Day 15! Yay! I haven't gone 15 days in months. I'm quite pleased with myself.
Trouble is, I am feeling kaput. As in, simply getting out of the chair requires energy I don't have. The dishes are going undone. I'm not bothering to shower. My place is a disaster. I just feel BEAT. I even have books checked out from the library that I really want to "read" (they're mostly artsy/craftsy books), but even that seems to require more oooomph than I have. I have all sorts of projects (some even enjoyable) I could be working on, but, again, I don't have the oooomph to bother. I'm eating fairly well (a bit short on protein, but I don't have a dime for food (or anything else) until next Friday). I am taking the MWO vitamins fairly consistently. My thyroids are in check (I do take hypothyroid meds.) Still, I just am feeling so incredibly exhausted. (This is how I feel when I'm PMSing, but I am not PMSing, as I just finished the MSing.

Does anyone have any tips? Will it pass? Surely it will, but shouldn't it have passed by now?
Thanks, guys! You are all so wonderfully supportive. I am so thankful for this community, because I really have nowhere else to turn.