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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    A quick check in - not such an early morning this morning, my usual 6.30. We drank last night but I really don't feel bad about it. Had such a packed day and ended up spending the whole afternoon doing accounts - which I HATE!!! And find really stressful. Hubby had a majorly busy DIY day too so we took ourselves off to the pub for dinner and shared a very nice bottle of wine - the landlord of the pub is really knowledgeable about wine and I just tell him what we are having to eat and he comes up with something very suitable to drink with it. Gave ourselves 'permission' to have a night off from our month of abstinence. I KNOW that's not really the way to do it but boy I enjoyed it and now feel revitalised and ready to take on the rest of the month. Was in bed by 9.30. I am not back on day 1 - I have just delayed day 9 by one day! :H:H

    I am trying to persuade hubby that having a week each month AF (plus any other days I have in the month by myself) is the way forward - adds up to an easy 3 months AF each year.

    Anyway, hope you are all doing well.

    Love to all.

    Bessie xx

    PS I may have piglet news some time soon!!

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Good Morning, Bessie and all to come,

    I envy you, Bessie!! To be able to split a bottle of wine for a relaxing evening would be a dream. Unfortunately, for me that would just be an aperitif.

    So, I had some decaf tea last night, some melatonin and actually got a good night's sleep. I was exhausted. Traveling is just wearing this old girl out.

    However, I love the job so will keep doing it until I can find something better.

    Popped my Antabuse this morning, so drinking anything is out of the question. Thank God!! One more day sober. It makes me feel so free.

    I can't wait to hear about some new piglets!! How fun!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Hi Bessie, Cinders and all to come

      Day 10 for me and glad to be in double digits. One third of the way through the month. These few days should be easy, hubby away and no wine in the house. Will stock up again on the AF beer for the week-end. Taking it ODAT, its the only way. Daughter got the results of her exams and got 5 A's and 4 B's so very pleased with herself. Helping out at her school tonight at a Debs so that should keep me busy.

      Hope everyone is having a great week.



        ODAT - Wednesday

        Morning Bessie, Cindi, Rustop & all to come.

        Yesterday I wanted a triple decker martini so badly. But knowing where that would lead kept the hounds at bay. This divorce thing is causing pain down to my bone marrow and it's not the drink I want - it's the numbing, the escape from the pain, the anxiety, and the fear I may have not made the right decision and some fears of the unknown thrown in there as well. So it's not that I wish I could just sit and enjoy a cocktail at the end of the day. I can see straight away that it's a binge waiting to happen. :upset:

        Well, that was bright & cheery wasn't it? Even with Lenair, this is an ODAT for me. I eat chocolate instead. Pretty soon I'll have to replenish my dad's nursing home candy stash. Besides, Monday will be 90 days.

        Have a good one and be good!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Wednesday

          No drinkie here now for um...over a week. Better off !!! Rip was tapping in once a week in the summer months, now that is OVER!!! Soon my year of ALMOST sober is here..the brain is working much better.... :H

          Time to really clean up some messes!!! Have a Happy one all. :l


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Hi everyone!
            I've had a problem getting on as my 3 year old seems to have locked me out of the site on our computer! I'm using my sisters at the mo and not sure when my computer will be fixed.
            Hang in there greeneyes..... you are doing so well to cope with this and no al.
            Well done Bessie on moderating! Be good if you could persuade hubby on that week a month.
            Rustop- congrats on your daughters success!
            Well I'd better log off, look forward to checking in soon
            lol Evie
            Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
            Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
            For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Good morning to all ODATer's ---- just checking into say hello and report that I fought off the desire again last night. Poured a diet tonic and lime instead ... sometimes it's hard to remember what an alternative is because the voice in my head calling for wine drowns out all other thoughts... but it AF drink rose to the surface and that satisfied me. I'm so happy that I've been able to achieve that. I've been AF for Sept. minus 2 slips ... great progress from where I was 2 months ago! Thanks all for your support


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Hello all!

                Foggy out today. Frenched and canned green beans most of yesterday. Thought of you alot greenie--hang in there, we're all here for ya!!:l
                Getting a little tired of the monster garden. Some stuff is done. Some stuff hasn't done too well. Made spaghetti sauce and salsa the other day, and canned some jalapenos.
                No temptations to drink lately. I have a new excuse if I'm tempted--I'm in training.
                New Day-does that diet tonic water taste good? I like the "real" stuff, but saw the other day they have diet. I like tonic and lime--don't miss the gin!!

