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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Well it seems as if our fearless leader is busy after her wonderful time of relaxation!

    It seems it was a fairly good weekend for most on our thread. I know personally I am looking forward to the start of another AF/NF week.

    Still a little sore but it seems as if my ribs are on the mend. However I think I'll get a spare for v-ball on Wednesday and take the week off the sports........too bad I can't take the week off work! LOL

    Oh well.......

    Have a great day everyone and I hope you all meet your goals!

    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Monday

    Hi Uni and all to come,

    Yes I am too looking forward to an AF week!

    Bring it on!

    Hope all are doing ok today

    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


      ODAT - Monday

      Hi guys and all to come hope you are well and AF. Im in deep discussion with some promoters they love the gentle southern US sweet heart wrestler thing!!!!! Go the GREEN Go the GREEN SLAM but they also like the idea of teaming up with the "Bessie" the UK Wrestler on the English farm !!!!!! She takes no rubbish and loves the slammin axe move a speciality of the Brits...... Bessie on her farm by day a gentle sweet English lassie . By night Bessie the SLAMMER takes no prisoners her arch enemy the sweet GREENIE is STEAMED> Qoute "The Bess" ...." I love me beans steamed and green" .... Saturday night wrestling BE THERE. Hope every one stays happy helps with the cravings I have just come from the Video store and they said " Sir you cant take out that many for the 6 dollar deal".... I hit the comedy section and grabbed 10. OH Crap
      Love Cap


        ODAT - Monday

        Hey Folks... Im modding this week, until my antabuse gets here.
        Congrats and best wishes to all of you who are going AF... sounds like a LOT of you!
        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


          ODAT - Monday

          Hi to all ODATer's ---- I'm back after a weekend away up at the beautiful lake district. Start of an AF week (or longer I hope) for me.
          Uni --- I think you're wise in giving your body a little time to mend. Take care and enjoy the time out.
          Have a good AF day everyone!


            ODAT - Monday

            Good Morning ODATer's
            How you are the mend Uni.
            Capt. you are a NUT!! lol
            Nice to see you Bandit, Chelle, and ND
            I am doing well. I made it through the weekend AF. Whew!! Today is Day 8. Looking forward to an AF week. I wish you all success in reaching your goals ODAT.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              ODAT - Monday

              Zoooooommmmmm!! In and out in a flash! Got so much to do today and tomorrow and the day after, ad nauseum but I am just as busy beating Al too! Got a big client job that involves mucho time at the PC but am just taking a chocolate and cuppa tea break! I know it should be fruit but I need my comfort!

              Get fit soon Uni
              CaptJack - you are nuts but have me in stitches! LOL!

              Big love to everyone else.

              Bessie xxx

              Still no sign of little piggies yet but you will be the first to know!


                ODAT - Monday


                I have been a stranger for a while, have NOTHING but time right now,as I am unemployed, and getting a little let-down about the job market here in Tallahassee! Have sent out many resumes, applications etc, not one call yet!:upset::upset:

                you all sound so upbeat, I just had to jump in, maybe it is contagious!?:H

                lots of love,:l:h:l

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Hi cowgal
                  Nice to see. I feel your pain. I have been under employed for the past 6 months and am in dire straits financially. Things will turn around for you.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ODAT - Monday

                    I usually don't post on this thread... Feel like it's some kind of "commitment" (lol!). But since I went yesterday AF and got past (so far) some strong urges this morning, I decided to go for ODAT --- for Monday. No promises (yet) about Tues.

                    Cowgal - I've been looking for work for more than a YEAR!! Which certainly can drive the best of us to drink... Trying really hard not to lose hope. I'm in Tampa area.

                    The few interviews I've been on all say the same thing: We were DELUGED with resumes!! So, I guess it's an "honor just to be interviewed"... I can't even get a Temp job (I've always done that in past when in-between jobs).

                    And now with the economy really in toilet, makes it even bleaker.

                    Of course, being in deep doo-doo financially is another Excellent reason not to waste my money on booze!! When I'm in my "who the hell cares" mode & drinking, I figure I spend at least $6/day... which means $180/mo. Add in cigs, and it's close to $360/mo. DISGUSTING.

                    I'm making concentrated effort on the booze part of the equation for now. Then will deal with the cig part. I did both for a while... not sure How!

                    Good luck to all!
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Good morning all. I'm doing much better today. No shakes. I'm on Day 3 today. I figure one more bad night and I'll be on the upswing again. Got to work on time this morning (6am for me). Was so busy for a Monday I didn't even take my pills until mid-morning.

                      Now it's just to get through the rest. And stay strong tonight. Wish me luck!


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Good for you Boss. Hang in there. You know you can do it!!
                        Savon-the reason that I post on this thread is that it is One Day at a Time. I do not post on the 30 day threads as I feel that is too much of a committment. I did not realize that you are from the Tampa area. My Dad lives in Sarasota in the winter and I am trying to plan a trip down there come Feb or early March. There are many on here from FL and we are trying to plan a meet up. Would love to meet you. I will keep you posted. I can't rid myself of the demon nicotine either. One beast at a time love.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          ODAT - Monday

                          Hey well done on day 3!
                          I have finally got my computer little girl somehow blocked me from the site so we had to get our IP address changed so that I could get back on!
                          Not been that well, feeling very low and not coping. Saw the GP today and they have upped my meds. Been having some alcohol at night but not bingeing- still want to be AF though as I think it will help my mood and coping ability....I find it soo hard.
                          Went to an AA meeting last night and met some fab people. One guy said about alcoholics being kind of special (when sober!). I think I agree- well if the folks last night were anything to go by then it proved the point! I figure it'll take some time to get in touch with you all again but I have so missed being here.
                          Take care
                          Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                          Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                          For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                            ODAT - Monday

                            Hello all Monday ODATs,

                            Greetings. As I told my husband who called from Orlando (he's on a week-long business trip - told him to say hi to Mickey Mouse for me) this evening, "I got nothing." Totally normal day with nothing terribly interesting. To Savon and Cowgal, perhaps you can send your resumes to Mr. Paulson, our esteemed Treasury Secretary. He's looking at over 700 billion of taxpayer money that is going to help bail out the investment banking industry. Certainly he could use a couple of extra hands to pass it all out!

                            Evie, that's great that you're meeting some interesting people at AA. Seems the AA experiences are all over the map here, so am glad yours is a good one. Bessie, are you going to star in Capn. Jack's wrestling production? If so, I think some cash should be exchanging hands. Serious cash.

                            And Sea (what happened to our Pats?!?) Uni, Bossman, NewDay, Bandit and Chelle - you all sound great. Have a great week and leave the alcohol for rubbing. :H


