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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Well I don't know what happened yesterday either!!:H I didn't really have time to log on much and even less time to actually post. I'm busy looking at other forums atm as I'm looking at getting another rescue lurcher and think I have found just the one! More later maybe.

    Anyway, if you've found this thread, post on it and let us all know how you are doing. Al really got hold of me yesterday - bugger it! I had a choice - I made the wrong one and I knew it as I made it. But I'm back on track today.

    Been up since 5.30am updating my website as I've got an ad coming out in a big national paper today - probably on about page 136 of the supplement and the size of a postage stamp but if it results in some interest and bookings it will have been worth it! Better get on. Working day today too.

    Love to all.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Saturday

    Good luck with your ad.

    I've got a "date" with my spouse hiking in the mountains.

    I'm so excited to move beyond my narrow life that AL defined me in. I swear my AL self was content just to rest in the bedroom for the rest of my life. Thank goodness the constant headaches got me searching online for solutions.

    A-Hiking it will be. Tra-la-la.


      ODAT - Saturday

      This will be my big day 2 AF. Again. Starting over from scratch. I've got a big glass of ice water and a cup of hot green tea by my side. And the My Way Out book. And this forum. And supplements. And the CDs. And a bit more hope than I had yesterday. Some fun stuff to do with the kids which I'm looking forward to. Take care, all.
      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        ODAT - Saturday

        Hi all hope you are well nothing really going on except i changed the oil in the car very exciting and cleaned the shed out keeping busy helps. Took my daughter to the park she shot her first goal with the basketball the smile from her face priceless. take care all

        Ps hope the add works well bess


          ODAT - Saturday

          Anyway, if you've found this thread, post on it and let us all know how you are doing. Al really got hold of me yesterday - bugger it! I had a choice - I made the wrong one and I knew it as I made it. But I'm back on track today
          Bessie, you said it all in one sentence. You are amazing.

          We have a choice. Let's make the right one. Today.

          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT - Saturday

            Good attitude Bessie, you are very inspiring! I'm having trouble loggiing in on my computer still so just using my sisters again.
            Had a trial of a week, my 3 year old had a 2 day sickness bug- had to was both sofa covers , 3 loads of bedding and lost count of how many sets of clothes! Thankfully I didn't get it (well not yet!) Boys both off school too.
            Glad to reach the weekend! Had some drink on Thur but other than that its been going well. Take care all and hope to be back soon
            Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
            Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
            For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


              ODAT - Saturday

              Good Morning All
              I hope your child feels better soon, Evie. Last night was tough to stay AF. Had dinner and coffee with my Ex-fiance while he poured out all of his regrets, then picked up my much struggling girlfriend for an AA meeting. She baled out on the meeting after 15 mins. The Ex wants to rekindle things, but I am not ready for that. He is sober over two years now. He knows that I have been struggling. I came home and threw some L-Glut under my tongue and made it through the rest of the night AF. I am going to try and make some good solid sober plans for today. I wish the best to all.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                ODAT - Saturday

                Hi to all,

                Here it is the weekend, and a weak time. But I have a golf lesson set for 3PM so that will give me a reason to hold for the day at least.

                Had a date last night and actually did pretty well considering we went outto listen to music, First night of moving up to 50mg of Topa. Still not sure if anything has really changed, but I have a good mindset about it all. Far less than 1/2 of what I was drinking after only one week .. so I am on my way. =)
                Can't wait to get those AF days going!

                Have a strong goal for this evening and I AM going to stick to it!


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Dear Evie -

                  Stomach bugs are the WORST and very contagious..yuk. I hope you are spared, too.

                  Dear all -
                  Hubby is trying to go AF now too. He is having bad withdrawals, but is doing better than he thought he would (I expected him to try to mod right out of the gate, but he is about day 5 AF and less grouchy). Can only get better.

                  Thanks for all your posts. Keep up the good fight.


                  AF since Aug 25, 08


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Hi everyone

                    Extremely busy week-end so just popping in for a quick hello. Day 13 and so far so good. Had 10 hours sleep last night which is unheard of for me so feeling much better today.

                    Enjoy the rest of the weekj-end everyone.



                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Quickie here too. Busy with icky paperwork. But I can't stand doggie hair one more minute so I have to vacuuum a bit. My vac never used to start without a beer, now it's tea. I'm makiing some new sun tea today. Decaf green tea with ginger slices in it that I will sweeten with agave. Hope it's good.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Hello people!!! i am good. full of fricken food...i feel like a walking elephant. this eating has to stop!!! back on them damn double chocolate donuts. however, i have no desire to drink. :thanks:


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          HI!!! Just popping in for a quick hello. Everybody seems so busy today!! It is beautiful outside and I WILL FINISH THE PAINTING!!!!! I have my roller out, paint in the tray and am ready to go (so why am I here?? - such a procrastinator!!)

                          Ripple - kitties to give away??? I would love one, but may have to get one more locally!! My cat is 19 and becoming more and more demented. Where the heck did you get that pic of the cat with the braid on its head!!! I loved that one.

                          So I just can't seem to convince my BF to go see Mama Mia with me. Go figure!!! He won't even humour me!! I may have to go with my gal pal when we are in Hawaii - I'll have to ask her.

                          OK - have a fabulous day today everybody. Keep busy and be happy, mods or AF!
                          xoxo Peanut


                            ODAT - Saturday

                            My day used to never start without some sort of so sad, but true many a day!
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

