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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Good morning!!

    I wander around the house looking for my teacups instead of my drink glasses now. Nice, eh? And they are in plain sight too! Not behind table legs, couches, etc. :H

    The sun is peeping through the remains of yesterday's rainy cloud cover. So I'll go to the community fair thing and browse the arts and crafts. I can usually pick up some things for my present closet. Comes in handy at Christmas.

    Last night I dreamed I was at a party sucking down alcohol (don't recall what form) when all of a sudden I remembered I'm not supposed to drink and it was too late. It was the wierdest feeling of doom. Wonder what that was about

    I finally got all the utilities transferred to my name. Hubby is not wanting to cooperate over the insurance, but I'll get it done one way or another. Seeing me move on, hubby is making noises about not wanting a divorce. :lalala: He's sick and wanted to spend the weekend "at home". I think not.

    Stay strong and meet your goals!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Saturday

    wow. sounds like u are really getting on top of things.
    i've been through a similar situation years ago. stay strong. u know what's best for u.
    seems like ur doing fantastically well. all the best.


      ODAT - Saturday

      Good girl, Greenie! (Hard to live w/someone you're divorcing...!!)

      My Day 7 starts NOW. Can't believe I had strong craving earlier (and it's only 8:30 AM).

      Trying to remember why I'm doing this... OH yeah, it's coming back to me. Clear head, more money, no calling people & making ass of myself - and not remembering LOL? - feeling better about myself as a human being... OK OK. Guess a few cravings here & there are worth it!!

      Have a great Saturday, all.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT - Saturday

        hi EYES GREEN,nc to see things are coming around slowly,the dreams are normal even latr in my sobriety it was still there,the nasty dreams do eventually go,as far as me the cravings which werent to bad did not,it does get better beleive me,sober or modding it does get better gyco


          ODAT - Saturday

          The start of day 7. I went to AA yesterday. I've been surfing meetings and I think I found a group I like. I really don't care for the steps and god stuff but they were a cool and funny group. And I really don't like how everyone introduces themselves as alcoholics. I would think that it's pretty obvious since we are all at an AA meeting. But despite all that, I'm going to keep going to show my husband that I am serious about this. We have a four year old's birthday party to go to today. We are all going as a family and I am so happy about that. 2 days ago I was sure I'd be taking the kids by myself. There may be some beer there but I could care less. This last week has provided me with extremely effective aversion therapy. Didn't cost me a dime either. All I had to do was really hurt the person I love most in the world. Have a good and sober day today.


            ODAT - Saturday

            No ma'am, I find the whole idea of introducing yourself an alcoholic a complete turn off. For me it is truly damaging to my self esteem to think of myself that way. It feels like a hopeless statement, and I feel very full of hope due to this site! I tend to view alcoholism as a temporary condition that with much help, can be overcome. It doesn't define who I am.
            I am so happy to see you on day 7 already! Very well done. As tlrgs would say, stay stong and think positive!
            greenie, your post make me chuckle about the drinks hiding behind table legs and couches. I would find them in the oddest spots!
            You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


              ODAT - Saturday

              Good Morning ODATers
              Green you are so strong. You go girl!! I have had the "insane" dreams myself. I think it is pretty common. We should start a dream analysis thread. I have a book on the interpretation of dreams, and I bet alot of others out there have some insight. Keep on holding your ground. You really are an inspiration to so many others.
              No'Maam-Way to Go Woman!!! You really are doing Great!! I go to AA too. I just take what I need and leave the rest.
              River-You know I love ya woman. Keep on truckin"
              Always nice to see you Gyco
              Day 13 for me. My lucky I am working the next 4 days so always helps to keep me out of trouble. I wish everyone a Happy Saturday.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                ODAT - Saturday

                Sorry 1967 and Savon. I missed you the first time. Sounds like you are both doing well. Day 7 Savon. Way to Go!!!!
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Sea...nice chatting with you last nite..glad i was good. Everyone .... stay sober, it pays!!!


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Nice chatting with you too LD. May I say, you look especially lovely this Hopefully that is not what sobriety does to It makes me so happy to see you doing so well. Love ya. Woman!!!
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      OMG, lemon, love the avatar!

                      greenie, you're so freakin' strong and cool! Keep it up, girl!

