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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning all

    Thought I'd just jump start the thread though I know Sunday is a quiet day.

    I really struggled with the Al argument (you know, the one that goes round and round in your head, despite yourself!!) last night but I won it!! :goodjob: Even though I actually ended up in shop selling alcohol at the peak of the arguement/craving - I bought a paper only and came away. The craving subsided, as I knew it would and I was happy with water for the rest of the evening. Feeling very glad this morning that I did.

    So let's deal with today now. I have no intention of drinking and every intention of going to bed early. Why not state yours on here too - it makes it more real.

    Love to all to come

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Sunday

    Chau! (Latvian)

    Though AF yesterday, I didn't make progress with my required paperwork. But this store was closing and I procured some cool things at 70% off so I managed to part with a chunk of cash. Really nice woman ran it and I'm sorry to say I never knew it was there. The universe sent me a sign a while back but I parked it on the back burner. (Why can't I learn to pay attention to those?) She has to close it because her helpers went back to college and the demands of another business and some scheduled surgery were too much. Said she may get back into it at a later time as it was her passion. What a difficult decision that must have been.

    Hubby called & woke me up to come over and borrow some money (grrrr). Then my dad called twice in the middle of the night. I didn't answer the phone because last time he did that it was about a birthday present.

    My plan for today is to drink tea (the green ginger tea turned out pretty good but needs a little watering down) and water, eat well and stay focused on my homework and not self-distract which is a talent I have perfected . Tomorrow is 90 days so no possible way would I consider drinking even though divorce paperwork would certainly make one ponder a very large cold martini or three :H If any one has fun plans, feel free to feel sorry for me at my desk. :upset:

    Have a good one and good luck with your goals.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Sunday

      3 Months sober greenie you are a courageous person considering all the stuff on your plate you are one cool girl
      Thanks for helping us feel good
      love cap


        ODAT - Sunday

        Hi Guys
        Managed AF Friday and Saturday night. I was very surprised that I had no desire to drink, whatsoever, yesterday, and plenty of opportunity. So I guess today is Day 4 if I am going to start counting again. Today is tough because of Football. I have a couple of choices. I can stay here and watch the game alone, which is what I usually do. This sets up a big drinking risk. As some of you know, my ex-fiance contacted me a few days ago after not seeing him for over two years. He invited me to go out with him yesterday, but I turned him down. He has invited me today to a movie and to watch the football game with him. I am very confused about this whole situation. I know that If I hang out with him, I will stay sober, but that should not be my motivation. The weekends have been tough for me lately. I am not sure what to do. I hope you all have a Great Sunday. AF or Mod.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          ODAT - Sunday

          This is day 3 AF for me (again) and I agree with the football problem, I mean, challenge. My goal is to continue with the supplements, they're helping. The glut under my tongue saved me yesterday. Lots of water again. I'm feeling good cleaning out closets, etc. That's helping me a lot for some reason so I have a cluttered shelf in mind for today. Dinner's planned. It's raining but I'm walking for 15-20 min no matter what. (I think that's what umbrella's are for, right?). And, yes, I will watch my beloved Giants play and NOT drink AL. I'll even remember the game this way :H

          Take care, all.
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            ODAT - Sunday

            Clearing and Fall chores is what I need to do. We're Ultra-Hot for Portland Oregon today. It will be high 80s, and our norm is 72 or so as a High. Currently 7:40am and 50 degrees out, which is normal.

            The last 10 days of hot weather FINALLY ripened my tomatoes, so I get to harvest those and give to a few neighbors who don't have gardens.

            I'll work on my garden. I love my garden year round, even in the rain. I nead to trim some roses, and do a last "fall weeding" Leaf season begins soon, so clearing the garden first will make gathering the leaves easier.

            After a summer of "living" outside, it's time to revive the rooms inside. I think I'll pick through the house plants and replace about half of them. Nothing big, and I have a couple indoor plants that have been summering outside. It's just that I now find huge book and junk piles where those plants belong, and that needs clearing. And a few old "room plants" got rooted by the puppy, and I know my local store is having a sale on Kentia palms (the 6' house palms), which should look great in my Victorian style rooms.

