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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Hi guys,

    Another day.........just another day...........that's how I like to think of Fridays on this ODAT thread. I know that in the past I used to think of them as the start of a weekend, permission to give myself a daylong hanover........However I'm finding that I feel really hungover on way less alcohol than I used to. A good thing really as the desire to have even just one or two is slowly going away. I am completely hangover free today - AF and NF last night. Feels good.

    The ribs are still a little sore - going to rest this weekend - no sports. Hopefully by Monday I'll be in good shape!

    Hope everyone has a great day and meets their goals - hey greeny - day 101!!!!!

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Friday

    Hi Uni Know you got sore ribs and stuff but when you get better wanna join the ODAT slamin wrestling fund raiser. We got the Bessie the Greenie and the UNI first to slamm that bugger AL with a throat Thwakkkk speciality of the Greenie wins. The Bessie watch that one AL sometimes drinks the light stuff but then all of a sudden TWAKKKKKKKKKK your a gonner. Now the Uni courts for a while and then a sudden ultimate UNI technique the SLAMMMMMMMMMMMMM shes cool . no Al. But watch the Greeny she never lets the guy get up off the floor to take a breath she knows how to beat the beast shes tag teamin with the Dexter cat and that slammin DOoooooFFFFFF and the Claw'in cat MEOWWWWWWWWWW move!!!!!!!! be aware "AL" your toast!!!!!!. SATURDAY NIGHT WRESTLING BE THERE. all the best to all to come roll up roll up buy ya tickets here.


      ODAT - Friday it! You make me laugh! Thanks for that...........

      I will so be at the wrestling match Saturday! TWAKKKKKKKKK!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT - Friday

        Capt - Never was into wrestling, but you make it sound so... FUN?!

        DAY 6. Gosh. How'd that happen?? I know: ODAT!

        Y'all have a Great Friday, y'hear?
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - Friday

          HEY Uni you are the star always have been TWAKKKKKKKKK! that sucker AL


            ODAT - Friday

            Day 4 AF for me here. How was the ice cream last night, Greenie? You sure deserved it!

            Best to you all, especially those of you, like me, who struggle through the dreaded weekend. It's just another day. ODAT. We'll make it :l

            Have a good one! :happy:
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              ODAT - Friday


              I'm here ... on day 10 ... i like the ODAT'er thread .. checking in everyone. Rip is temporarily a Lemon until i can prove i can doo this ... yup.. i am a lemon because i am too weak to be clean for a long amount of time.

              Love Lemon now.. haha

              Attached files [img]/converted_files/638361=4530-attachment.gif[/img]


                ODAT - Friday

                I'm weak too. Not sure how I'm going to get through tonight. I'm working on dreaming about getting up early and clear headed on Saturday. Maybe I'll find something distracting this evening. Day 7 for me, but Friday's are always my failure point. Sigh.


                  ODAT - Friday

        ;423231 wrote: I'm weak too. Not sure how I'm going to get through tonight. I'm working on dreaming about getting up early and clear headed on Saturday. Maybe I'll find something distracting this evening. Day 7 for me, but Friday's are always my failure point. Sigh.
                  Hi OTDATers! Checking in to say "hi"!

                  Boss fellow, you're doing great. And, since Friday is a trigger day for you (and you sound a bit shaky about it), how about making absolutely dead SURE you will have something distracting to do this evening? That could make all the difference!

                  best wishes all!



                    ODAT - Friday

                    Rips your not a lemon choose another fruit think determined fruit like a mmmmmmmmmmmmmm well determined fruit !!!!!!shit load of help Ive been sorry
                    Cap......... you into gentle wrestling by any chance?????


                      ODAT - Friday

                      Day 6 here and it's looking like it's going to be a good one.


                        ODAT - Friday

                        Morning all and all to come ...

                        Crappy morning. For the first time in three weeks I blew my plan a bit. Been doing so well on my limits and lowering them each week and have not missed a beat until last night. Family in from Ireland. God can they toss it back!

                        Not too bad; my limit was 3 glasses of wine, but I drank 6. One was getting dressed to go out and it was over about 5 hours. Driving home I kept on thinking I HATE FEELING LIKE THIS! HOW DID I DO THIS FOR SO MANY YEARS??? And used to drink 2 PLUS bottles every damn night!

                        Feel yucky this morning like I drank a giant bottle of vodka or something. Perhaps part of it is the Topa starting to work but it is a CLEAR reminder of why I am working so hard to get sober for good!

                        Plenty of water, off to run the dog and going to hit the waves in my kayak this afternoon. Not going to beat myself for this mistake because it sure reinforced my mission in my head!

                        Happy Friday everyone.


                          ODAT - Friday

                          A WRESTLING MATCH!!!! I'll wear my special big girl pants WGBP!! Thwakkkkkk!

                          They didn't have friggin' peppermint ice cream!! I tasted a half-ozen flavors and settled for cinnamon.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            ODAT - Friday

                            OK - I've been having HUGE cravings since I came home from weird interview..

                            Had to go to grocery store on way home... Bought my lemonade. But would really like, well, you know!!

                            Since I joined that 7 Day thing... guess I HAVE to last thru tomorrow!!
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              ODAT - Friday

                              Good Afternoon all ODATers
                              Late check in for me. I was too tired to check in this morning. I worked the overnight shift again. Day 12 today and going strong. I am working through the weekend and my football team is off this weekend, so should buy me a couple more days at least.
                              I am a bit concerned with what may have gone on here last night while I was working. My daughter's full length mirror is lying shattered on the floor and it is after 3pm and she is still is bed. I know that she had a friend here last night. I am not even sure if the friend is still here or not. Oh, well, I was 20, As soon as I started the new job, my two 20 something year olds started planning around my nights at work, if ya know what I mean.
                              WTE- Good attitude!! Sometimes, we must do further research. I also get way more hungover these days with much less AL. A good deterrant, I think. Hope you all have a great eve. I will begin work on my Ark now as we are getting about a foot of unneeded rain.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

