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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday


    I know it is because my clock tells me so. My body thinks it's a lie. Unfortunately my brain agrees. 3 1/2 hours sleep just doesn't get it. I had to plug away at that financial stuff until 3:30 AM. Better than paying the attorney or accountant $250 an hour to figure it out for me though. Depresing that I had a bunch of money in Merrill Lynch. Pants! I still have to write my friggin' affidavit. Hot bubble bath with a cup of tea first, though.

    Doggie has this disgusting approach to the disposal of cockroaches. In the SE USA, we grow them quite big. And they can fly. That makes me scream and do the "get it off me" dance. Doggie can catch them and she gnaws on it enough to debilitate it and rolls all over it and then eats it. She doesn't yet realize that it has a direct effect on the petting ratio. :H

    Bessie is at the spa and I'm jealous.

    Have a good day, stay awake and stay away from AL.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Greeny and all to come!

    Green, I am so proud of you. Even through all that you're going through you still sound strong - good on you girl. You are an inspiration.

    I am a little tired today as well although I slept pretty okay last night - about 6 hours straight which for me is pretty amazing. I find that if I take 3 calms forte about an hour before bed it does seem to help me.

    Was AF and NF last night and for that I am thankful. I am going to make today AF and NF as well. I need to get to day 5 so I can start taking me medication to help me quit smoking (must be 5 days no alcohol so that you don't have seizures). Once I get there the 30 days will be a breeze as I can't drink on it. Got to day 4 last week and stupid me, had some beers.........duh......

    That's okay, I'll get there this week - day 2 it is! Onward and Upward.

    Hope everyone reaches their goals today.

    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Good Morning Greenie and Uni and all to follow
      I with u Uni, Day 2 again!! I also drank some beer on Sunday, and I still feel like crap. I started to have some of the withdrawal symptoms last night that I had when I quit for 40 days in July. Scared the crap out of me. I never want to go through that withdrawal again, so I will stop right here. I know that I cannot Mod.
      Uni, I visit my Dad in Sarasota FL every winter, so I know about those cockroaches. I do the same
      On the upside, things are looking up on the job front. I have had one solid offer, and have another interview today. These positions offer health insurance, so maybe I can talk my doctor into prescribing me some Topa. She was really not familiar with it for the treatment of alcoholism. She does know about Campral. We shall see, but I am hopeful. I still need to order the Kudzu. The L-Glut is helping. I hope everyone has a Great Day!!!
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Good morning/afternoon to greenie, uni, sea and those to follow ---- day 3 (again!) for me .... have a tough time with the weekends! Did my first yoga for beginners class last night, and was it ever relaxing. Really had no desire for a drink when I came home. Going to the gym this morning to get a cardio/strength training workout. The yoga should compliment this. Have about 25 lbs. I'd like to lose (all booze weight I'm sure).
        For years now, I've been telling myself I could lose it easily, if I'd just stop drinking.... because I love my food too much, so that wasn't going to go!

        Sea ---- glad to hear about the positive news re a new job. That's great!

        Re cockroaches --- I don't see them up here in Canada, but I do believe there are some .... not as big as you describe though. I saw those biggies when visiting a friend in Sydney, Australia. They also fly --- that's how they get in the house.... fly in when the door is open. Saw a number of them and they are truly revolting. We were feeding a few of the "woodies" live to a little rescue bird my friend had ... was the birds natural diet. Some of them were too big, so she cut them in half. Tried sticking one half down the bird's throat, but the bloody thing kept crawling out! Had to turn it around to get it to go down.... disgusting how they can still live and crawl after being cut in half!


