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Sept 20 is my day

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    Sept 20 is my day

    I slipped last week. Me and my liquid lover had a very enjoyable week.

    Enjoyable except perhaps for barfing up a few times in the sink. And also the total sleeplessness of the whole thing. And that I'm actually allergic to the stuff now, so the congestion makes me feel like I have the flu. Congestion causes nighttime postnasal drip, hence the sour stomach in the morning. It amazes me I still drink, considering how many different issues my body has developed over the years.

    I'm done forever.

    When I married, I married forever. As I type this, I'm making my commitment forever. I will never again buy a bottle of liquor. I will never again see alcohol as some sort of "pain relief" for my life. I've tried to moderate and failed, and in my failure the "need" has come back like a surge.

    I can't believe a liquid has run my life, and continues to run my life. I'm a full human being, and very capable at my job and my responsibilities. I'm going to put my foot down and say "Liquids are no longer able to run me!".

    Tomorrow is my Day 1. Anyone wish to join me in a journey through "blood sweat and tears" to a world of natural sleep and no more nasal congestion?

    Sept 20 is my day,

    Good on you for realising when enough is enough!

    You know you have the support and understanding here.

    Wishing you a wonderful AF weekend:-)
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Sept 20 is my day

      DeeBee you are wonderful.

      No, I've been through this before. The good news is that I was AF last week, so I hope I won't go through the problems again.

      For me, it's just Valerian 3 times a day. Zone out, and bear it. Starting on Saturday helps, because it's two days before I have to be functional in the office.

      I'm chatting. I'm fearful. I never wanted this.

      I'll be here often. This site is such a blessing. It's time for me to have a new life.


        Sept 20 is my day

        I've missed your posts Boss, don't be scarce now!!

        I have found that by logging on every day, even if I don't post, really keeps me on the right track to my goal of sobriety.
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Sept 20 is my day

          Good luck on the start of your journey Boss man. Realizing the problem and truely wanting to stop deep down, not just knowing you have to is a big step. I wish you all the best.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Sept 20 is my day

   I hear you.

            I also slipped last week- only for one day, but that probably had a lot to do with the antabuse still in my system- or else it probably would have gone on for days- my days of drinking for just one day are long since gone.

            I am off to get some L-Tryptophan now, I have found the L-Glut under the tongue to be a good remedy for cravings, so am hoping the L-Tryp might stop them coming on. I slipped after a funeral- two triggers there- sadness, and being with a whole bunch of heavy drinkers, as the lady who died was also alcoholic.

            So Yes Boss, I am with you- I don't have the strength to look at it as I can never do it again, although that is surely the case- I am going to put each day into three sections- morning, afternoon and evening- at the begining of each section I will plan to the last detail what I will be doing work and entertainment wise, and decide not to drink just for that section.

            I was AF for 2 years and after about 7 months I very rarely, if indeed ever, thought about it- so that is what I am praying for. Well, I'm off down the health shop again.

            My thoughts are with you hang on in there.


              Sept 20 is my day

              Good for you!

              Wishing you all the success for ridding yourself or that congestion in your life! It ain't easy but definitely doable if you really want it!

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                Sept 20 is my day

                good 4 u boss man,some never realise what u hav,theres always another day,im here 4 u,wake up,get ready,or it mite bite u in the a s s s again byco by the way i lost my glasses oooops


                  Sept 20 is my day

                  Boss Man, you sound very postive and that is great to hear. You will find all the support you need here in bucketloads.
                  Stay strong my friend
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Sept 20 is my day

                    Good for you, bossman. I think you'll find that if you regularly post in the "Abstinence" threads, you'll find a lot of support. And getting support and encouragement is a major predictor of success in keeping a commitment to be free from alcohol!

                    best wishes,



                      Sept 20 is my day

                      Boss man Good for you.I remember when enough was finally enough and it was a GOOD and Scary feeling.We are here for ya..Eat tons of grapes and lots of water..L GLUT for cravings and lots of time here with us...We can beat this BEAST TOGETHER.
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Sept 20 is my day

                        Welcome Back
                        I am with YOU!!!! Enough is Enough. I am on Day 6 Again and I feel great, which is dangerous, because that's when the BEAST says, "Aw, you can do it again" Hell NO. I am ready to bleed, sweat, and cry with ya Boss.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          Sept 20 is my day

                          Good Luck Bossman,
                          I think I had become allergic to wine too. I got real stuffy after a few glasses. Always blammed it on the outside allergies; mold or ragweed which is very high in AUstin but in reality it was the wine. Good luck! You can do it.


                            Sept 20 is my day

                            I'm with you

                  , I'm with you. Your post hit home in so many ways you can't imagine. Like you I married for life, and it's for that relationship, as well as my health and survival, that I continue to fight. Like you I developed the congestion, postnasal drip and sour stomach -- used to try to convince myself that it was only the northwest weather, the damp and rain, but I slowly and finally decided to face facts. Like you I'm competent at work and have a responsible, professional position so it's been so easy to slip at times and tell myself, "Hey, obviously I can handle it." And, like you I commit myself today. Keep it up -- I will too.


                              Sept 20 is my day

                              Oh Boss, good for you for dealing with yourself and your marriage in such a brutally honest way. If anyone on the planet can do it, I think you're in that special group. The same leadership, intelligence and determination that make you a successful businessman shows through your posts and will deliver you to the sober life you seek.

                              My only request (and who am I to ask?). I so enjoy your posts; so for extremely selfish reasons I hope you'll follow Evielou and Cindi's (BTW, has anyone heard from Cindi lately?) lead and visit many of the threads here, not just the abstinence ones. I'm still modding to a degree of success, but if I go back to old habits will follow your lead. In the meantime, don't want to lose touch! You have many insights that come from a learned approach to life and that is truly helpful. Keep the faith that in some way this was all meant to be.


