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First Social Event AF

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    First Social Event AF

    Went to my first social event AF last night. My husband and I went to a dinner party with the physicians I work for and when we arrived and they offered me a drink, I asked for ice water. One of them laughed and asked if I was pregnant. HA! That would be a joke at 45 and having had a hysterectomy. Anyway, the evening went great and today is day 21 AF. However; I have been craving sweets like there is no tomorrow. I feel like I could down a pound of chocolate. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    First Social Event AF

    I'd go for the chocolate :H No seriously, I'm only day 3 and I'm craving sweets. I guess its normal. I'd rather indulge in chocolate than AL.
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      First Social Event AF

      Thanks AK, I just wanted to lose the 25 pounds I put on from all the wine, I thought the Topa was helping at first but all of a sudden these cravings for sweets took over.


        First Social Event AF

        Great Job HW
        Hey enjoy the sweets. This will pass. Think of all of the calories that you are not pouring down your throat with AL, and No Hangover!!
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          First Social Event AF

          Helpwanted08;423788 wrote: Went to my first social event AF last night. My husband and I went to a dinner party with the physicians I work for and when we arrived and they offered me a drink, I asked for ice water. One of them laughed and asked if I was pregnant. HA! That would be a joke at 45 and having had a hysterectomy. Anyway, the evening went great and today is day 21 AF. However; I have been craving sweets like there is no tomorrow. I feel like I could down a pound of chocolate. Does anyone have any suggestions?
          I AM SOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! What an inspiration.

          I can totally relate to the change in eating habits. I have been craving all kinds of sweets. Maybe we need to go grocery shopping for some low fat low sugar items that wouldnt be as bad for us.

          I hear freezing grapes is great for you. Its soemthing I read in COSMO. Anyway, i must have downed the biggest chocalate cheesecake slice of my life today at a BBQ lunch.


            First Social Event AF

            Good for you on the AF dinner party. I wouldn't worry too much about the sweets-that will pass, as Sea said. If you are concerned, try to have lots of fruit around so you can satisfy your sweet tooth with that.
            Paisley, That grape idea sounds wonderful!

            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


              First Social Event AF

              I agree - go eat a pound of chocolate. It can't have many more calories than the AL had anyway! I do 5 M&Ms for every hour AL free in the evening, and one chocolate covered cherry for every day AL free. Hey, don't laugh! It works!


                First Social Event AF

                Hi Help -

                During my first 1.5 weeks AF, I ate a bag or 2 of M and M's a day (usually around 4-5pm)! I was craving sweets too. The craving for that subsided, too.

                Congrats on the AF event - that's a big deal!



                  First Social Event AF

                  We all have our own remedies for the sugar thing, but sparkling water with lemon works for me. Not many calories either. Although, I also tried the grapes like someone suggested a couple of weeks ago, and that is helpful too.


                    First Social Event AF

                    Hi Help
                    Congratulations on your first social AF.To me that was one of my biggest accomplishments .I remember the war going on in mind that no one around me knew about .It does get easier the further away you get from the al.I also remember turning down certain invitations when I first went AF knowing it would be detrimental to my goal.Again Great job,keep up your guard and you will keep winning the battle.
                    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                    AF 5-16-08


                      First Social Event AF

                      I think I 'm finally getting a handle on the sweets/ carbs thing. Awhile back I posted a granola recipe with a chocolate/peanut butter coating - at least there are lots of healthy things in it. I ate a lot of it in my AF months. Now I'm moderating, and that's going OK.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        First Social Event AF

                        Well done on the AF evening. Yes, I understand the sweets thingy . When I stopped Al in March, I lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks...even though I was chowing down the chocolates. I was exercising too. Tried to exercise while I was craving as another out let.

                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                          First Social Event AF

                          OMG sunbeam, that granola was fab!
                          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                            First Social Event AF

                            Thats for all the support! sunbeam if you find that recipe I would love it.


                              First Social Event AF

                              Great job! The supplement L-Glutamine works really well for both alcohol and sugar cravings. I give it two thumbs up!

                              "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale

