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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Well guys, end of the week, here we are!

    I hope Bessie had a great holiday at the spa - she should be returning soon.

    I had a good AF week (and NF week) so I'm feeling pretty confident. I'm at the start of a good run right now I hope - today is day 5 and I know tonight will be an easy one as it is just my daughter and myself (and maybe some tylenol 3"s for this pain in my side - think I'm going to have to go to the clinic today to get x-rays to see if I really did break a rib). If I did then that will be 2 people on my v-ball team with broken ribs! LOL - we need to learn how to dive properly for the ball apparently.......

    Anyway, hope everyone else is doing well, it's been a fairly positive week on this thread, some challenges but everyone seems to be mosying on through.

    Take care everyone and good luck with your goals today, remember, Friday is just another day ODAT.

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Friday

    Morning Uni and all to come.

    Uni, even if your rib is broken there isn't really anything that can be done is there? Ouch!

    Last night I had dinner with the friend who examined my dad's eyes in the nursing home at a Thia place I'd been wanting to try. It was delicious!

    I don't have any plans for tonight. Maybe I'll get some shopping done for two birthdays this weekend. Ladies' brunch on Sunday for the birthdays. I hadn't even thought of AF even being an issue. What a nice feeling. Tomorrow night I hope to talk a GF into dinner and Mama Mia.

    The other night I ran into a friend who had two big celebrations early on in my AF. A zero b-day and retirement. I was unable to attend either one because I was scared in my new AF stage. I thanked him for the invitations and told him why I was unable to attend and hoped he understood. Perfect timing, perfect conversation. It's so nice to be open and honest. In case you hadn't noticed, Al kinda steals that from you.

    Have a great weekend and take good care of you. :l
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Friday

      hi UNI,sorry about tthe ribs,if your black and blue there probably broke,if not if your a lady and your boobs are big fall on them,sorry im just in a great mood gycohahahaha


        ODAT - Friday

        Good Morning Uni, Greenie, Gyco and all to follow
        Uni, I am on Day 5 too. Guess we are in this together. Sorry about the ribs. I have broken a couple myself in the past. Don't All you can do is take pain meds. No magic fix unfortunately.
        Green-Sounds like you are doing Great!! Rock on!! Too bad you don't live in NH. I would hang out with ya.
        Gyco-Glad you are in such a good mood.
        Well, for me, I guess no new is good news. You all know that I did my pre-employment drug screen yesterday. The lab said that my prospective employer would have the results by the end of the day yesterday. I am assuming that if I tested positive, my new employer would have called and told me that the deal is off. No call so far. I was so insane yesterday waiting. I drove my daughter crazy!! I drank so much Herbal cleansing crap this week that I must be toxin-free, except for the damn nicotine. Yeah, just addicted to Everything. I finally got a bit of sleep last night and feel pretty good today. My former MIL passed away last night, so the weekend will revolve around her services. She was a wonderful woman. All the grandchildren called her Nana Angel. I will send flowers from my kids, but I am not sure that I will attend. I have been divorced for many years and my Ex has a new GF, so don't want to make things awkward. My cousin is a florist, so I will have a nice Grandmother piece made up from my kids.
        Tomorrow is Freedomfest in Boston. I am not sure if we will be attending due to my MIL's passing. It is a festival for the decriminalization of marijuana. I am sure that I will be smoking, but definitely No Alcohol. Sorry for rambling. Hope you all have a Beautiful Day.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          ODAT - Friday

          Hi All,
          Back taking it ODAT for me.
          Sending out positive vibes to all this Friday and hoping that everyone sticks to their goals - mine is clear and simple - no AL, end of story.
          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


            ODAT - Friday

            Morning/afternoon, all ODAT'ers.

