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Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

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    Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

    Thank you so much to those of you who welcomed me back. I sort of hung my head in shame (as others do, I'm sure).

    In May, I got up to nearly three pints of vodka a day. Decided to quit (yet again) and asked my doc to prescribe something to get me through detox. He agreed but by the time I got home the pharmacy had closed. I was to the point that I was drinking during the night to keep the shakes and sweats at bay. By early morning, I had precious little left. I got up, shaking and sweating and all. Decided to take my last few swigs. I threw up. Tried to drink a little water. I threw up. My shakes became full-on DTs. Someone called the ambulance for me. They couldn't get me steady enough to check my vitals and my heart. So I went to the ER. Blood was drawn. As soon as the results came back, I was immediately admitted to the hospital. My liver enzymes were way, way, way off the charts. Later I was told that if I'd had just a few more drinks, I would have been dead. I was in the hospital five days.

    I started going to AA and was abstinent, at most, a week. (You'd think the hospital would have scared me straight permanently or at least a bit longer.) I quickly got back up to two or two and a half pints. I wanted to stop again, but I did NOT want to go to detox. For several weeks, my doc refused to prescribe anything to get me through withdrawals. He was afraid my body was too fragile and, worse, he knew that if I drank at all while taking the meds, I'd die. After a good many calls begging and pleading, he relented. I told him, as I've told him many times before I do NOT mix pills and booze. At least not the pills that aren't supposed to be mixed with booze (I take thyroid and anti-depressant meds). I guess he finally believed me (or maybe he was just tired of being pestered).

    In two or three weeks, I have an opportunity to go see my parents, sister, brothers, daughter and--most importantly--my two grandbabies (we're on different coasts). My two grandbabies (who I call grandgoobers ) are truly the light of my life I love them like no other. When my daughter moved her and them away from me in March, I thought surely I would die. (Guess I almost did.)

    Anyway, I want to get good and clean before going out there. I can't bear the thought of the grandgoobers seeing me drink. No way, no how. I want to have a clear head so that I can really pay good, lovin' attention to them.

    So sorry for the long, drawn-out story. I really have no one else to tell it to.

    On to the kudzu. Has anyone tried kudzu other than that offered by MWO? I was actually thinking of ordering the powder from Mountain Rose Herbs and making my own capsules. But it seems there's some sort of "extract" in the MWO kudzu. Does anyone know how necessary that is?

    Thanks for letting me ramble everyone. Oh, and, by the way,

    I'M ON DAY 4! Yay! (Sure can't wait to get through all these miserable shakes and sweats.)

    Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

    Kudzu helps but I also like the L Glutamine under the tongue for instant stop cravings.Your family meeting will be so wonderful and you and they will remember it for a long time...Great motivation to help you stay sober..Blessings to you..YOU CAN DO THIS,I KNOW YOU CAN..
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

      Pink, hang in there. You're doing great! I know what mean about the grandgoobers. We have #4 on the way. Best of luck and stick with us :wings:
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

        Welcome Back!!!
        I have been told by people in AA that "You can't scare an alcoholic", and I truly believe this. I should have been dead numerous times. For some strange reason the good Lord has given me many second chances. I know that they will run out eventually. I used to believe, in my AL soaked brain, that the Lord was keeping me alive just to torture me. That thinking certainly changes when I am sober. I hope that you feel better soon. Stick around. We are here for you.:l
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

          Hi Pink, so glad to see you back!!!
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Thanks for the welcome backs and kudzu

            Welcome back, Pink!
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