            Someone posted a link to "the mindfull way" so I'm going to try to meditate. I can't imagine doing it during the week. Between starting work at 6am, and handling business and customers, and employees, you think I can take 20 minutes to "listen to my breathing"? After work I race home, walk the dogs, and get dinner ready, listen to the news and go to bed (early, because I get up early).

            Anyway, I'm hoping this afternoon to try to zone out and listen to my breathing for 20 minutes. Haha, we'll see if that works! Does anyone do this? How can you fit in "quiet" to a busy schedule?


              ODAT - Sunday


              Finally, something I feel I can help with! I strongly recommend the book "* Minute Meditation" by Victor Davich. It's another committment but well worth it. You practice for 8 minutes a day, with his guidlines, and it really works. It's a quick read, too, which I always like. I hope this helps :thumbs:
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                ODAT - Sunday

                Good morning!

                Feeling ycky-ish, although my BF brought me breakfast in bed. Such a sweetie - and he is even sick with a cold. I was up way too late watching movies and drank Hungarian wine too. I really have to try the L-Glut under the tongue. Does it really help???? I really want to make it through my WHOLE work week without drinking. I seem to have gained back a few lb - probably because I have been drinking some wine a few days a week - this must stop!!!!! I feel so darn weak!! Why oh why?!?

                I am going to get that Minute Meditation book - I've been wanting to try something like that for ages, so that might just be the ticket.

                So, is it raining on the east coast and hot on the west? (NY vs Portland?) Glorious outside here and I did not finish up the painting yesterday, but today is the day. One last job to do and I can put all my brushes and trays and ladders away. So here I go!

                Great day to everybody!
                xoxo Peanut

                ps. Greenie - congrats on 90 days!!!! Wow!!! You are an inspiration!! Truly!


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Oh Peanut, when i drink i must sleep for burns me out so bad. so i STOPPED...

                  Hello MWO'ers... happy sunday to all and a monday as well. ... stay away from poision. :H


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Happy Sunday ODATs,

                    Had a pretty good weekend, but allowed myself an extra glass of wine last night and I'm paying for it today. Now will need to go AF for many days to get my mojo back. Think I may need to relisten to my cd's. Don't have it figured out just yet. I'm tapering off the Campral because I thought I was ready, but if I'm challenged this week I'll go right back on. I think it works similar to L-glut, so will see if this was a Saturday night thing or there's more going on. Will let ya'll know. Congrats to Bessie for winning the fight - and you, too, Sea (I'm watching the Pats as I type! Hope Matt can rise to the occasion). And Greenie, to be on the cusp of 90 days while going through a divorce is nothing short of amazing. You are one committed woman. Did you actually loan the hubby money? Hope you're charging interest! Hello Rips, Peanut, Becoming and Boss. Here's to an elightening week for us all!



                      ODAT - Sunday

                      Hello All,

                      Sorry for not being able to post for awhile...busy the last few mum is not well so sort of been living half out of her house and half out of busy too and kids back at school/playschool. I also thought I needed a break from here, there was quite a bit of negative stuff going on a few weeks back and it certainly did not make me feel like logging in but i also know I have missed here, just even checking back in here tonight and seeing familar names has made me feel better. I would love to say I have not been drinking but I have but also not much compared to past times so for that at least I am thankful.

                      Hope all are well and love you all
                      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                        ODAT - Sunday

                        Almost too late to post, but thought I'd check in anyways. Sorry to say, I blew my attempt at getting past a weekend again. Felt crummy all weekend because of drinking Friday and Saturday nights.... why do I do it to myself? I felt so strongly on Thursday that I'd be able to get through the weekend AF too. However, staying sober throughout the week is huge for me, so one step at a time I guess. Will give it another go. AF today to start the week again. Wishing you all a good week.


                          ODAT - Sunday

                          New Day,

                          Every day is ODAT. It really is.

                          Take today and make it a good day. One step at a time and do the next right thing.


                          That is how it is.

                          Weekday or Weekend.

                          One day at a time.

                          Oh, and if you "blow it." We don't care. We care about you.

                          You can do this and so can we.

                          One day at a time.

                          Please do not look forward, it will mess you up. Look at today.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            ODAT - Sunday

                            Cindi --- I think what you said about not looking forward could be the key! I shall try and treat Fridays and Saturdays as just another day..... ODAT. Thanks for the advice.

