I am sad to report I will have to start over. I thought I had day 5 in the bag. Then late last night my roommate got bad news that his mom was not expected to make it through the night. Well he started drinking and crying(he does not have a problem with AL)....I started drinking,crying. Long story short, I fell off the wagon. Not really bad mind you, most of a bottle of wine and a couple of shots of Vodka. Did not get s*#@ faced. He woke me up about 3am...his mom had passed. I'm so sad for him.
I wish I had chosen to be strong and not drink but looking back this morning I have to say, I realize more now than ever how much I want this. Life is short and I want to take care of my body. My loved ones need me.
Starting day 1 with a vengeance.
By the way...I had run out of Topa(I order online) so I decided to call a doctor today to get more. Dr Linda Garcia lives here in Fairbanks. I didn't even know. Waiting for her call.
It really does make us take a step back and look at our life in a different light. you guys we deserve to live srtong healthy lives. from being on here for about two weeks now, i gotta say there are a lot of really cool people and we are blessed and we need to be happy emotionally and physically.