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Sort of New with Questions

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    Sort of New with Questions

    I am just recently starting and have been on the supplements and Topamax for about 2 weeks now. Needless to say, I am still having the cravingto drink my wine. But I was wondering...does anyone know about True Calm or L Glut ? I keep seeing these mentioned on other posts and I'm wondering if maybe I'm missing something. Thanks in advance for any help.

    Sort of New with Questions

    Hi Cali and welcome! A lot of people find L-Glutamine very helpful in reducing cravings, and True Calm for.... getting calmer... ! There's a place on this website that gives more info about specific supplements... maybe it's in the "store"? Can others help out here?

    What other elements of the program are you using? Self-hypnosis, exercise, etc.?

    best wishes,



      Sort of New with Questions

      Hi Nurse,

      I felt like you except it wasn't so much cravings as habit. I kept wondering what am I missing? I'm doing what I'm supposed to but it's not working. True calm helped me with bed time. And L-glut really helps with cravings. I've not tried it on my tongue but that is what others suggest. I really just had to keep busy and I also tried an AF wine. I had a few AF days in the last month and now I am on day 3 and determined to at least get 7. Do you have the cd's. I'm going to start over with them, I think that might be what I'm missing. Good luck to you
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Sort of New with Questions

        Hi nurse,
        I would try the L-glut under your tongue, and maybe the kudzu. You can get them from the store on this website. How much Topa are you taking? Make sure you are drinking a lot of water too. Keep posting and welcome!


          Sort of New with Questions

          HI Cali -

          I was taking Kudzu, a multi-vitamin, Borage Oil (like evening primrose oil), milk thistle and L-Glut for 2 weeks and was able to slow my drinking. THen I added B-50 vitamin and Magnesium and was able to STOP that evening.

          The book (and the more experienced posters on this site) say niacin deficiency (a B vitamin) cause cravings, too.

          My B-50 is from Nature Made. I got it at the local supermarket (A and P) for about $7 for 60 capsules.

          Hope it helps.

          - Figi


            Sort of New with Questions

            Thanks for all of the responses. I didn't buy the CDs yet because I was hoping that the pills would be the know being a nurse and all I also have 3 small children and don't know when I'd find the time to sit and listen undisturbed. I am taking all supps that are listed in the book as she outlines and am going to up the Topamax to 75 mg today. I suppost I will try the L Glut and True Calm as I do feel a bit jumpy on the Topa at times. Exercise and there's a thought. The 2 simplest things in life yet the 2 easiest things to find excuses for not indulging in...I will make some changes...I have to. I don't want to be this way anymore.


              Sort of New with Questions

              Added a picture just want to be sure it worked


                Sort of New with Questions

                Guess not


                  Sort of New with Questions

                  Welcome Cali!
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    Sort of New with Questions

                    Welcom Cali. I haven't tried True Calm. L-Glut is a precursor to Glutamine, and is found in a well stocked herb/vitamine department in a local grocery store. Both True Calm (a GABA precursor plus more) and L-Glut are essential amino acids. You can't ingest amino acids directly, because your digestive system breaks them down. You have to ingest the precursors, hoping that your body converts them to the right things. That's the "L" in L-Glutamine, it means simply, this will become glutamine when your digestion takes the L off.

                    I'm certainly for trying everything. For gosh sakes, some of this stuff must work, right? I'm not on Topo though, so what may work for me will be different for you. For me, Kudzu appears to be the best for cravings and vitamins for feeling good. Definitely Valerian helped the shakes but I think you are past that stage. IMO the last and biggest battle is mental, and there's no pill for that.


                      Sort of New with Questions

                      Welcome Cali.....
                      "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

                      AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


                        Sort of New with Questions

                        Hello and Welcome Cali
                        I am a Nurse too. I use the L-Glut for cravings and I do throw half a capsule under my tongue if the cravings are intense. I was amazed at how well it works. I use the True Calm for anxiety and sleep, and this also works well for me. I wish you well as you begin your journey. There is nothing quite like feeling like crap yourself and having to care for people who are ill. It sux. Stick with us.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          Sort of New with Questions

                          I think the L-Glut and Kudzu have really helped me. I'm on week 4 of Topa but moving up really slow as I'm doing it with out a DR so still at 75mg. Still a bit of cravings, but NOTHING like before.

                          I have a weekly/ daily goal set. And as the Topa goes up, the wine goes down. I've tried the cold turkey too many times and fell down over and over again. This progress in baby steps seems to be my answer.

                          I'm not real fond of the CDs, but I DO think they are also helping.

