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cold turkey

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    cold turkey

    hi all... someone tell me to shut up if i write too much.. for at least the past 8 years, i've drank pretty much a 12 pack every night, and on the weekends really go nuts (25-40).. i've tried to quit about 3 times, once going almost a month, the latest, about 3 weeks... my problem isn't the first week or so, but sometime after that.. i have been (trying to look cool here) AF since friday night.. no problem at all (except for sleeping, but i expected that).. my problem is worrying about that certain time in the future when i all of a sudden submit to the beast again... for me anyway, it's all mental.. the other times i've quit, i went at it all on my own.. i'm thinking this forum might be a good thing to try.. anyone with any advise on the mental aspect of this sucker?...

    cold turkey

    Welcome, IWant, you'll get tons of advice and info here. Have you read the MWO book? Do you have some ideas about what aspects of the program you would like to start out with? The most important things, in my mind are: determination to get the alcohol abuse out of your life, whatever it takes; and making a commitment to a workable plan.

    best wishes,



      cold turkey

      Welcome Wanto..This forum is a great place to get support...Have you tried Antabuse???? it won't let you drink and it it is a good tool,especially in the early days..It makes you think before you can drink and gives you time to rethink if ALs is really what you can buy it on line from Riverpharmacy...It has been a GOD SEND for me and many others...
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        cold turkey

        thanks wip... no, i haven't read the book.. wonder if that is something i should do after week 1?.. i do have the determination.. but as far as a plan goes., i guess just not to drink would be as close as i would be..


          cold turkey

          evielou.. does that stuff make you sick if you drink?... by the way, thank you..


            cold turkey

            Hello and Welcome
            I am also a big time beer drinker. I had a lovely reputation for out drinking the men. The beast is always lurking. I went ten years without AL and then allowed it to take me over again. For me, it is One Day at A Time. I can't think about anything beyond that. I did read the MWO book and I take many of the supplements. I find the L-Glutamine to be extremely helpful. I poured some under my tongue on Friday night when I got a strong craving, and it saved my butt. For me it's hugely mental too. I have the uncanny ability to completely forget how badly I feel after drinking 12 plus beers. This forum has been very helpful. I hope u will stick around.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              cold turkey

              i think i've drank so many beers that i forgot that i feel bad.. gotten used to it i guess.. i just know that i have to stop or it will kill me... sorry for being stupid, but the L-Glutamine suppresses your cravings?.. if so, that would be another thing i should try after my initial "by god i can do it" wears off...


                cold turkey

                You are not stupid. I drove people crazy with all my questions when I first got started. We are here for you. I buy the L-Glutamine capsules 1500mg. I take two a day, between meals. If I get an intense craving, I pour half a capsule under my tongue. I was skeptical, but was amazed at the results. Keep asking questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked. I will be here alot today. I am not working today and am trying very hard not to go out and buy beer, and being here helps. I will help you in anyway that I can.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  cold turkey

                  Sorry for being an Airhead. lol. Yes, the L-Glut is for cravings.
                  To answer an earlier question: Antabuse will make you very ill if you drink AL with it in your system. I cannot use it because I am a Nurse and I am always touching alcohol prep pads.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    cold turkey

                    You'll find lots of good advice here. Like you, I am a 10 to 12 beer a day man. I've been around this site for a couple of years and still have this problem. Last year I had about 56 days AF, not so good this year. I progressed from a six-pack everyday to where I am now.
                    I have been using Kudzu and the L-Glutamine. It certainly helps when I take it and the shot of L-Glut under the tongue can prevent the cravings.
                    Again, like you, my problem is mental. As some folks have said "I don't have a drinking problem, I have a thinking problem".
                    Back to day 1 for me.
                    Hope you do well,
                    Love and Peace,

                    Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                      cold turkey

                      thanks seacailin.. hey, i'm a libra too... at lunch, i'm going to buy some.. from what i've read from other folks, i guess i should buy some B vitamins too..


                        cold turkey

                        Libra here too.
                        Love and Peace,

                        Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                          cold turkey

                          dang phil... 56 days is like double what i've accomplished... glad to know i'm not the only "mental" patient.. although, i wish neither of us were...


                            cold turkey

                            something about Libra i wonder???...


                              cold turkey

                              lol, another Libran!!

                              Welcome Iwantto!!

                              Reading the book is definetly the begining, from there you can determine your goal plan.... whether you want to use meds or just the supps. The MWO program can be adjusted to suit your needs and requirements to a certain extent but a HUGE part is to do 30 days AF. I did things ass about face and didn't read that very important chapter in the book - was too damn excited to get going LOL>

                              Wishing you all the best.
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

