Just for fun: What is the strangest/most embarrassing place you ever hid a bottle (full or empty), and did you get caught.
And also: What's the worst drink you ever drank.
For me; I had little "traveler bottles" of gin stashed in both of my guest rooms in my house, my closet and the bathroom. The real problem was, they all became empty (for some unknown reason Haha). So I had for a while 5 empties upstairs in my house. I eventually had to send my spouse on an "individual vacation" to get the time to run them all out into the trash. I'm still worried I missed one.
Worst drink: My actual drink of choice is a Gin/Sugar. It's a hotel room version of a Gin/Tonic. You take a shot of gin, mix one packet of sugar from the "coffee kit" in the room, mix with water. Drink it neat, and at room temperature. If the room is well stocked, it will have 2 sugars, 2 blue packets, and 2 pink packets, so 6 drinks without stepping out the door. For years I was a frequent flier. I've done more than 1000 flights in my life, and have logged more than 400,000 miles flying. I used to bounce from the US to Asia 4-5 times a year, along with 1 or 2 trips to Europe in my "free time". , So I lived on gin and sugar as my "drink of choice" when alone in a hotel room. So for "worst drink" for me is landing in a strange city that doesn't have the sugar packets in the hotel room. Ice is rare in much of Europe, and not something you can buy easily on landing at night. So lukewarm gin, tepid smelly city water, and no sugar or sweetening. I can't believe I drank that.