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Rough night

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    Rough night

    Had a rough night. I am an administrator for a group of Orthopaedic Surgeons and have 25 employees. Last night one of them tried to commit suicide and thank god was not successful. I have never gotten to that point. I have not found where I fit in on this site yet even though I think everyone is very supportive. I am on day 12 Af now and and so glad I do not wake up in the morning hating myself. I read a lot of the post and see that a lot of people have become good friends and I hope I get there soon. I guess I am feeling a little down because of last night and lack of sleep so I may not be making sense.
    Anyway, Looking forward to becoming friends with everyone and making it tothe 30 day mark.

    Rough night

    Hi Help,

    We looking forward to getting to know you too. Just jump right in, we are a friendly bunch.

    So sorry to hear about your employee. I hope he/she will get the help they need.

    Congrats on the 12 days! That is just great.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Rough night

      Hi Help!
      Sorry to hear about your night. You should be very proud of how you handled yourself and remain AF. 12 days is wonderful! No one can take that from you. You have many friends here. Don't be shy. We don't bite and will chat just about anything. Stay strong and stay close :wings:
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        Rough night

        Thanks so much for the support everyone it does mean alot! Things seem to be calming down and everyone seems to be refocusing on work again.
        Thanks again,


          Rough night

          Gia, I promise to take no offense to your 'unsavory' references....

          HelpWanted - glad that you are here and as others have said, feel free to jump in and join the 'ahem' party. Sorry to hear about your employee, and my hat is off to you for staying sober through all of it - that is a tremendous weight that was placed on you and you certainly handled it better then I would have in the past.
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            Rough night

            Welcome Help,
            Very sorry to hear about your co-worker. That stuff weighs heavy on the mind. It's a good group, chime in everywhere.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Rough night

              Welcome! Off to a great start ... more than a third of the way to your 30 days! It's to bad about your employee. Maybe you will be an example to him/her on working out problems successfully. Keep it up. Hang out here and you will find a great group of cyber friends!!
              AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

              Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

              (from the Movie "Once")


                Rough night

                Hi Help -

                I am sorry to hear about your employee - I hope s/he is getting the help they need....

                And I am sure you will find good buddies and advice here - it's been invaluable to me.
                Congrats on 12 days AF, and many more to you!

                - Figi


                  Rough night

                  Hi HW,

                  It must have been horrendous dealing with a suicidal near-miss. It's not just the one incident, but all the despair that led to it and is still there to deal with. Good for you for maintaining your sobriety through it all. You are more than welcome to join us on the ODAT thread. We take just one day at a time and support each other through the ups and downs of this journey. Sometimes we get on a track - yesterday it was about cockroaches - so be careful if you're squeemish!



                    Rough night

                    12 DAYS IS AWESOME! KEEP THE FAITH!

                    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                      Rough night

                      Hi, HelpWanted -

                      My 30 year old ephew committed suicide and it has devestated the family. Glad to hear it was not a success this time....
                      Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                        Rough night


                        So sorry to hear of the tragedy within your work group. We become as close as families at work, sometimes. I can only imagine how devistating this was to you and your co-workers. My condolences.

                        On the other hand, congratulations on you AF time. That is wonderful! I have been here for over two years and it takes time to establish the on-line relationships, especially with people coming and going. You will find your nitch. Just keep reading and posting. Much support in your continued sobriety.
                        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                          Rough night


                          You know you are going to be successful if you can make it through these daily stressors. You had the hurricane to worry about on top of every day "stuff" this. You are one determined girl!

