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Difficult to go past 21 days...

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    Difficult to go past 21 days...

    Hello - I have tried this before twice. I start off with the supplements and do fine for a while and then get lazy with the supps. I think they make me tired and lethargic. Might that be simply withdrawal that makes me feel tired? Also the 2 times I tried to go AF I also tried to eat a pretty healthy diet. Do folks find it best to eat whatever and just focus on the AF part of wellness? I read on another thread that some allowed themselves some sweet treats to help with motivation.
    Would some kind soul tell me. exactly. what. to. do.

    Difficult to go past 21 days...

    Hi Sasha, don't give up, you can do this. I had a near meltdown on day 22 I think. Everyone on here pulled me up and reminded me that yes, there will be days you feel like crap. Just go with it. Indulge yourself. Eat what you want (within reason). I personally didn't give up sugar/sweets. In fact, I always said I wasn't a sweets person. Well, that was because I was getting my fill from the alcohol. Now it is my indulgence at night, to have a sundae from dairy queen and a nice iced coffee. It makes me feel like I am getting a treat for all the hard work. And it is hard, but so very worth it. Are you doing the AllOne? I take it and don't notice that I feel much better, but many people say it makes them feel great!
    I avoid Gaba & Calms Forte during the day because they enhance relaxation. That goes in my evening pile of pills
    Just don't give up. You'll find something that works for you.:l
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


      Difficult to go past 21 days...

      Hi Sasha,

      I also have been alowing myself - with in reason to have the odd treat. I especially find I need a pick-me-up between lunch and dinner.

      Stick with the program, it does work. You can always fine tune your diet once you have your AF days under your belt. Have you looked at eating foods with a low GI, they will give you lasting energy as opposed to eating a slab of choccie which will give an instant peak in your energy but also make you very tired afterwards.

      Sorry I don't know if I explained it properly, but if you google GI Foods you will come up with a list of low GI foods available in your country.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Difficult to go past 21 days...


        I don't think anyone can tell you exactly what to do, but we can share our experiences.
        I went through a period of extreme fatigue and headaches. I think this was my body trying to heal itself. I also quit smoking. I have "played around" with the supplements to fit my own needs. There are some like River mentioned that will make you tired. I am one that believes the allone helps me with energy--so does exercise!! Something else I did when I first started was try to detox my body. I drank detox teas, took colon cleansing products and spent a lot of time in the sauna.
        At first (and sometimes now) I pretty much ate whatever I wanted. It was better than drinking and smoking. In the process I learned that hunger was one of my major triggers. As long as I kept snacking I didn't WANT to drink. Dove chocolates in the freezer are now a staple for me, and when I want something salty I reach for some nuts. I did lost weight, especially in my face, because I wasn't taking in all those beer calories any more!
        Hang in there, you can do this!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Difficult to go past 21 days...

          I think your main priority needs to be AF. But a good diet supports that. You feel like you are taking care of yourself and you don't get blood sugar swings that make you crazy. I have to disagree about giving yourself food as a regular treat. Sounds very similar to drinking to me! Some people get overeating problems after quitting drinking.

          You could have things like dark chocolate in moderation and fruits. Have sweeteners that don't raise blood sugar, like natural Agave nectar (health food shops) and things made for people with diabetes. South Beach diet recommends artificial sweetener with splenda, I know this is controversial but it does taste good. I have it in moderation.

          I keep lowfat, low-carb fudgcicles and skinny cow desserts in my freezer and choc pudding with splenda (50 cals) in my fridge,


            Difficult to go past 21 days...

            I agree with Nancy, Skinny cow makes some yummy ice cream desserts, there are also sugar free puddings and some 100 calorie pack snacks that are still fairly healthy. You don't want to end up with another problem of being too over weight because that is bad for our bodies as well. There are supplements that can help with sugar cravings as well. Good luck!


              Difficult to go past 21 days...

              Hi Sasha,
              When I went AF I made up a healthy sweet treat. It is granola with a (dark) chocolate & peanut butter coating. I have posted the recipe in that section, The World's Best Granola. You can put anything you like in your granola. It only has the sugar from the peanut butter in it, so it is not too sweet, but also doesn't form those crunchy clumps some people like. The tart cranberries, salt and sweet make a combination I love. Use natural peanut butter to avoid those awful trans fats.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

