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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning all

    Another AF night under my belt. Good

    Another day of hard work and DIY. Not so good. Still the 'reward' tonight is a trip to the cinema (if we're not too tired!)

    Not in a terribly good mood as I REALLY don't want to spend the day doing DIY but feel I must as hubby has been really doing loads and we now have a deadline of Friday to meet so I must do my bit. Once it's all done we should be freed up to do other stuff.....other work but different!

    Anyway, this is exactly the sort of day I might be tempted to drink at the end of but I won't as I am really getting into my month off and enjoying the improved energy levels, reduced cravings and lots of zeros in my drink tracker. My one night 'off' this week wasn't enough to spoil that feeling so if you are reading this and thinking about getting a good run of days AF but are finding it hard to start, just get over that initial hump and it will get easier and the benefits will be tangible and enjoyable.

    Love to all to come

    bessie xx

    ODAT - Thursday

    What ya going to watch Bessie?
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      ODAT - Thursday

      Hi Bessie, Cymru and all to come

      Yes all those AF nights add up to more energy and a great sense of well being. Have to keep reminding myself of that. You asked yesterday what a Debs was Bessie. I think the full name is Debutante, its where the girls finish school and have a Debs Ball in the September after the exams where they invite somebody and there is a big sit down meal etc. The parents and the girls come to the school first for a cheese and wine reception and then they wave the young ones off as they go the venue in their stretch limo's, hummers, etc. The dresses were amazing, very entertaining watching them.

      I'm off to the cinema today as well to see Mama Mia, its meant to be very good so looking forward to it. Day 11 and still taking it ODAT.



        ODAT - Thursday


        I'm not one to buy DVD's (usually rent - plus, rarely see a movie more than once...) --- but I think I will buy Mama Mia. If I ever had a "down" day... just put that on for big Smile!

        I was just thinking how good I am at GIVING advice... but not so good at TAKING it (whether my own or someone else's)!

        I'm Trying DAY 1 today. Almost afraid to say it... because I'm going on interview in a bit, and I've "always" rewarded myself with a drink (or 4!) afterwards as a reward thing.

        I don't understand how I did almost 40 days just a couple weeks ago... And now I feel so weak. I'm trying to remember the good stuff about being sober, but!

        Oh well. Wish me luck on interview, anyway. (DESPERATELY need a job!!!)
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - Thursday

          Afternoon everyone

          Still battling on - rather baffled by the colour of the sky today (seems to be BLUE) and a yellow thing shining down as well - weird!

          Have been busy with lots of paperwork ugh - also had to unblock the washing machine! What a lovely day.

          Stick with it ODATers



            ODAT - Thursday

            Tis Ripple...i have more notches on my belt as well. this is feeling pretty damn good finally...on my way to the skin doctor for some loving to me!!! :heart:laster::lipstick: ... maybe a forehead lift??? why not??? gotta have something fixed this winter .... let it be the front of the head completely!!! in and out...


              ODAT - Thursday

              Good Morning or Afternoon to all (morning here) --- "enjoying the improved energy levels, reduced cravings and lots of zeros in my drink tracker. My one night 'off' this week wasn't enough to spoil that feeling so if you are reading this and thinking about getting a good run of days AF but are finding it hard to start, just get over that initial hump and it will get easier and the benefits will be tangible and enjoyable."

              Bessie --- this struck home with me ..... getting over the hump and having a good run at it. Previously, I'd only done 1 or 2 days AF, but in the past month I've had lots of good runs of 4 or 5, with each one getting easier. From Sept. 1 till now, I've only had 2 slips, and thankfully, they didn't turn into binges like they used to. I'm feeling SOOOO much better now and love this feeling of clear-headed and more energy. I have to keep fighting off those desires to have a glass of wine in the evening .... but finding it easier to say "No" by pouring a tonic and lime and sipping on that.

              ODAT is working for me! Thanks everyone for the encouragement I've found here.:l


                ODAT - Thursday

                Hi everyone,

                ODAT is working for me too - it's true, once you get over the initial start it is easier.

                Day 4 AF for me and Day 3 NF. I start my NF medication Saturday morning (the one I can't drink on) so I have to get to day 5 AF so I can start the medication. That makes today and tomorrow pretty easy for me to accomplish because I have a goal.

                Congrats to everyone else and hope that everyone meets their goals today.

                Love and Hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  "ODAT is working for me too - it's true, once you get over the initial start it is easier."

                  This really is true. The "rewards" system, the triggers, the does get easier. One day at a time really adds up. Be patient my friends!!

                  And have a great day!:h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Morning all,

                    I guess I am making a bit of progress. Day 5 of Topa and I did hold it to 3 glasses of wine yesterday. Major for me. Then again, I was kayaking in the dark until 9:00PM! What a hoot.

                    Congrats to all of you doing so well here. I am right behind you ... ramping up. Feeling much stronger and hopeful today. Oh, and less sad over the Ex since I did not drink myself to slepp last night =) Amazing how that works!


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Good day eveybody!!

                      Lots of positive people out there!!! WoW!!! Feeling ok today myself, although i did drink some wine on tuesday night - that testy day 3!!! ah well - AF last night and tonight as well - that's the plan - then it's into a busy weekend.

                      I assume you have had sunshine over the other side of the ocean today?? It is a glorious sunny day today here on the prairie, breezy and lovely - I think I will go for a walk during the afternoon coffee break time today to enjoy the warm air before winter sets in!!! I've finished one presentation for my upcoming conference and must send it off to the printers, but I have a feeling I have a progress report to prepare for a committee meeting...... Hmmmm..... I had better look into that - only a week to get something put together!

                      Enjoy the movies tonight - I think I will have to see Mama Mia too - although my BF does not seem to want to. I'm sure if I ask him nicely, he will accompany me - maybe tomorrow night!!!

                      Have a great AF evening ODATers!
                      xoxo Peanut


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Hi Peanut ---- yes, it was a glorious day here too. My hubby's birthday, and every year it seems the sun shines on this day.
                        Momma Mia was great --- must say I enjoyed the stage performance better though ... I guess there's no comparing live theatre to a movie. Still I did enjoy it. My hubby came with me, but made me promise not to tell anyone we know that he did. I think he enjoyed it too..... but it is really a chick flick.
                        I was "this close" to having a glass (or 2) of wine tonight ... asked hubby if he wanted wine with dinner for his birthday, but he said no, because he wanted to go for a motorcycle ride after dinner. I ride too, but didn't want to go tonight ... I think I was hoping for that wine to be opened, but glad that we didn't.
                        Just waiting for him to come back to surprise him with his favourite chocolate cake.
                        Have a good evening, those of you in the West.