            Not feeling great today, dealing with recurring back and leg pain and numbness, that has been on going since the early 90's after a MVA, that shattered my pelvis. The surgeon rebuilt as opposed to replacing it I think in part due to my young age at the time. All I know is that the chronic pain gets to be a bit much at times. I would love just one week of respite from it all :upset:...none of the meds seem to give "total" pain relief...except alcohol...which is partly how I became such a problem drinker to begin with I imagine. Self medicating. BAD idea!
            Dr is sending me for (another) CT scan, and referring to an orthopedic sugeon. My last surgery was in

            Eeeeps, I really didn't mean to go on whining...just feeling a bit worn down and tired emotionally and physically from it today.
            BUT...on a positive note, I am onto day 5 again!

            Will be staying as close as I can to the boards these next few days...I know AL likes to come a'knocking when I feel this way. I need to be on high alert!

            Hope you all reach your goals today!
            I am grateful for each and every one of you, and this place,:l
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              ODAT - Friday

              Hi all,
              I am sorry to those of you that do not feel well. I hope you start feeling better. Sea; I hope your drug screen comes back negative so you can get your job. I am glad it is almost the end of the week. Day 14 AF free. Keep posting!


                ODAT - Friday

                Happy Friday all. Here comes that darn weekend again, but this one will be busy again. Doing a wedding with my flowers shop on Saturday and then out with thegirls on Sunday amd hopefully will maintain the control.

                So far this week I have stayed my goals or did even better than what I had planned so I am pleased. Next week will be tougher but better. Already feeling SO MUCH better and clearer just doing such a drastic cutback. Tonight will be day 14 of Topa without any real side effects, or any effects I suspect. I think it's pretty much the mindset at this point.

                Relationship "stuff" the past day and a half messing with my head/heart but I've managed to walk through it without turning to the Chard so thats a BIGGIE for me. Baby steps.

                Wishing everyone a great weekend!


                  ODAT - Friday

                  Hi gang,
                  Just a quick hello here. Still sneezing and sputtering away here, but not as bad. I took the afternoon off and have been baking bread and mushroom turnovers and never got that much needed nap in (didn't sleep much last night, hacking away!!) nor have I packed one iota for my trip tomorrow. Ah well - it will happen. And the french bread I just pulled out of the oven looks and smells glorious!!!!!

                  Sea - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. A decriminalization of MJ festival, eh?? Very interesting!!! Did you say you were going???
                  Uni and Keeta - I hope your pain subsides!! Chronic pain and broken bones - no fun at all!!!
                  Greenie - sounds like you have a good weekend planned. Have some fun - you deserve wagons loads of it.
                  Waiting - so happy you are feeling clearer - maybe this will help you to see your heart's needs from a better perspective? Best to you on that front!
                  Helpwanted - Day14 AF?????? Wow!!! You are doing so well!!! I am right now wondering how the heck I ever did 30days - the most I manage now is 3 in a row, but I'm ok with that for the time being.
                  Bandit and Gyco - stay happy!!

                  Not sure if I will be able to check in while I am away next week. Probably, as I will be trying to get to my email occasionally. Not sure if my friend (we share a hotel room) will be bringing her laptop. I'm not bringing one, but I think they have some terminals set up at the conference centre. I am really, really looking forward to it, although I really do hate flying!!! And I have to stop in Calgary, then Vancouver and the the 6 hours to Hawaii. We'll be pooped by the time we get there. That's ok - early to bed, early to rise, and up the volcano. Oh, I can't wait! Just hope my congested head can tolerate the airplane pressure!!

                  Alright - best to you all and have a super fun, busy weekend, AF or Mod!!!
                  xoxo Peanut


                    ODAT - Friday

                    Happy Friday all,

                    Peanut, I sure hope you have an absolutely wonderful time. I've never been to Hawaii, but everyone says it's glorious. Good for you, Uni. I know there have been some ups and downs, but you seem to have caught a chronic case of the ups. Maybe that's why you're such an athlete. Would be hard to spike that old ball with your head in your hands on the bench!

                    As for old Vera, have been feeling my age this week - as in the M word. My poor body is like the Little Engine that Couldn't - can't get up the period hill (sorry guys) as the estro is in short supply. Fortunately I don't have to move off this chair tonight and will likely go to bed early. You really know you're blessed when your worst complaint is cramps. Enjoy your weekends -


