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looking for other gay men just starting

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    looking for other gay men just starting


    You betcha'!

    The term is "reduction". The Alcohol is a goner.

    Wish I could reduce its spell on my life.

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


      looking for other gay men just starting

      I disagree, Theme2be. I've heard the reduction theory, but if that's the case, then Fre (alcohol free wine) should taste same as wine after cooking, and it doesn't.

      Besides, that's not the way -I- used to cook.

      I recall also that Julia Child had her own very public bout with wine on her daily show.


        looking for other gay men just starting

        tawnyfrog;422033 wrote: This is so cute. A gay guy joins and instantly he's got 30 new best girlfriends!
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          looking for other gay men just starting

;422537 wrote: I disagree, Theme2be. I've heard the reduction theory, but if that's the case, then Fre (alcohol free wine) should taste same as wine after cooking, and it doesn't.

          Besides, that's not the way -I- used to cook.

          I recall also that Julia Child had her own very public bout with wine on her daily show.
          Fre wine tastes different after reduction just like regular wine tastes different after reduction. When you cook the wine you burn off all the alcohol, ask any chef.
          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            looking for other gay men just starting

            Doesn't the alcohol cook out of the dish by the time it is served?

            It's not whether the wine is cooked off or not... It's that you rarely would use a WHOLE bottle of wine in cooking. What happens to the rest??

            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              looking for other gay men just starting

              Yip, tawny is soooooooo right, as hilarious to note all the women whose interest you have aroused, jim!! :H

              You`ll find we`re a good bunch, though.

              Hmmm, I now seriously think that it is perhaps easier to quit drinking and smoking simultaneously. I quit drinking over a year ago, and whilst I claim to detest smoking........I foolishly continue to do just that.

              Nice to have you with us.

              Kind regards,

              Darling x
              Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                looking for other gay men just starting

                Savon, Good point about the rest of the bottle, but I am thinking about eating food in a restaurant that has been cooked in wine? My past knowledge says the alcohol cooks out. I might look into it a little. Does anyone know that AF beer has .5% alcohol content. That is such a minute amount that it shouldn't matter, should it?
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  looking for other gay men just starting

                  I Just found something about alcohol in cooking; BossMan is right- Thanks, Boss!!

                  MYTH: When you add alcohol to a recipe it all evaporates during cooking so there is none in the final dish

                  Here's another "common sense" myth that turns out to be false. Alcohol has a lower boiling point than water so it should all evaporate first, right? Nope - that's not the way it works. The alcohol will evaporate faster than the water but there will still be some left after even extended cooking. The table below shows just how much is left after different periods of cooking.

                  Preparation Method Percent of Alcohol Retained
                  Alcohol added to boiling liquid & removed from heat 85%
                  Alcohol flamed 75%
                  No heat, stored overnight 70%
                  Baked, 25 minutes, alcohol not stirred into mixture 45%
                  Baked/simmered, alcohol stirred into mixture:
                  15 minutes 40%
                  30 minutes 35%
                  1 hour 25%
                  1.5 hours 20%
                  2 hours 10%
                  2.5 hours 5%

                  The bottom line is that no one is ever going to get tipsy from alcohol in a cooked dish, but people who want to avoid all alcohol for religious or medical reasons need to be aware that some alcohol will remain even after long cooking.

                  Source: US Department of Agriculture Nutrient Data Laboratory
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                    looking for other gay men just starting

                    The first statement after my comment is the MYTH. Interesting, Huh?
                    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                      looking for other gay men just starting


                      Miss a day of this place and I miss the most active thread! Welcome JB - you've been welcomed by the best! I think the biggest problem with cooking with wine (heck, I can't cook period - with or without wine - where is Cymru when you need him??) is that for perhaps a cup of wine needed in a recipe, I'd probably buy 2 bottles. One to cook/sip with, and the other to serve with the "meal." So scratch the cooking with wine idea.

                      JB, I do think moderating with al is possible but it takes a solid plan and commitment. In some respects it's harder than abstinence as you impose and hold yourself accountable to rules that keep you from slipping back into old habits. And no matter which path you choose, ultimately there's some major re-thinking and re-prioritizing of the place of al in your life.



                        looking for other gay men just starting

                        Julia never drank on her show. That was a myth.


                          looking for other gay men just starting

                          JB Vera hit the nail on the head when she said that moderating is harder than abstinence. We all came here with ideas and goals for ourselves. But as we post and learn from each other, we also deal with our own internal devil experimenting with what really works.

                          Keep reading, and keep focused on what will really work for you.


                            looking for other gay men just starting

                            CS04;422869 wrote: Julia never drank on her show. That was a myth.
                            "She sipped wine and tasted liberally while cooking and concluded every show with a cheery "Bon App?tit!"

                            Julia Child: bon appétit - More news and other features -

                            Perhaps it was a myth, but a widely reported one.


                              looking for other gay men just starting

                              Welcome JB
                              Boy this is an active thread. I can understand how you felt when you started this thread and wanted to look for other gay men on the website. I'm not a gay man but I am a lesbian and I felt the same way when I first joined. I even asked the moderator if they could include a LGBT forum but they told me that they get to many request for different forum. I don't know if that was an excuse or if they are really getting bombared with request on a daily basis with these kind of requests.

                              As a gay woman, to me being part of this cyber community is no different than being part of face to face community; you'll find people that accept you for who you are and others won't. But what has been missing is having people of my sexual orientation to talk to because the reality of this website is that you just don't talk about addiction and being AF or moderating; you also talk about family, spouses, friends etc... and for gay people some of the things look different so sometimes I cannot relate, or others may not relate to my experience.

                              Having said that, I'm not saying that this website doesn't work for gay people because it has worked for me and I appreciate everyone's support on a daily basis. It's been a tough road but I'm getting there.

                              Take care Jimbeam and I hope you to get to know you better through your posts
                              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                                looking for other gay men just starting

                                if gay matters ... there are quite a few gay women who attend my HOME meeting ... as far as gay men, there are none.. i wish some would appear, i would be more than happy to be their friend.. Jim, welcome to soberland where judgement is not an issue. Much fun is to be had, check in often... nice to meet you ..

                                Love Lemon... most of US are:

                                Attached files [img]/converted_files/638480=4446-attachment.jpg[/img]