                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  What's frenching beans LVT25? And how do you do canning these days? Do you freeze stuff also?

                  And whats Debs Rustop?

                  And what's wrong with eating chocolate in times of stress Greeny!? Got through two bars of Green & Blacks over last two days of stressy accounts.....! 90 days is WOW! Be proud, be very proud.


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Morning all! I drank last night - not lots, but I was so stressed out that I thought my head would blow clean off my neck. I am pretty much over the whole Aveeno/Birthday thing...this was about one of my publishers sending a SCATHING email at 8:00 last night accusing me of all kinds of crap (which were ALL his doing). I had a few glasses and went to bed only to wake up every hour re-living the whole thing. Woke up at 4:00 am and got back on the computer to do some more researching of the problems. It is 10:20 am here in the states and PROBLEM SOLVED. I should not have drank, but I am not going to beat myself up. I will not drink tonight though. I hate stress. Dang, you think I need a little cheese with my WHINE?????? Sorry friends!!!
                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      About chocolate. It is one of those things I crave during PMS. Yesterday I thought to myself: You know what's better than a cold beer on a hot day? A couple of frozen Dove chocolates on a cool day! Yes indeed!
                      Frenching is slicing the beans lengthwise. French cut beans. I have a slicer, but they are not as pretty as the ones you buy in the can. I do most of my canning in a pressure canner. I did freeze some beans earlier, but they aren't as good.

                      Gotta go!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Hi guys,
                        KB - sorry you had a rough night - just keep plugging away - you will win over the Beast.

                        Greeny - keep going girl, you are doing amazing in this hard time.

                        Everyone else, you sound positive which is great! I too am positive today - had another AF/NF night last night so am now on day 3 and I will not drink tonight. I still am not sleeping but I feel very good despite that - I can almost feel my lungs and my liver thanking me......I want to keep this healthy sober feeling. It's a great motivator to not drink tonight, that's for sure!

                        I hope everyone has a great day whatever their goals,

                        Love and Hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          Sounds like everyone is going right along! Uni - great news on day 3. I can't believe I let freaking stress do me in. o2m posted a wonderful post yesterday on the AF Army thread and I think I need to print it out. Very touching. I want to stop this thing. I really do. Thinking of the Topa but I am afraid I will become even more of an airhead than I am now. If that is possible! Great thoughts and happy feelings to all of you

                          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            Morning All,

                            Made it through my meeting with the Ex last night. Made sure I only had one beer in the frig for when I got home ... and I really don't care for beer and only drank 1/2 half of it before heading to bed. Had two martinis with him. So not a great day, but still some success. At least the "meeting" is off of my plate. Bittersweet, but I happy it happened and I feel a bit more resolved about it all and able to focus more on MY healing here now. Trying hard to move through the sad feelings without buying any wine today.

                            Funny how I flashed on how many things he said and I was thinking to myself "yep, I was really drinking that day/night". ACK. Think I am taking more blame for it all now, which I suppose is a good thing, because I should. And it is one more reason to stop this nonsense!

                            Took the Topa again last night. Still at 25mg and not quite as fuzzy this AM. That was Day 4. But I did forget my best friends name last night when I was talking to him! LOL I have warned my co-workers at my shop that I am taking "some new medication" so bare with me for a few weeks.

                            Going night kayaking tonight with a group. Then a bonfire on the beach. Will be my first time in the dark so should be quite an adventure!

                            Here's to a strong start on MWO as I ramp up on Topa and ramp down on the Ex!


                              ODAT - Wednesday

                              Hi ODATers!

                              Gosh you all sound so busy but very up beat. I ache a bit today after the Step Aerobics yesterday - is that a sign I shouldn't do any more or that I should do more???

                              Bessie, I think your 7 days AF a month is brilliant and as you say that all adds up to 3 months (obviously a Maths boffin). Have agreed with husband that we need to keep at least 3 days a week AF cos otherwise it just gets silly (and sick and expensive and really not a very good idea) so here goes. It is going to be a lot easier with him doing it as well.

                              Keep it ODAT


