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    Hi everyone, I think I am still a newbie. I have been doing a modified version of this program while I have been waiting for the DVD's and to get some of the vitamins I ordered on line. So far I am so happy, I have been only having 1 drink or a glass of wine when i felt like it. I have even chosen to not have any because I chose not to have one. I pray every day that I will continue to be strong. I am also doing this with and for my husband. He drinks even heavier than I do and in the last few month he has really lost control. isn't it funny how you can see a problem with someone else before you do with yourself. It is hard enough to try to go AF for your self but to do it for someone else it is twice as hard. I know he can only help himself but right now I am the strong one and he needs me, maybe next week he will be the strong one and I will need him. My question tonight is, I received the DVD's and the night time one is only sounds of the ocean and so is the subliminal. Is this right? How do I know that it has anything on it. I love the hypnosis one. Can anyone answer this question?:l


    I wondered the same thing! I thought maybe I should hear something more, but no - that was it. I find the subliminal one soooo relaxing and plan on listening to it tonight. I wonder if it brings back what we learn on the hypno CD's or something. Same with the sleep learning - not sure how it all works - maybe somebody else has the answer. But whatever the answer is, I am going to try to use them all this week to help me stay AF, as I need all the help I can get!!! Good luck with the program!



      Hi Control,

      The night cd is just babbling brook sounds with a subliminal message that is picked up by your subconscious mind. The message is listed on the green sheet that comes with the cd, but essentially it is telling your head to accept the messages that you received during the hypnotic cd. The subliminal cd is ocean sounds (complete with gulls) and the underlying message is "you like listening to these cd's." They all work in conjunction with the hypnotic cd to encourage you to listen to it (subliminal) and set its message in your subconscious (sleep). The clearing cd is supposed to be listened to before the hypnotic one to clear your head of negative stuff - a little housekeeping.

      Hope this helps. I love the cd's and do find them very helpful. Good luck - sounds like you're doing great.




        Thanks guys, I just wanted to make sure that I was hearing what I was suppose to. I like to listen to the CD's, I find them very relaxing to.

