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    First - Savon, that was hilarious. What we say in our drinking minds would be fodder for the best comics. Things we say to ourselves that we would NEVER speak out loud. And left unchecked, what does it get us? Well, usually drunk.

    Second - WorkinProgress. Your perspective is wonderful. It went beyond the avoidance strategy that many of us use, at least initially. But to cultivate the kinder, gentler voice is key not only to taming our booze tastes but to bolstering our entire self esteem. How many times do we look in the mirror and hear an inner voice tell ourselves how fat and ugly we are? Or if not that harsh, give a tsk tsk for that slightly wide hip line, or the less than stellar skin tone or those whacky toes? Out with all this garbage!!!

    And IGAT - welcome. Feel free to jump in on any thread. Perhaps you'd like to start a thread to introduce yourself. And I'm no computer whiz here, but using what looks like your email address for your MWO name may not be the best thing. You can go to the control panel (I think - anyone more site saavy correct me here) and give yourself a name without the hotmail tag.



      The Conversation...

      Savon, Thanks for putting our thoughts into print so we can see how insane it really is.
      WIP, Thanks for a new method to deal with it....yes, my friend you are the "wise one" to be sure.
      Welcome IGAT, I look forward to your posts.
      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


        The Conversation...

        Oh the voices.... I have to say, this has been one of the hardest things to overcome! I have the angel michelle on side, the devil on the other having a fight about what i should do or what would happen. I wish i could say these voices go away but i don't think they ever will. The less you start thinking about drink, the more they'll go but they will never ever go fully. It really does make you feel as if you're losing th plot doesn't it! It's completely normal. When the come, try keep busy or listen and dance to music (that helps me*lol*) Good luck, Stay strong.....


          The Conversation...

          Kriger hun, i LOVE your quote at the bottom of the posts. Its completely true!!! Talk later XXXXXXX


            The Conversation...

            Hey, we have twin inner voices. And I too think mine is abusive. Oh how I can so relate.
            I am running from mine today. I am trying to stay too busy to hear it.


              The Conversation...

              Ahhh yes, the inner dialogue. Visualize a radio, then simply turn off the power button. It may take several attempt, but it works for me. You know, when you have one of those songs, that you just can't get off your mind. Works on that too!
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

