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looking for other gay men just starting

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    looking for other gay men just starting

    Hey, all. I just got my family doctor and my shrink on board with all of this. I have my Topamax, and I am waiting for my starter kit of stuff. I am also a smoker, who has done very well with Chantix, but has a history of starting smoking again - usually when I'd been (surprise!) - drinking.

    So, what I suggested to my family doctor and shrink was: "Hey! Let's try to tackle both of these hurdles together!" They were fine with it. I think, though, that I need a buddy. I'm not a sexist or any of that. I just prefer having one guy that I can kind of - go through this with.

    looking for other gay men just starting

    Sounds like you are looking for a date. Good luck with that- and everything else.


      looking for other gay men just starting

      uh-oh. That's what I was afraid of when I reread it all. Please, no, it's not true. I'm just looking for somebody who I can relate to. I think I've screwed up royally already.


        looking for other gay men just starting

        please talk to my, lucky. I don't know how to put it. I'm just a little socially whacked. I just want one person to talk to, not a whole crowd, and I want that one person to relate with who I am.


          looking for other gay men just starting

          JB, it's OK. I can understand why you feel it would be important to have someone who you are pretty sure understands where you are coming from. And, believe me, you will find that it isn't important at all to be "going through this" with another gay man. We are all ages, men, women, gay, straight, all walks of life, and we find here that none of that really matters. And the way this site is set up, it works really well if you look around the threads, do a lot of reading, ask questions, and settle in for the fight of your life. If you do that, you will find that you fit in just fine.

          best wishes,



            looking for other gay men just starting


            don't be too hard on yourself. My personal opinion is that it doesn't matter what sex your buddy is...we are all the same. Even though we have different lifestyles, unfortunately, we all think the same when it comes to drinking. Try to read and get a feel for each person who posts. You will know whom you can private message. I have only posted for a few weeks and I can tell you each time I reached out to someone, everyone has always answered back. This site is amazing...just think outside the box.


              looking for other gay men just starting

              welcome ..hi there im a guy and am strait ex wife gf and two boys.. but im here to help .. and we all are .. so join on in and let us know how we can help you ..stay strong and think positive
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                looking for other gay men just starting

                Well jimbeam, I am soooooooo not a guy (lol) , but wish you all the best for your double quit.

                Darling x
                Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                  looking for other gay men just starting

                  jimbeam;421939 wrote: I just want one person to talk to, not a whole crowd,
                  I felt like you, it seemed overwhelming and confusing. So many people...but they are great. Very helpful. So, stick around. :welcome:
                  :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                    looking for other gay men just starting

                    You folks are amazing. THANK YOU. I think I'll wait a few days and maybe rethink my introduction. I guess that I didn't want people to think, "Oh, he's a guy," or "Oh, he's a gay guy," so I thought it was wise to just lay all of that crap out at the beginning. I think, though, in retrospect, it looked snobby.


                      looking for other gay men just starting

                      Not snooby at all. You will be able to relate to so many people here and it will be a great help. There are so many that will offer great support and advice!!! You will be happy you did not just limit yourself to one.


                        looking for other gay men just starting

                        What's great about this site is that you don't have to rethink anything. Just jump right'll always be welcomed.


                          looking for other gay men just starting

                          Not snobby but maybe just looking for the wrong thing. Most people when coming here are so concerned and confused with drinking that shattered relationships and other health problems are the first worry, personal preferences and other such things are never mentioned.



                            looking for other gay men just starting

                            Hey, by the way, WIP, I am impressed. Accolades to you. I can only dream of my 2 month mark! ...Can't even imagine.


                              looking for other gay men just starting

                              Thanks JB. Stick around, you'll get there sooner than you imagine.

                              There are lots of folks here who have been AF (alcohol free) for lots longer than 60 days, too! I don't know if you have gone through the experience of getting free of alcohol before, or not, but you will find that there is a lot of help and support here. It would be good to start out by telling us more about your situation with alcohol, and by reading the MWO book to see what kind of a plan you might want to set up, if you decide this is what you want to do.


