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home detox

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    home detox

    So I'm trying to detox again, alone. Stupid I know, but I don't have any other option at the moment. Toughintexas did call 911 for me, but the place they wanted to take me doesn't do detox and they didn't know where else to take me and neither did I.
    I'm sweaty and shaky and it sucks. I can't sleep to save my life. I recently chatted with a friend in Pamplona who owns a bar. He is on day 15 of sobriety. We were big drinking buddies and one time roommates. He's probably my soul mate but I just wasn't attracted to him. How shallow can you get? He's now married to the girl he moved to Spain to be with. She's as crazy as him, but was the reason he was able to open his own bar. She's an architect.
    Anyway, he was able to detox without medical supervision, so that's encouraging. He's 33 and drank pretty much his whole life and heavily. He also had a bad coke addiction. So he detoxed from 2 things. So if he can do it, I can too, right?
    Well, I've been pming Chelle12 pretty regularly for moral support. She is great to talk to as we both suffer from an eating disorder and severe wine abuse. I don't have the support system that she does unfortunately. My parents kicked me out and although they are paying my bills right now, it won't be long before they stop and I'm out on the streets. Any words of encouragement are welcome.
    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.

    home detox

    I have sent you messages before -- we are in the same state. You can look in the Yellow Pages or online for AA where you are. They might be able give you advice as to whether or not you need medical help. It sounds like you are young, so you might not need that. The sweats and shakes (if not too severe) go away after a couple days.

    Please PM me and you can get thru this.

    Take care,


      home detox

      If you would like to chat, I am there now, OK?


        home detox

        i did the home detox too had no one to help me.. i did it for myself and i am now almost 11 months sober and 9 years drug free and you sound like you dont want to lose anymore then you already have .. well it all come down to you .. you have to really want this .. for yourself just do your best and dont give up it will be hard but just like life there is nothing easy .. and the one thing that is easy is making that first step and moving forward to a better life sober.. good luck you can do this .. we are all here for you
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          home detox

          Rachalita, first of all have you tried just using Valerian (OTC Herbal). The "calming" dose is one pill in morning and one in evening. It's also used as a sleeping pill 2 pills in evening.

          I find for me, it zones me out a bit just like the old flu pills used to do. But for me it really helped with shakes. I've found zoning out the first 3-4 days seems to work best. It's not my favorite, and I seem to be doing it often lately. But it gets me past the worst part.

          Your parents will welcome you back when you are sober, starting tomorrow. What would you do in their shoes? They are doing what they can to help you.

          Not sleeping is par for the course, so just celebrate it! Your body, like mine, has become way accustom to alcohol based stupor in place of sleep. It takes some time for the body to go back to the natural way. It's just part of the process. Relax about that.

          I definitely hear you. I've spent much of my last three years in alcohol stupor. My favorite is doing 2-3 strong drinks every four hours, 24x7 for days on end. At that point, there's no need to shop, because there's no hunger, and also it feels good.

          Except for one thing. You get a blinding headache that won't go away, sinusitis up the kazoo, and really stupid people who are "from the other side" will win the election.

          So that's a real notice to sober up, peel the tin foil off the windows, begin to understand that morning is a time for engaging the day, and not time for another drink (this was actually my problem, not yours). It's a time to realize that really obnoxious people from all walks of life spend their evenings enjoying themselves, and not hovering over a bottle, and their mornings interested and engaged in the world, and not recovering and wondering if they are going to be sick.

          You are doing great just to be here on the forum. Just chatting makes a huge difference for all of us. Keep it up, and let's work out the issues from the sober side of your brain.


            home detox

            Remember to take lots of vitamins, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin B and drink water and juice. Good Luck.
            Enlightened by MWO


              home detox

              wow - well said. Nobel prize just there...
              Hundi x
              __________________________________________________ _

              Insert something witty and utterly hillarious here .............


                home detox

                Rachelita, Hi! Listen to everyone here, you wont get better advice than that!
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  home detox

                  I can't get to an open store right now to get valerian or all those vitamins unfortunately. Which sucks because I'm in full blown withdrawl. I'm holed up on my bed watching Ace of Cakes on Foodnetwork.
                  The shakiness isn't as bad if I'm engaged, mentally, in something that interests me. I love most cooking shows, it just gets hard during commercial breaks. I try to find other shows during that time. That 70's Show is the current backup. Unfortunately it's a rerun I've seen several times already.Here come more sweats.
                  It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                    home detox

                    hang in there hun, you are doing great. Just remember it wont last forever OK?
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      home detox

                      Rach, i live by myself and am doing it by myself. Its not easy, but were all here to help, so if you need to keep your mind occupied, come on and talk. Wine was my addiction. White wine, and gallons of it. I also smoked way too much weed, which caused terrible paranoia. I was a mess to be honest, but im getting it together slowly. Day 13, and im feeling so much better, though im not sleeping either!
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        home detox


                        So are you a chef or something? I used to love cooking. Now I can't afford any good foods.
                        It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                          home detox

                          My parents used to own restaurants, so ive been involved in catering all my life. Cooking is so much fun. Think of that as a motivational thing. The money you spent on booze, in time you will be able to spend on ingrediants to make something nice!
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            home detox


                            Glad you are on here and posting. I am not sure how bad your withdrawals are but if they get really bad, go to the ER. I know you have no money and insurance but they cannot turn you away.

                            If you think you can get through them without medical help, then do as stated, drink lots of water. More than you want.

                            Get the vitamins when you can. A good multi and Super B's are critical. Our bodies do not absorb the vitamins because of the alcohol damage to our tummies and liver.

                            Take the vitamins with some bread or crackers.

                            Once you get past this stage, you will slowly get better and better. One day, you will realize you are sleeping well, you are feeling good and you are no longer anxious or depressed. It is amazing.

                            Good luck and keep posting so we know you are okay. All of us worry when someone is going through withdrawal alone.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              home detox

                              That's odd, I know I posted here first thing this morning - bloody gremlins at work again!!

                              Rachael, how are you doing???? Thinking of you:-)
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

