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Exhausted, fatigued, pooped

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    Exhausted, fatigued, pooped

    Hi everyone,

    Day 15! Yay! I haven't gone 15 days in months. I'm quite pleased with myself.

    Trouble is, I am feeling kaput. As in, simply getting out of the chair requires energy I don't have. The dishes are going undone. I'm not bothering to shower. My place is a disaster. I just feel BEAT. I even have books checked out from the library that I really want to "read" (they're mostly artsy/craftsy books), but even that seems to require more oooomph than I have. I have all sorts of projects (some even enjoyable) I could be working on, but, again, I don't have the oooomph to bother. I'm eating fairly well (a bit short on protein, but I don't have a dime for food (or anything else) until next Friday). I am taking the MWO vitamins fairly consistently. My thyroids are in check (I do take hypothyroid meds.) Still, I just am feeling so incredibly exhausted. (This is how I feel when I'm PMSing, but I am not PMSing, as I just finished the MSing. ) I am sleeping far too much. I am in bed by 8 or 9 at night (sometimes earlier) and I nap during the day (I really feel like I have to!). I keep thinking that I'll get my energy back--at least SOME energy--but I don't. It's driving me nuts. All I want to do is curl up in the chair and sit or go back to bed. I just hate feeling this way.

    Does anyone have any tips? Will it pass? Surely it will, but shouldn't it have passed by now?

    Thanks, guys! You are all so wonderfully supportive. I am so thankful for this community, because I really have nowhere else to turn.

    Exhausted, fatigued, pooped

    Hey Pink - are you trying to say you're... TIRED? (Sorry, I'm in a silly mood today!)

    Sometimes (I've found) that sleeping TOO much makes me have less energy. I know it sounds odd, but try to Force yourself to sleep a bit less...

    Even if it means drinking coffee or something.

    GREAT on Day 15! I'm only Day 6... but feeling pretty good (so far!).
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      Exhausted, fatigued, pooped

      savon19;423204 wrote: Hey Pink - are you trying to say you're... TIRED? (Sorry, I'm in a silly mood today!)
      Yeah, I guess I didn't get my point across, did I? I should try to expand on it a bit.


        Exhausted, fatigued, pooped

        Pinky .... this shall pass ... you should become energyzed any time now. i get really busy when i hit about the 2-3 week mark. it is coming .. the longer 'we' stay off the suace the more likely we are going to explode with energy .... i am waiting also, as i am on day 10 and still tired myself.. check in with us.. we are all dooing the same routine.

        Take care ... Love Lemon... Attached files [img]/converted_files/638382=4414-attachment.jpg[/img]


          Exhausted, fatigued, pooped

          Sometimes, Nothing helps and you just gotta stick it out, push through it, Fight instead of flight, take the bull by the horns and so on. I am on day 14 and feeling the same way.
          Starting over again 09/06/11

          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



            Exhausted, fatigued, pooped

            Don't mean to discourage you, but with me it seems to come and go. I have been pretty much off the al and nicotine for almost 4 months. I have been keeping a journal to see what's going on. When I discussed it with my D.C. he said the fatigue I'm experiencing again now could still be part of the detox process--esp where I quit both. I do find that getting out in the fresh air helps--and I've been biking and walking to train for the race for the cure and that also helps. Please be patient with yourself. I know at first there were a lot of things that didn't get done--guess what, they were still there when I felt better!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              Exhausted, fatigued, pooped

              hi pinks sorry your down but withdrawl beleive it or not beats the body up,tht doesnt mean have a drink either your doing great,maybe your body is lacking somthing as gia said maybe a multible vitamin,i usually take a lotof vitamin c,seems to help me wish you well gyco


                Exhausted, fatigued, pooped

                I think your body is just adjusting. If it goes on too long you should see a dr. You may be iron deficient. Also, make sure you are taking a good multivitamin. Try and get out and take a short walk. The fresh air and blood pumping may liven you up. You will get your energy back. Great job on AF! You may be tired but at least you aren't waking up hungover and feeling like crap on top of being exhausted! Gabby.
                Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

