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Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

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    Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

    of wine. WTF. Why can't I start this again.
    I wasn't even going to post but I don't want to lie.
    I have been taking 25 mg of topa the last 2 nights do you think I should up it to 50 mg?
    Any thoughts?
    thanks you guys

    Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

    dont worry it happen to the best of us .. just grab the bull of life by the horn and ride .. it all in your hands you know what you should or shouldnt do good luck you can do this .. and sorry dont really know anything about the meds .. but do your best
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses


      Tonight would have been my third night AF but I drank 3 glasses of wine also. I'm awaiting my Topa and loaded up on Kudzu Rescue the last several days. I usually am pretty skeptical but my normal evening would have included two bottles of wine and I haven't even finished my first bottle and am ready for bed shortly. The Kudzu and L-Glute must be doing something!
      I picked up this bottle with another pathetic excuse as to why I deserve this "one more evening" before I say goodbye.


        Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

        Mya and YogaGirl, I know next to nothing about topa, but I do want to say that I am impressed that you came right on back, right away, with the determination to keep on working on it...



          Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

          Thanks Wip.

          I keep hoping Topa will be a tremendous help. Although I don't really think so. I don't have physical cravings. It tends to be more out of habit. I keep wondering why I do this to myself. I have a wonderful job, beautiful , brilliant children, a great husband (most of the time..ha ha) I don't have any financial woes...I just can't figure this out. My life doesn't suck. Why is this euphoric like state so appealing to someone who doesn't have it so bad?


            Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

            The habit/craving brain doesn't know anything about long-term consequences, it only knows about what it wants, what it has learned about that feels good, right away. If we give in to it over and over, its demands get stronger and stronger. The structure and biochemistry of the pathways of our brains actually change, so that it's a really tough battle to go against the flow of their demands. It has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you have good stuff and good people in your life...



              Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

              I can't advise on the Topa, but I am glad that u both came back. Hell, I drink when life sucks. I drink when things are going well. I drink because I am an alcoholic. Hang in there. You can do this!!
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

                Well I can say after my 3 glasses I opened a beer and took one drink and was not interested so maybe it is working and like you yoga I think sometimes it is out of habit but I so tired of looking like shit when I go to work the next morning and so tired of being tired and not being able to exercise, I don't want to be like this when I'm 40 I will be 37 on the 29th and I want to be a damn good looking 37 yr old not just think I look like one because I'm buzzed or drunk. LOL


                  Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

                  According to RJ in her book she suggests dosing up 25mg each week. So if you just started at 25mg, you should stay there for seven days until dosing up to 50mg. Then stay at 50mg for seven days until dosing up to 75mg, and so on and so forth. Good luck.


                    Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

                    yogagirl;414433 wrote: Thanks Wip.

                    I don't have physical cravings. It tends to be more out of habit.
                    I feel the same way!!! I'm just trying to find new habits, MWO is one. During the day I try to plan what I am going to do, keeping busy is the key for me.
                    Good luck to you:l
                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                      Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

                      Read the Topa threads. Don't move too fast up on the Topa. It seems that is were side effects come into to play for some. Slow and steady. WE're going to makei t!


                        Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

                        Hey hun!
                        I don't know about topa, i have never taken it BUT what i do know is aaalllll about slipping. I swear i'm the queen if slips. Do NOTbeat yourself up over this. It happens. It's part of thr process. Brush yourself off and start again! You went 3 days without drinking... That's is FANTASTIC!! Push for more next time.

                        Where did you get the wine from? What i do is have NO drink in the house at all and i stay away from shops unless i really have to go. I even do internet shopping for my food so i don't have to see the drink.

                        Keep posting even when you slip! 98% of us are just like you and slip so don't worry! gOOD LUCK! WE'RE ALL HERE FOR YOU, WISHING YOU WELL!


                          Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

                          As WIP said, well done for coming on and being honest. Its better to talk to your friends about it than shut everyone out. The meds will help, but just remember there no magic pill, and its just as much a mental thing. You have to really want it and realize what a great life you will lead without that marriage to the bottle. Antibuse is the nearest thing, cause you cant drink, but i really dont know much about it. I have been taking campral which has helped my cravings. Be strong and keep posting x
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses

                            MYA ~ I know what you mean about looking like shit for work. I'm almost 41 and I recall on my 39th birthday that I was going to give myself this tremendous gift of sobriety....hey, I just realized it's not too late. I won't be 41 until January!

                            I'm glad you poured out your beer! Maybe we should check on each other later for support. I have some of my bottle left (wow...that never happens). I think I will use one small glass for me and the rest for my chicken. Or maybe just pour it down the drain....would that be alcohol abuse? It's quite an exquisite bottle chard? Just kidding.


                              Almost 3 days and then I just drank 3 glasses


                              I wouldn't advise upping your Topa dosage after two days. If I remember correctly it is advised to up it every 7 days although I did it alot slower in order for my body to adjust and i have had great success with it! Are you taking any suppliments with the Topa - I found that the suppliments listed in the book was essential to me firstly modding sucessfully for 3 months and then quitting AL altogether.

                              Wishing you all the best :-)
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

