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waiting for the wave.

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    waiting for the wave.

    Ive been around about 2-3 weeks now,and ordered the sub's..Was a little disappointed when they didnt arrive ..after waiting 14 days..but today recieved the kudzu.Have the topo $5.00.. can you believe....Anyway have my doctors support.Have to work on myself and change the dialogue in my beliefs about my abilities.This is my first thread..long overdue..Have been drinking habitually since my 30'th birthday..stupid fool..: (But by the grace of my creator and my efforts, I will overcome this demon and be forever grateful...About 8 years ago I was doing some study (work related)and at one moment I stopped and realized I couldnt do this and be drinking..and I really wanted to..I started going to AA.and I had this Spiritual experience"and I just stopped drinking" I was WOW'ed
    and I was just cruising.I decided to take a week off work as I really needed the rest..I was trying to sleep one afternoon and this neighbour was stomping around in the room just behind me in clogs on a timber floor,so I went and asked her to please stop,but she thought she would continue..I moved my mattress into the furtherest part of the unit..Long story short..I started drinking.Anyway AA's not for me.Loys of men trying to hit on women and like cultish if you ask me.dont like it (For me!)This site makes sense to me..(And im gonna use it....The Pretenders.)Great to be here with you all.Jonetrees

    waiting for the wave.

    Hi Jonetrees

    Well you sound pretty determined.

    One thing I have found really works for me lately is the L-Glut under the tongue when a craving hits. You can buy it locally while you are waiting the order- powder form seems best.

    Wishing you the best of luck.


      waiting for the wave.

      Aha! Just noticed you have two threads going, I replied to you on the other one, and totally in agreement with our wonderful AF Army troops, NoneTwo and Marbella!



        waiting for the wave.

        Jonestree.....two threads ( thought I was seeing double. Ha!) Your determined, that's good. Keep reading the threads and posting. Lots of good avice here......Good Luck. IAD.
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          waiting for the wave.

          You can find the support that you need on this stopped before so you know you can do it again...It is a roller coaster that I don't want to ride again..stay close and we can help.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            waiting for the wave.

            Hello and Welcome Jones
            I can relate to what you said about AA. I have had that same experience. I still go, but definitely put out my "anti-men" radar. Shame on them. They know that they are not supposed to hit on newcomers. You have your tools and we are here for you. Best wishes as you begin your journey.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              waiting for the wave.

              Hi Jonetrees,

              They HIT on you at AA????? What??? Obviously I've never been - never thought it was my gig. MWO fits me just fine. But I would not have guessed it was more than about AL. The group that meets at our church is women only. Now I know why. In any event, good for you for being so determined to achieve/maintain your sobriety. Others have mentioned the AF Army, and there's also the ODAT thread. The nice thing about these kinds of threads is that they encourage a group to connect each day with whatever is on their mind - a change of pace from the "reaction" threads that seek to help a fellow member. Welcome - looking forward to hearing from you.



                waiting for the wave.

                unfamiliar n a bit ADD(MI thinks)

                I remember pressing the key and I didnt think it went through,so I pressed it a second time.I have a habit of jumping over myself..But im happy to be here and thanks for your and best wishes for all.Jonetrees..:h

