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I really need to make this change

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    I really need to make this change

    The one thing I have learned from life is there is always a way to change it. We just have to look. This place is a real life saver.


      I really need to make this change

      Welcome and thanks for reaching out. We are here to help each other and offer support. If you have not read Roberta's book I would get that and read it and try some of the supplements. Keep posting and reading as much as you can. If you can't get to the gym just go out for a walk and get some fresh air. Take it one day at a time.


        I really need to make this change

        Mari, MM said it nicely and perfectly. It's always time to be able to open a new door to a new way of living. Life can be full of surprises. Some of them can come from inside.


          I really need to make this change

          Welcome, Mari!

          Hi Mari! :welcome:

          You're in good hands here and certainly made the right choice by posting your first post. I agree with several others. I strongly recommend to read the My Way Out book. It changed my life in one day. I still struggle but with the help from the book and supplements and this forum, I fell hope as I have never felt it since I was about 15-years-old

          Congratulations in this first step, stay in touch. :l
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            I really need to make this change

            Hi Mari and everyone,

            I am new to this forum, wanting to quit drinking. I can really relate to what a lot of you are saying, especially about how it can sneak up on you - suddenly find yourself drinking way too much!
            That is what happens to me if I drink, I have a hard time stopping. And if I drink one evening, then I want to the next, etc. I am almost afraid to say I am quitting anymore, cause I have tried so many times and I just start again. I am hoping this might help to be here and talk with others.


              I really need to make this change

              Hey Zim,
              That's me too. I just stopped a 5 day drink-a-thon and finally feel like I really want to quit again seriously. Don't give up. The fact that you want to quit means you're still going in the right direction. Just because it didn't happen the first 50 times doesn't mean it won't happen. Keep looking and moving forward.


                I really need to make this change

                :welcome: Mari and Zim
                Sorry that I missed your post before. The first step is in recognizing that AL is a problem for you, and you have done that. Like the others have said, the book is very important. It will help you to make a plan. I wish you both well as you begin this journey into the Good Life. Let us know how it is going.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

