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need a success story

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    need a success story

    I have been reading posts all morning and feel a bit like... whats the point. I was really psyched....cut out all vodka and cut back on wine. Bought the supps and rec'd my topa yesterday. Been going to the gym, etc....Read the book......hoped to feel psyched up and give it a go. Been reading supps don't help.....topa doesn't one can be a moderate drinker......cravings aren't helped by meds....I feel defeated before I have even started.

    PLEASE someone give me a success story about the supps and topa.

    need a success story

    You always have the choice of Antabuse...When all else fails,that is often the med that will get you free...Don't give up and then you are sure to win..We can beat this TOGETHER..
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      need a success story

      Wannabehappy, Welcome. You forgot the most important tool, your mind. I found there were underlying reasons I drank to excess. I added a good therapist to my supps and it is still work but I want to have all the tools available to beat this. Never stop battling for you, you deserve to be happy.


        need a success story

        Hey Wanna,

        There are lots of success stories. If you want to search the 30 days and beyond thread--that's a good one.
        I am the beginning of a success story. I had a rocky start, but after going 30 days, that turned into 69 days af, I have been able to control my drinking. I don't obsess over it. I can pretty much take it or leave it. I love being sober, hangover free. I don't think I knew how bad I felt, until I felt good. I chose to start without the Topa for various reasons. I have experimented with the supplements and have my own routine now. What I started with was the Kudzu and L-glutamine, B complex. I added AllOne later, and now I take GABA, True Calm, EPO and Omega 3-6-9 also. (No more kudzu and very little L-glut)
        So you see, it IS worth it!! You can do this!!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          need a success story

          Hey!! I've been where you are MANY times, a lot of us... what's the point. To find the answer, think back to why you came to this site, why did you want this? For me, cuddling my hubby and baby girl on the sofa at night (not drunk) tucking her into bed, watching a movie and remembering what happened, going out for walks, cooking a meal for my family. It was the simple things for me that i missed. I missed so much wonderful stuff from being drunk everynight. I had so many fights was depressed ect ect. I came off the drink and even now, every so often i'm like what's the point and i have to go back right to the start and think of why i'm here.
          I have been very successful, i do slip but compared to how i was, my god, i'm a changed person and i love it. I love waking up feeling great instead of thinking.. sh*t who did i call, what did i do... crap crap crap. I now see the beauty of being sober, kind of like seeing the world through i childs eyes.
          It is hard, REALLY hard and it's a life long struggle for most of us but it's a struggle that's well worth it!


            need a success story

            Wanna - I posted to your thread in the topa forum!
            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")


              need a success story

              Hi wannabe ~ big fan of MWO here! Absolutely 100% works for me
              I couldn't be happier with how well this whole program has worked. And remember, it does take some work, and as RJ said it the book, it can be a hassle at times. But woweee, so well worth it when it comes to all the improvements it makes in the rest of your life!
              I have fun reading original posts of some long time members here. It's so inspiring to see how far so many have come. And for those who have slipped and come back, I think the testament is that they know it works and come back for more of the advise and support that helped in the first place. If RJ ever rights a follow up, I sure hope to be one of her success stories (for a cut in the royalties, of course - LOL!).
              Don't give up, you are worth fighting for! :boxer: :l
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                need a success story

                So is it worth the chance of so many negative side affects..........I was so ready


                  need a success story

                  read the long term abstainers that will help you see ..stay strong and think positive
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    need a success story

                    "So is it worth the chance of so many negative side affects."

                    Which side affects are you referring to??? I used the Topa successfully for my 30days AF and I have my doubts whether I would have succeeded without it, although it is a mind set. It takes will power and determination. All the drugs and supps in the world will not stop you from drinking, only you can do that, but they definitely help - they can curb the cravings, maybe not take them completely away - because you can't stop your brain from thinking about it. Besides, habits are hard to break, whether you break an addiction or not. Think of it all as tools to help you, not to do it for you. It is worth it. Some people have side affects from Topa - I am still on it at a low level of 25mg only, and I find it helps to take the edge off, with only a bit of tingling in my face after I swim - that's it. Over 100mg and I was too sleepy, and that was about all the side affects - it affects everybody differently. I also had headache problems with the AllOne powder and B50 supp, so I stopped them.

                    So don't give up. It is so worth it. You can always try it cold turkey, see if that works better for you?!?!
                    Best of luck to you - stay strong!


                      need a success story

                      By the way - I haven't gone completely AF either - like more2life. I drink wine a couple nights a week, generally on the weekend, which was my goal when I started this program, and only have 1 bottle of wine in the house at a time - that is my way of Moderating (although some don't agree with it, it works for me). I have stopped being a daily litre of wine girl (minimum), stopped the daily cycle of drink, hangover, stomach pain, drink again, etc etc on and on and on....... I am much happier.


                        need a success story

                        ditto what lil Chelle said! Also for me the supps have been wonderful, like night and day with respect to cravings.
                        Today is my next day AF.


                          need a success story

                          I think sometimes reading tons and tons of posts at once can get overwhelming -- not every intervention strategy works for every body, so you can feel like you read a lot of what doesn't work. But, a lot DOES work too. In the beginning I decided to stick to the success stories, and learn from what other people did to be successful. Also, I had some setbacks and got depressed over that, but then I learned that others had a few setbacks also before they were finally successful long term, so I didn't give up.

                          I've learned that a lot of people (including me) seem to report feeling apprehensive, or even scared at first. My personal theory is that it is because it's such a change and change always takes courage and persistence. I was so exhausted by the time I finally decided to quit drinking that I thought, who has energy for this, or for courage, persistence, etc? Also, I wanted a better life so badly that I was scared at the thought that I wouldn't be successful, maybe. But coming here regularly made a HUGE difference, as did the parts of the program that did work for me.

                          For strategic (brief) thread reading, I'd also recommend the 30 days and beyond thread -- that was great. There was another one not long ago about "what do you love about your AL life" -- really inspirational also. I also started a thread a couple months back because I wondered how everyone had chosen their online MYO names. It turned into a great discussion of names, but more than that people shared some amazing things about their strategies/successes. It was a turning point time for me, and I don't think everyone knows how much their responses made a difference in my life at that time.

                          YOU CAN DO THIS!


                            need a success story

                            Hi Wanna -

                            Yes, it's worth it...if you really "wannit". It tried cutting back/stopping many times before, but now as I reflect, I was not very serious about it (I still wanted to drink my troubles away). When I FINALLY figured out it was not helping - I got serious. Once you are truly committed, I know you will be able to beat it.

                            lil.michelle - loved the post

                            - Figi

