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Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

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    Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

    Thank you so much to those of you who welcomed me back. I sort of hung my head in shame (as others do, I'm sure).

    In May, I got up to nearly three pints of vodka a day. Decided to quit (yet again) and asked my doc to prescribe something to get me through detox. He agreed but by the time I got home the pharmacy had closed. I was to the point that I was drinking during the night to keep the shakes and sweats at bay. By early morning, I had precious little left. I got up, shaking and sweating and all. Decided to take my last few swigs. I threw up. Tried to drink a little water. I threw up. My shakes became full-on DTs. Someone called the ambulance for me. They couldn't get me steady enough to check my vitals and my heart. So I went to the ER. Blood was drawn. As soon as the results came back, I was immediately admitted to the hospital. My liver enzymes were way, way, way off the charts. Later I was told that if I'd had just a few more drinks, I would have been dead. I was in the hospital five days.

    I started going to AA and was abstinent, at most, a week. (You'd think the hospital would have scared me straight permanently or at least a bit longer.)

    In two or three weeks, I have an opportunity to go see my parents, sister, brothers, daughter and--most importantly--my two grandbabies (we're on different coasts). My two grandbabies (who I call grandgoobers ) are truly the light of my life I love them like no other. When my daughter moved her and them away from me in March, I thought surely I would die. (Guess I almost did.)

    Anyway, I want to get good and clean before going out there. I can't bear the thought of the grandgoobers seeing me drink. No way, no how. I want to have a clear head so that I can really pay good, lovin' attention to them.

    So sorry for the long, drawn-out story. I really have no one else to tell it to.

    On to the kudzu. Has anyone tried kudzu other than that offered by MWO? I was actually thinking of ordering the powder from Mountain Rose Herbs and making my own capsules. But it seems there's some sort of "extract" in the MWO kudzu. Does anyone know how necessary that is?

    Thanks for letting me ramble everyone. Oh, and, by the way,

    I'M ON DAY 4! Yay! (Sure can't wait to get through all these miserable shakes and sweats.)

    Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

    Hi Pink :welcome:

    That is a pretty scary story! Vodka is one of the worst! I have lost 2 friends who were vodka drinkers. I pray that you will beat this!! You have good motivation it sounds like. I love the term grandgoobers! My DH calls my kids "goomers". Anyway, I don't have a good answer on the kudzu, except I think it might be best to start with the MWO stuff first. It is called kudzu rescue and I'm pretty sure it also has milk thistle in it. There are lots of supplements out there that you probably need. If you haven't yet, read the book, and check around some of the threads, especially the holistic healing one to learn about the supplements.
    Stay with us, this program really can work!!:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

      Hey!! I have to say when i was reading your story i was like ' oh my god' Bless your heart!!! Well done on 4 days AF. Keep it up. You can do it. Do it for your grand children. They need there granny or nana (whatever you like to be called) You just need to stay strong. Good luck!! You can do this!!!!


        Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

        Welcome Back!
        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


          Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

          Wow, pinkpeppercorns! You are one lucky lady! You are doing great on day 4 AF! My real problems started when I graduated to Vodka. Whew! That will do you in. Stick with it. You have the best motivation in the world to be AF. Grandgoobers!
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

            I've been using Kudzu from a local herb store. It's just dry powder, and doesn't seem to work. MWO upped the dosage to 3 pills per day but even at that dosage, I don't feel different.

            So far I've tried:

            St Johns Wort - supposed to make you feel good, no effect for me.

            Valerian - I like it, but it zones me out a bit. I'm going to go back on it this week. I've been drinking since Saturday and need to stop.

            Milk Thistle - Just a pill.

            Kudzu - my stuff from the herb store doesn't have an effect

            5-HTP - I think this is what's giving me a sour stomach.

            Melotonin 3g- This is SUPER at getting me to sleep AF. One pill when I go to bed, and one pill at 2am when I wake up restless. This works better than 2 drinks any day.

            Ibuprofen - Yes, I actually get a bit of a buzz on this.

            It's not Kudzu that makes success. It's backbone. Keep concentrating on the goobers. Realizing the important things in life, and they are important, is the best way out.

            I ordered MWO Kudzu today. I'll report if I feel an effect. Overall I think the MWO pill schedule is really helpful. It makes sense. But it won't work without heartfelt sentiment that it's change is required, and the time to change is now.


              Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

    ;412501 wrote: I've been using Kudzu from a local herb store. It's just dry powder, and doesn't seem to work. MWO upped the dosage to 3 pills per day but even at that dosage, I don't feel different.

              Kudzu - my stuff from the herb store doesn't have an effect

              Hi PPC and

              My experience with Kudzu is it works for me for a day or two, then just seems to have no effect.

     I also first had Kudzu in powder form from a herb store, but then was told in that form in is used as a thickener in soups etc, and not the 'right kudzu' I don't know whey because I would have thought Kudzu was Kudzu but apparently not- I bought some in tablet form from a health store and in the meantime ordered of MWO too- as the MWO ones have some added stuff to make them more effective- but as I said I noticed a difference for a day or two- then nothing.

              I have since found if I stop taking it for a couple of weeks it later will have an effect- but again just for a few days.

              I also found the same with the L-Glutamine capsules I had. A few days great then nothing.

              However I recently bought some L-Glutamine POWDER to put under the tongue when a craving hits. I find this to work really well- I only use it when the craving comes.

              This is something I posted earlier in another thread:

              "...Well I took out the L-Glut powder (always make sure it is with me) and put about half a teaspoon under the tongue then read a few pages of a magazine to distract me.

              Within about 5 mins I realised it had passed but then another craving began for a large chocolatey ice cream. OK this was preferable to the beer craving- but not ideal, as I am trying not to eat any animal products, nothing with lots of sugar and nothing fattening. This one was getting stronger and stronger so I took another dose of the L-Glut- and whad'dya know?!! The ice-cream craving also went. I ended up having a peach and a banana."

              So at this moment that's my recommendation- it very much does seem to be a case of different strokes- you have to basically throw everything at it and hope something sticks and as says alot of this is determination.

              I am also currently reading 'Mindful Recovery' recommended by another member, I am finding this very helpful.

              Good Luck.


                Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

                Quite a story pink. Thank you for your honesty. You know what you need to do, and they say the first week is the worst, so your more than halfway through. Well done
                To Infinity And Beyond!!

