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looking for other gay men just starting

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    looking for other gay men just starting

    This is so cute. A gay guy joins and instantly he's got 30 new best girlfriends!

    Welcome Jim - stick around. It's a good place.


      looking for other gay men just starting

      Jim Beam,


      Have you read Augusten Burrough's "Dry"? I think you might find some help on your journey with that book!

      I am so not a gay guy but I certainly understand where you are coming from :l.


      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        looking for other gay men just starting

        Hi JB
        Myself and quite a few others on here have also tacked the smoking and drinking together as for some (like myself) they were intrinsically entwined. I have had great sucess with a combined approach of champix and MWO so that I have now sucessfully kicked both the smoking and the binge drinking I used to do 2/3 times weekly. I dont smoke any more and am easily moderating on the AL now which I never would have thought would be possible 6 months ago. So just to let you know your proposed approach is similar to mine and it has worked for me. Hope this helps.


          looking for other gay men just starting

          Hi Jimbean and welcome. This is a great place, so stick around!
          Enlightened by MWO


            looking for other gay men just starting

            looking foreword to getting to know you Jim!


              looking for other gay men just starting

              hie jimbeam
              you are soo welcome here, am sure you will find and realise soon,like someone has already said it doesn't matter what type of a person you are what race, nationality your spirituality or any other difference in human nature. we are all but one thing here with a common problem
              you are soo welcome here man.


                looking for other gay men just starting

                tawnyfrog;422033 wrote: This is so cute. A gay guy joins and instantly he's got 30 new best girlfriends!
                Too funny ~ was just thinking the same thing! You don't want to post on MWO unless you're ready to be tackled by a bunch of new friends! :l:h

                You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                  looking for other gay men just starting

                  Hi JB and :welcome: Sounds like you're ready to go! I'd like to mod too, but can't right now. In fact, the longer I am AF, the less I think about possibly modding. Being AF means I don't have to think about when, why, how many. It just seems easier. And at this point in time, I'm not willing to risk it. You'll find that everyone has their own path and helps each other find and stay on theirs. Best of luck to you - look forward to seeing you around!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    looking for other gay men just starting

                    Hi Jim - If you scroll down on forum page, there is a "guy's group". How many are gay, I wouldn't know!!

                    But I agree, as all have said, that it really shouldn't matter. I've had "buddies" of both sexes.

                    I am a straight female, but I now have a Very good female friend due to this site. We now email each other Every day (our Real email addresses)...

                    I've also developed a friendship w/a straight guy (he has gf), but keeping it to private messages on the site.

                    So, you see, you'll find what you're comfortable with in your way. You will see who you "click" with if you want more of a one-on-one. But the best way to find that out is to read (if not post) a lot of the stuff here. Personalities come thru...

                    I don't think it was "snobby" the way you posted. But I think you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you limited yourself to such a small group, at least at the beginning.

                    I've been on other forums (quitting smoking, for one!), but I have never been on one with such a non-judgmental group as this one!! It's amazed me.

                    You can fall, stumble, leave/come back/leave/come back... and there will always be Someone to catch you!! (Usually, MANY people!)

                    Whatever you decide - Good Luck! (I need to quit smoking, tooooooo!)
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      looking for other gay men just starting

                      I am a straight married woman ,for sure,but the best friend i ever had, in my life was a gay man...He pasted of AIDS and I was with him til the end.I hung with his friends, he hung with mine.He was Buddhist i am Spiritualist...We were the odd couple but really understood each other.I think that the important thing is what we all have in common, here...Wanting to Beat AL out of our lives.Stick around and you will find great support here.
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        looking for other gay men just starting

                        Hi JB, Wow! You have gotten a down-home MWO welcome. As others have said, it doesn't matter what race, religion, or sexual preference you are here. When you come to MWO you enter a "community". And like any community, we are made up of vast array of people from all over the world, sharing one thing in common. Our desire to control alcohol, rather than alcohol controlling us. The goal for some is to moderate. Others, alcohol free sobriety. At the heart of everything, is our desire to support and help one another, without judging. Anything you have done or gone through, some-most- or all of us have experienced. We understand. Just like moving to a new community, you will meet many personalities here. What you will find is that you will click more with some than others and you will find your own nitch. Read alot, post alot. There is priceless counsel here. Welcome!
                        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                          looking for other gay men just starting

                          Isn't it swell, JB?

                          See, I could not say " Isn't it swell" to a "straight" man for it would be suggestive.

                          One of your 30 new best girlfriends ~

                          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                            looking for other gay men just starting

                            Hey JB. Sexuality doesn't matter much in the quitting process; the process is the same and different for us all. There are a few conservative voices here, but for the most part this forum stays focused on the topic at hand. (There were a lot of bruises from the last political post which ran FOREVER).

                            I'd suggest finding new interest in Indian, Thai and Asian cooking. Not only does it not use wine, wine and liquor doesn't even "go with" it! It's full of flavor and surprises. I make a very mean Chicken Vindaloo, and am addicted to Tofu Fresh rolls with peanut sauce. My spouse makes a chinese spicy ginger eggplant/chicken that is a star. For the moment, we've both layed off French cuisine both because of the calls for wine in many dishes, and also we try to stay fat free as much as possible. No wine, no cream = no french.

                            Keep posting. There's a lot to learn here, and MYO is a great resource for day-to-day contact with people who are dealing with the same issues.


                              looking for other gay men just starting

                              Hi Jim,
                              I just wanted to give you a nice warm welcome to MWO! I'll be happy to join your group of women supporters. This is a unique group of wonderful people, as you have seen by all the posts. I hope you ultimately feel comfortable here and get the help you need to fight this AL Beast. We are ALL the same in that we want to be free from alcohol controlling our lives and we're in this fight together. I look forward to getting to know you better, Jim.
                              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                                looking for other gay men just starting

                                Boss Man,
                                It's time for you to start posting some of those Thai recipies for us to share!

                                One other question...can't you eat food that has been cooked in wine? Doesn't the alcohol cook out of the dish by the time it is served? I haven't eaten anything yet but I do wonder?
                                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu