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Flying cockroaches! Yuck! Do they stink when your dog rolls on them? Are they big?? That's one bug we don't see much here, thank God!!
          I feel bad for all of you that don't sleep well. I sleep like a rock! I'm not sure if it's just that I'm so tired or the True Calm, but you might give that a try. I also take my EPO at bedtime with my Omega 3's.
          Busy life right now. Dealing with the garden produce, all the fall projects that need to be done, housework that's been neglected, and kid's activities!! This morning I'm taking the time for Bible study. First I have to run these tomatoes through the juicer, can some more green beans, finish the zucchini crisps in the dehydrator, and roast some chiles so I can make Gabby's pork chili.
          AUGGHHHH I better get busy--need to get my bike ride in yet too!!!!
          Have a great Tuesday all.
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Remember when I had that ear thing? Blood coming from right ear and MD never did really figure it out. He told me about cockroaches stuck in people's ears (particularly kids) and they get stuck cause they can't back up. They just keep going forward gnawing at your inner ear trying to get out - supposed to be excruciatingly painful. Now, that could possibly be at the top of my horridness of all time list.

            Doggie doesn't stink, but they are such nasty buggers I don't want to pet her after she rolls her neck all over one.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Tuesday

              OMG - you guys are giving me the heebie-geebies!!! Just the thought of cockroaches drives me to distraction - I have a thing about crawly insects, especially beatles!!! And that thing about the ear - ack!!! My kids used to tease me with fake cockroaches, sneak up behind me a try to put them in my ear - make me scream and run away!!!!!! Now, there is a definite benefit in this regard to living in a cold climate - keeps the creepy crawlies away!!!

              Greenie - hope you sleep a bit better tonight. And you others - on to day 2 and 3 with you. I am also on day 3 (but who's counting?!?!) Not desire to drink last night, but I didn't get to the gym either, because I felt so terrible. My BF and the two boys have had colds this past week, and I finally started to succumb last night - fever and sore throat and feeling badly and so tired. So I stayed in my kitchen and did food prep instead. I've been freezing some meals for them all for when I am gone next week - how kind, eh??? So I am in a quandery. I took some ColdFX last night. But, last time I had a cold, I did the ColdFX thing, probably too late, and all it really did was delay the cold, and I ended up getting it anyway, but a week later. I don't want to be sick next week in Hawaii, so I am thinking that I shouldn't take it and just let the cold come and get it over with. Make sense???? But I had a pretty good sleep last night, and am actually feeling a bit better today. Maybe just lots of VitC and water and sleep and I can fight it off!!! I just wish I would get the damn cold and get it over with!!!!! Oh the timing of these things!!!!

              Best get to work!! Have a great AF day today everybody!!!! I am going to see if I can make it 3 days this time!!!!
              xoxo Peanut


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Hi all Tuesday ODATs,

                Had so much work to do today, I've only left a few minutes for my online time. Of course the first place I come is the ODAT thread, and what do I see but cockroaches! Wonder if there are any anti-craving qualities to the extract of cockroaches??? Am having a good week - trying to get plenty of AF days under my belt after my less than stellar weekend.

                Sea, that's great you have a job offer. Bet some good news is going to be coming out of New Hampshire! And Greenie, any investments you have with Merrill should be fine. Even at Lehman, it's the corporate assets that are under the bankruptcy - customer accounts are in trust and I understand the SEC is on site making sure the parent company does not transfer any of the retail business $ to another division. Hope everyone's 401k does not become a 201k - best to ignore investments during times like these, otherwise ya might cry!

                Hope everyone has a fabulous week.



                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  I remember visiting my sister in Florida while in college. I woke up, hungover of course, to this crunching noise. I went out to the kitchen and there were these HUGE bugs eating the dog food in the bag. My sister called them palmetto bugs. They were big friggin' cock roaches. My visit was for 6 weeks and I didn't sleep a wink after that. Shudder!
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Cockroaches are the reason I married Mr. Jane so young. Seriously. The one and only summer I lived in a singles apartment (in a charming old Victorian house, high ceilings, wood floors, clawfoot bathtub, etc.) cured me of living alone without a MAN to kill those huge monsters! I woke up around midnight once, feeling something odd and itchy on my nose---my NOSE!!!!---and when I sleepily reached to scratch I caught a cockroach the size of a a Volkswagen Beetle hand. MY HAND!!! I screamed, thrashed around, probably threw up, and rushed to the bathroom to run cold water all over me and pray, "As God is my witness, I'll never touch a cockroach again!" When my heart stopped palpitating, I called Boyfriend Jane and said, "Let's set the date, darling!"
                    Jane Jane

