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Anyone on Day1

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    Anyone on Day1

    Just wondering if anyone else here is on Day 1. I am and am just curious.

    Anyone on Day1

    Hi! MM!

    I am on day 3 but I'm having trouble with excessive thirst. I am worried about my kidneys and or liver, but the amazing thing is that with taking the Kudzu (and combination of the other drugs) I don't feel like drinking much. I hope its a result of the supplements and not a fluke, kwim?

    In any case, I *think* I am going to continue, but I just feel like crap! Can't get enough water in me and I am all bloated and my back hurts.

    I know - what a whiner eh? LOL!

    I wish you the BEST of luck with this program... I am hoping it's what we both need. I really need to start the hypnotherapy this week too... .have you got the CDs?



      Anyone on Day1

      Hi MM,

      I guess I would qualify. I have had so many ups and downs I have been afraid to start "counting" yet. But I am a fellow Mom, we can buddy up if you want. Or just stick around and keep reading and posting. A lot to be learned here.
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Anyone on Day1

        Hi moderateinMi,
        That sucks your having so many problems. Hopefully they're short lived side effects. I haven't got the CD's. I'm not sure I will. Unless you come back and say they totally work.. I would keep drinking water.
        Hi akgirl,
        That's a cool idea being buddies. I had 4 beers in my house and just poured them down the sink. I'm counting and hope I can get some numbers going. We'll see. My cravings sneek up on me and are very convincing.


          Anyone on Day1

          Hi MM,

          (I think of the little candy when I type that ) I sent you a PM. Keep in touch. I'll help anyway I can. Your in good hands here. :l
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            Anyone on Day1

            Hi MM
            I to am on day one yet again. This is my first posting although i have been lurking around for a while. Keep thinking I can do it alone BUT I CAN'T. I love being sober but when that niggle to drink hits me I can't seem to push it away. This is my second time around. Gave up with AA for8 years but can't face going back. Any advice on what to do when that want for a drink hits, for me it is around 5 in the afternoon half an hour before i finish work & by the time I leave work it has completely taken over my mind. HELP!


              Anyone on Day1

              Welcome Whoosh --- 5:00 pm was also my trigger time. It is very hard initially to get past that, but once you do for a few days .... with determination and support from here... you will find it easier each day. I found what worked for me at first was pouring cranberry juice and soda in my favourite wine glass and sipping on that. Lately, I've switched to diet tonic/lime juice/lots of ice.
              I would manage about 4 days AF, and then a slip, but got right back at it and each time I did, it was easier. Perseverence and determination and posting here to gather strength is what has helped me immensely.



                Anyone on Day1

                Hey woosh,
                I totally understand it taking over your mind. Thats why I give in. I get sick of it taking over my mind. I too quit with AA for 5 years. I stopped AA after a year and stayed sober for 4 more. I live in a small town now and theres no way I could go to AA here. I don't want anyone in my business. I like what newday says about sipping cranberry juice. I think that no matter what if I keep really trying I'll get it. I will never give up.


                  Anyone on Day1

                  It seems that I am always on day one -- I just wish I could snap out of it...


                    Anyone on Day1

                    :thanks:Thanks newday & mm. Its 5pm here & Im getting ready to go home from work determined not to drink tonight. Its great just knowing that someone else understands. The cranberry Juice & soda sounds like a great idea. Just want to get through tonight AF.


                      Anyone on Day1

                      Hey Whoosh ---- I'm back from the gym and grocery shopping ...... how are u doing? Got that AF drink in your hand? After dinner, maybe break your routine ... go for a nice walk, out to a movie, etc.
                      Just remember, it does get easier, but you have to want this. Have you got L-Glutamine and Kudzu? Those are the only supplements I'm taking from the MWO program, and seems to be working in cutting out the desire for AL (most of the time ..haha!)


                        Anyone on Day1

                        Hi everyone,
                        I am on on day 6 and you all can get here too, I know I told MM yesterday about the L-glut, it seemed to work for me last night. I am getting worried as the bad storm is supposed to hit Austin on Sat. and being cooped up is going ot be hard. There is a liquor store right at the entrace of our subdivision. I may be pouring the L-glut powder in my mouth, wonder how much I can have . We can all be buddies and get through this. This site has great support if we keep posting. I still have 2 hours at work and the day is going slow. Keep up the good work, we can beat this beast!!


                          Anyone on Day1


                          Curious how you made it home from work? It's just 15 minutes from my usual start time and I need to pick up the kids from school. I usually stop at the store to pick up my wine before I get them.

                          I almost want to leave my wallet home so there is no excuse.


                            Anyone on Day1

                            Had to change my mood...was doing fine all day until I have to go get the kids. I don't even feel like drinking but know that I will probably stop at the store out of sheer habit.


                              Anyone on Day1

                              yoga girl, take some L-glute before you get in the car, once you past the store and are at home you are safe, you can break the habit. I have made it to day 6 AF and the liquor store is right at the entrance of my subdivision. YOu can do it!

