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Chantix really works for ciggs and alcohol

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    Chantix really works for ciggs and alcohol

    I am on my 4th day of Chantix. I hate to admit that I skipped the white pills and went straight for the blue with no bad side effects. I guess I was desperate to stop smoking! It's unbelievable how well it works. I was trying the patches and then tearing them off to smoke a pack a day, try again, tear it off, try again so I guess I was really ready to quit. Of course having a couple of glasses of wine by 5pm went right along with my addict personality. Well let me tell you, the Wise Woman has risen. I feel empowered and proud of myself even though we went to a party last night, I attempted to have a glass of wine and IT DID NOTHING, NOTHING...SO WHY BOTHER.

    I'm just going to take one more week and wean myself off slowly and hope for the best. Has anyone else wean themselves off Chantix before the time they should and been successful? Thanks for the encouragement! Maxi

    Chantix really works for ciggs and alcohol

    Hi maxi
    That is great that it works for you. I found it a great help too but I dont think it is a magic cure for smoking and drinking - if it was sure we would all be on it. Four days or even 2 weeks is not likely to break either the cigs or the drink addiction and when I got the pills the doctor said 3 months was the standard length of time required to give it a good kick. I only took the .5mg for 30 days and just halved it for a few days when I came off it after a month. However I was also using the other parts of this MWO program which you should also check out. Just be careful with those tablets as I am sure you know they have had bad rap particulary for people who may suffer depression (a good lot of people with AL problems do suffer from depression) so you should follow the recommendations on the packet as I am sure they are put there for a reason. But well done so far and good luck.

