculous. I once abstained for 21 days cold turkey, but it was hell for the first week. This has been a breeze, although all the pills are a drag. It's worth it though. Everyone have a fabulous day. :thanks: Kay


            Should I, Could I--have just one glass of wine with dinner?

            Kay, good for you! You should be proud of yourself. 7 days is wonderful. You are a good example - thank you!

            "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


              Should I, Could I--have just one glass of wine with dinner?

              I can totally relate. My entire family is in the restaurant/wine business but because of my overindulgence, I can no longer participate in food and wine pairing. I have only myself to blame. When I'm really feeling left out, I've been drinking orange Sanpellegrino (of course, in a wine glass). It's very good but it is 80 calories for 7 oz. so I'm drinking that in moderation too.