                      Day 5 for me. I'm worried about football tomorrow but since this IS the
                      ODAT thread I won't whine (wine? aargghh) and I'll just deal with today.
                      I've already got a lot of good things accomplished and feel good about
                      that. Now I just need to keep going up to and through the bewitching
                      hour. I may leave home during that time. Hubby will be through a 6-pk
                      by then so it might be best if I find someplace else to go.

                      Keep on keeping on, all :l
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Morning all,

                        Greeneyes, you inspire me as to how strong you are staying. Been there and you are AMAZING!

                        I had the same issues with AA, cept I couldn't leave "parts" of it behind. Admire those that it works for because I could use all the ammo I can get my hands on.

                        Did better yesterday and back on track. Today should be a breeze although I am feeling a bit down for some reason. Perhaps the Topa (?) as its now the 4th day at 75mg, or could be the upcoming stuff in 3 weeks with the Ex that I'm thinking about too much. Either way, I'm staying at my goals and feeling good about that.

                        Have a BBQ for later in the day and feel confident I will be able to control all. And a wine tasting and jazz tomorrow with the girls group. Not sure what I was thinking on that one, but I still feel pretty confident about maintaining my current goals.

                        Just trying to keep busy! Have a great day everyone!


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          greeneyes;424260 wrote: Good morning!!

                          I wander around the house looking for my teacups instead of my drink glasses now. Nice, eh? And they are in plain sight too! Not behind table legs, couches, etc. :H

                          The sun is peeping through the remains of yesterday's rainy cloud cover. So I'll go to the community fair thing and browse the arts and crafts. I can usually pick up some things for my present closet. Comes in handy at Christmas.

                          Last night I dreamed I was at a party sucking down alcohol (don't recall what form) when all of a sudden I remembered I'm not supposed to drink and it was too late. It was the wierdest feeling of doom. Wonder what that was about

                          I finally got all the utilities transferred to my name. Hubby is not wanting to cooperate over the insurance, but I'll get it done one way or another. Seeing me move on, hubby is making noises about not wanting a divorce. :lalala: He's sick and wanted to spend the weekend "at home". I think not.

                          Stay strong and meet your goals!
                          You are doing so great, Smiley Toes!!!! Much YEAHNESS for you!


                            ODAT - Saturday

                            river0123;424324 wrote: No ma'am, I find the whole idea of introducing yourself an alcoholic a complete turn off. For me it is truly damaging to my self esteem to think of myself that way. It feels like a hopeless statement, and I feel very full of hope due to this site! I tend to view alcoholism as a temporary condition that with much help, can be overcome. It doesn't define who I am.
                            I am so happy to see you on day 7 already! Very well done. As tlrgs would say, stay stong and think positive!
                            greenie, your post make me chuckle about the drinks hiding behind table legs and couches. I would find them in the oddest spots!
                            I have the same issues with whole "You must confess" thing. If I wanted to confess I would just give up and go the bar. I don't want to confess, I want to fight against the whole notion straight to my grave. That is why I am here hiding and trying to get better before even my very own soul finds out. Hurry, hurry, I have to get better NOW.


                              ODAT - Saturday

                              Happy Saturday my fellow ODATs,

                              It's pouring down rain all day today, and it is expected to go on throughout the night and all day tomorrow. Great. I'm going to my first ever Red Sox game, and it has to rain. Talk about accepting what life dishes out!! Anyway, old Vera is having a rainy, boring week/weekend.

                              Savon, you sound so positive. So happy to hear you're on an AF run. And Greenie, you reach us all even through your dreams. When I was in college and very seriously dieting (and eating even below the diet schedule) I dreamt that I was biting into a juicy hamburger (it's only been 30-some odd years, and I still remember the dream!!). I thought I was dreaming about "cheating" on my diet because I was subconciously craving a forbidden food. Could it be that your subconcious mind still wants a drink?

                              Anyway, glad to hear that everyone seems to be having a very strong week. That's good news - keep it coming! Just remember we're ODAT so if a day doesn't work out as planned, we're still here!


