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ODAT- Wednesday

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    ODAT- Wednesday

    Happy Citizenship Day!

    I did my part by putting out my recycle bin not loaded down with bottles. :H

    I think fall is actually coming! It's a bit cooler today. But here in the south, it is probably just a tease. I have to go back to the attorney's this afternoon to wrap things up and the hearing is tomorrow. Today is high anxiety already. I hate it that I fear hubby's reaction tomorrow. But I think that is most of what the anxiety is about. He certainly got himself into this mess. And ultimately it is the judge's decision, not mine. Am I crazy to feel badly about this? Gahhh! It does make me want to drink, but I fear AL more than this. So I won't. Got my big girl pants on.

    Put your BGP on and "drink healthy beverages". :H Isn't that on the hypno CD?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT- Wednesday

    Sorry to hear about your situation.....I've had a few tiffs with the law myself, Being a man, I know that he will appreciate you being by his side at the this time. Best wishes ! IAD.
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      ODAT- Wednesday

      Ummmmm...... IAD, you have the wrong idea. This is a divorce hearing that I initiated after he left me. I won't exactly be by his side.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT- Wednesday

        feel bad

        Greenie, I feel bad, thought someone posted (or maybe I read one of yours)that he cheated on you?? You should NOT feel bad about that!! GOD knows, I wouldn't. My thoughts are w/ you, as I may need to suck up and "do it" soon too......................Mike has his ups and downs, Monday PM wasn't too bad, but when we all got home from my 2nd fav. AA meeting last night, he was toasted! I feel NO DESIRE whatsoever thanks to Rhonda Lenair, but coming home to a wasted obnoxious husband every day is getting old!

        I wish you the best, will be thinking of you.:l

        lots of love,:l:h:l

        Everyone yet to check in, hi and have a Wonderful Wednesday!

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          ODAT- Wednesday

          Hello everyone, i am off to the BONE doctor for a script to get physical therapy on my neck ... i am loving me every day and it feels GOOD!!!


            ODAT- Wednesday

            Good Morning Greenie, IAD, Cowgal, Rips, and all to come
            Greenie, I certainly can understand your fear. I have been there and I was scared to death. You are right, though. He did bring this on himself. Your strength continues to amaze me. I have never seen IAD on this thread before, so I'm sure that he is not up on what is going on, but just wants to be supportive. Welcome IAD. Cowgal, I am sorry that you are headed in the same direction. I can't imagine coming home to that while you are working so hard to maintain your sobriety.
            You Go Rips!! They say that we cannot love others, if we do not love ourselves. Whoever the F__k "they"
            Well, I definitely will have the new job if I can pass the drug test tomorrow. I am a bit nervous as I was a heavy pot smoker for the past four years and I know that it stores in your fat cells for up to a month, or even more. I have been abstaining and flushing out my system. I am also going to buy a cleanser at GNC and Pray. Otherwise, pretty much same ole, same ole. here. Warm Hugs to all. I am feeling Fall too, but in NH it is a bit different. It makes me want to make a nice homemade beef stew and biscuits. I love to cook even more when it's chilly outside. Enough of my rambling. Good Day All.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              ODAT- Wednesday

              AUGHHHH - I just wrote a long post and it got erased........I hate that!

              Cowgal - good to see you back......glad to hear Lenair went well for you!

              Greenie - sending you strength for tomorrow.

              Day 3 consecutive for AF/NF - day 8 for the month. I have a busy day so I will get through today as well.

              Hope everyone has a great day!

              Love and Hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT- Wednesday

                Day 3.
                I will not drink today!

                Greebean, you are an inspiration. I am so sorry for this rough road you are having to travel. You may not feel it, but you are SO strong for remaining AF through out this, and will be infinately stronger when it is finially over. FAB job on 90 days also! YOU ARE AMAZING!

                Wishing you all a great day,
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  ODAT- Wednesday

                  Happy HUMP day all ODATs,

                  Greenbean, may all the positive vibes in the universe be with you tomorrow. No matter who was at fault (definitely him this time) it's a stress pool. And Sea, good luck tomorrow. And Uni, Keeta, Rips, Cowgal and IAD hope you are having a good week. Seems like everyone's where they want to be - I'm in that group. Got a nice bonus today that was unexpected and am enjoying a relaxing night at home. Watching America's Next Top Model, and am so glad I'm not under the pressure they are to be beautiful 24/7. Heck, I'm lucky to look put together for a few minutes a day! In fact, as long as I'm AF or in control, I don't care what I look like!!!!! :H


