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    Hi all.
    The last few days i've slipped and drunk although i haven't been out of my head, it's been a bottle each day. Luckly, i'm a lot more aware of my drinking habbits so i've pulled myself together and today i day one AGAIN. I have also stopped taking my supplements as i kept missing them which hasn't helped.

    I feel really really down at the moment. I'm not going to give up this battle but i feel really weak and at risk of drinking. I'm not sure how long this weak feeling will stay, i've never had it before. I just feel i'm plodding along, struggling and just feeling low.

    :dunno: That face really shows how i feel right now.


    Hi Michelle, I am glad to hear you are back on board. Being aware of what you are doing is a great start. I doesnt matter that you are on day 1 again, just that you are still trying. You will feel less down when the alcohol is out of your system. Do not give up!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



      Hi Michelle,
      Startingover is right. The important thing is that you are here and you are aware there is a problem. Drink alot of water today and get back on your supplements. Don't be too hard on yourself. Today is a new day. Stick with it!



        The more I stop drinking, the more I want to drink.

        It's as if I have my own US Congress in my head and heart. Whenever I see clear sky, they want to binge. Whenever I want to be practical, they want to throw success away. I want natural sleep, but every cell in my body wants to "buzz out". I want peace and control, but what I have is the battle of Waterloo raging in my brain and body.

        Didn't someone win the battle of Waterloo? It's a battle best known for it's loser, Napoleon. I hope yours and my battle shows better success.

        Battle of Waterloo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



          Boss man.. that pretty much sums me up.. i'm on 17 today after telling my "weekend" self that i'll go 30 before i let myself have a drink (beer).. this is where i always seem to lose my focus.. i haven't noticed any of the "my life is sooo much better now" or "i am doing things now that i never did before" things.. i quit soley because i knew/know it was/is bad for my health.. wife liked me fine when i was drinking, kids liked me fine, i liked me fine, everything was fine except i know it was going to kill me.. i pretty much know that i won't be able to moderate.. moderate for me is "there's still some in the fridge" when i go to bed... sorry, i'm just in a shitty mood today...



            You have made it to day 17...that is fantastic! I, too, quit becasue I knew it would eventually affect my health. That is no small reason!!!! Sorry you are in a crap mood; I hope the day gets better for you. It sounds to me like you are in the grieving stage and feel sorry for your loss? You know better how you feel, but try to turn your thoughts to something positive about your quit. That may make you feel a little better. I look forward to getting to know you better.
            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu



              thank you kriger... i know the force is strong with me... force = beast...



                Don't be BLUE.....pick your self up keep trying ! IAD.
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss

