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my af days so far-to moderate

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    my af days so far-to moderate

    Hi everyone

    Having been here for a while, so hope everyone is doing ok.

    Since I found this site this has been my pattern of Alcohol free days. I am trying to moderate.

    Wk1 3 days Af
    Wk2 4 days Af
    Wk3 7 days Af
    Wk4 4 days
    This wk so far on day 3, and feel no urge to drink, compared to the other weeks. I feel that I am getting there slowly in realising that I don't have to drink everyday of the week. I feel so much better, less guilt ridden, more clear headed, although I don't feel out of the woods there yet, as I am still forgetting names etc, I have a little bit more money, although you wouldn't notice as it goes back into the household. My sleep pattern is erratic. Sleep well 1st night AF, 2nd night awful, so hoping to sleep better tonight. I have been taking Kalms, which help. I just wish I could switch off my thoughts though.
    It's almost like the wine has been keeping my true feelings and emotions numb, and now they are surfacing, and I'm seeing things differently.

    My aim is to get beyond 7 days this week, and then perhaps even longer. I won't tell myself I'm not drinking, because I have an inbuilt rebellious way of thinking, so I know I will give in sooner rather than later that way.

    I wish everyone the best of luck with their endeavours in stopping or moderating.

    Hope you don't mind me writing this to you all, as I know I don't contribute much to MWO, just yet, but I do sincerely wish everyone well.

    Kind regards.

    my af days so far-to moderate

    That's great! On the days you're drinking, are you able to control the amount you consume?


      my af days so far-to moderate

      Hi Roxanne

      I would normally share 2 bottles of wine with hubby, 1 for him and 1 for me, for 1 night, the 2nd night 1 bottle between us, and perhaps a couple of cans of larger. The 3rd night, perhaps a bottle to myself. We never have more than 2 bottles in the house at one go, or 1 bottle and 4 cans of lager.

      I have been known to drink 7 nights a week, a bottle to myself each night. I know that's not a lot by some people standards, and I never touch vodka or shorts of any kind.

      We have seriously cut down, and my hubby and me are doing this together. In fact, we are both doing our utmost to achieve the 1 night a week drinking pattern we used to do years ago.

      I had become reliant on drinking to block out the pain of all my bereavements and other problems, and hadn't realised that I had become so dependent on my evening companion (red wine)so much, until it started to cause problems with my health and pocket. I never drank during the day and could say no to a glass if I was socialising during the day, BUT, I know I have problem, if I can't get through the evening without a drink, and that was becoming a problem.

      If I say no altogether, I know I will crave it more, so I think this way, although it may not be the best way, is the only way so far for me.

      Thanks for replying Roxanne and 02m.



        my af days so far-to moderate

        Hi Sadheart: I certainly feel your pain. The sleeping problem is the worst. I have suffered from this for years. Don't know if it is depression, alcohol, or a combination of both. Probably the latter. I do know, the last couple of nights I have slept better. I am AF for 6 days and have been on the supplements and 50mg of Topa. Glad to know you are here and are trying. I have found tremendous support here, and has helped me so much with feelings of isolation and loneliness. Best of luck to you. Kay


          my af days so far-to moderate

          Good going on 3 days so far this week- I know you can make it the full 7 that is your goal. Stay with us and read as much as you can on this site. There are SO many wise people who have been very, very successful in their battle with AL. Feel free to reach out to us when you feel vulnerable-we are all there at one point or another. We are just one big family trying to fight the same beast. Having your hubby with you in this will be a huge support both ways. Best Wishes and I hope to get to know you better. Kriger
          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


            my af days so far-to moderate

            soudns like you have a strategy there. its important to be able to reach your goals by mapping out a plan. you cant just jump in head first, so you're very smart to knowing the best way that works for you!

            this is my third day sobre (is that how you spell it) man, i cant even spell the damn word. but its a damn good word. one that frustrates me greatly due to my withdrawals. but its worth it.

            we are gonna kill the beast


              my af days so far-to moderate

              Hi Sad,
              This is my 4th day AF and it is coming to an end YEAH! I hope every day gets esaier but then I read some folks have gone so many days and then have to start over. I have not made it past 5 yet but maybe this time I will. Keep posting.


                my af days so far-to moderate

                Hi threre sad. Its good that your husband is doing it with you. Must be so difficult trying to stop when there is someone else drinking in the house. Thanks for posting and letting us know how you feel. Were all here to help eachother.
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  my af days so far-to moderate

                  Good luck with day 5, Helpwanted08, Please try your best, as I will have to do today, being my day 4.

                  I've got some ulcers in my mouth, which are making it difficult to eat or drink anything too hot, but, I AM NOT going to use wine for medicinal purposes tonight, (ha ha).
                  KTB, I think the alcohol and depression go hand in hand, you have a drink to numb the pain, then the alcohol brings on the depression. It's a hard circle to break, so I understand how you and everyone on here feels. I just know that alcohol ain't the answer anymore.

                  Have a nice day all.


                    my af days so far-to moderate

                    Well done Sad,

                    It looks like you are on the right path. I also found when i was modding that to keep track what I was drinking on the drink tracker - it smacked me in the head once or twice when I added up the number of units and saw just how close or maybe how far I was to my goal.

                    Good luck with day 5 today!
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      my af days so far-to moderate

                      Well done with your AF free days sadheart.

                      It sounds like you and Hubby in this together have a good chance of reaching your goals.

                      Good luck!


                        my af days so far-to moderate

                        Hi everyone

                        One goal reached today. I went food shopping and DID NOT buy any wine, so I know that today will be a success, because there is no way I can get out to buy any from the local stores.

                        So I guess day 4 is under wraps.

                        I feel excited....doe everyone else feel this way?

                        Bye for now


                          my af days so far-to moderate

                          Hi everyone

                          Just an up-date

                          Last week I managed 6 days without. Nearly drank a whole bottle on Friday, my intended 1 night a week to drink, but heh, I didn't finish the bottle. I am now on day 3 again of this week.

                          Good luck to everyone this week.


