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looking for other gay men just starting

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    looking for other gay men just starting

    How are you doing this fine Friday?
    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


      looking for other gay men just starting

      Jim .... love this ... i'm sure many will also.. [ame= ]YouTube - Song Styles (Richard Simmons)[/ame] Simmons is the best .... this is a good video ...


        looking for other gay men just starting

        Ohhh Lemon - thanks for the morning giggle!!
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          looking for other gay men just starting

          Richard is so much fun, isn't he? Jim is missing out on so much!!! :H


            looking for other gay men just starting

            I met Richard Simmons at a book signing and he was so generous, kind and loving.

            Thank you to Krieger and WIP for the knowledge on the alcohol in cooking. I was taught the opposite in a fine dining restaurant and was asked by patrons the specifics and told them what I thought was the truth.
            I really appreciate the insight.

            JB my very best friend is a gay mail about 10 years my junior and I can not imagine my life without this beautiful soul. When my alcoholism was raging rampent for all to see he broke down in front of me and it was a turning point in my life to fight this monster for he cared so genuinely.

            " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


              looking for other gay men just starting

              Just saw this!!!! Jim....after the MWO Sirens have stop takin the piss believe me they are like the cindi lauper song " Girls Just Wanna Have Fun". Relax ......Tawnys observations are very astute........ Tawnys quote:
              "This is so cute. A gay guy joins and instantly he's got 30 new best girlfriends!"
              My best mate is gay and we have known each other since high school> Every time we went out the girls just swoon over him why are you guys so bloody good looking!!!! the hetro in the background was left overs( MEEEE) ANYWAY not saying Im jealous!!!!!! hope you do well...... my best mate had a drink problem too as do alot of the gay community ( you guys know how to party ) but has been AL free fore 18 months hes my rock and still my best buddy always will be. Wanting a alcohol free life is beyond gay or straight !!!!!!!! But it still pisses me off how you guys pull the girls!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. By the way my best mate is in a stable relationship he has said to me that has helped him heaps with his sobriety .... Good luck to you jim as the MWO women swoom all over you HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Any time you wanna talk MEN after these MWO sirens have gone to bed Pm me
              Love Cap


                looking for other gay men just starting

                where the hell is he? i'm getting anxious Jimmy is missing his acceptance thread. Jimmy when are ya coming back?

                Love Lemon ...

                um ... yep, thats why i am here 2. Attached files [img]/converted_files/639855=4101-attachment.jpg[/img]


                  looking for other gay men just starting

                  lemon sweets stop being so sour HAAA. well i thought it was funny HAAAAAAAAAA


                    looking for other gay men just starting

                    Well slap me around with a wet lemon some one is using the exclamation finger thing HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

