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    Wow never started one of these actually never really started any thing except a wrestling match and a dance competition failed miserably at both!!!!! hope Bessie doesnt mind. Wish every one a well and happy al free Sunday. Beautiful spring day here in Oz hope the sun shines on all with its warmth. Take care
    Love cap


    Lovely start Captn! Thank you! :l

    Today I shall sport a pair of jeans that fit! The best part is that they were 45% off! I can't believe how much clothes cost! (I don't shop much). I'm going to scour thrift and consignment shops. Or big sales like that one Retail price is for the birds! Especially for those of us who are about to be unemployed!

    The community fiar wasn't very productive, but there was one cool booth in which this guy had jewelery made with butterflies and butterfly wings. I got some gifts there and that was it. In the past, I'd go to those with a buzz and bring home things and look at them and wonder what was I thinking?! when I bought food tickets, I noticed they didn't sell beer on Saturday, just Friday night. Last year I had one there at 11AM hoping nobody I knew would see me and it wasn't my first.

    Today the tax return workbook I have been whining about and procrastinating. Possibly lunch w/ GF. All 3 of us are in the midsts of very big struggles. So, my tea and I will get started on that and try my best to stay focused and knock it out today. I guess you can tell I really don't want to do it :H

    Good luck with your goals today.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



      (OK, Greenie - I'm now picturing a guy pulling wings off butterfly! :wow

      Day 8. YAY!! Started this rather half-heartedly, to be honest, so I'm very happy it seems to have had more "wings" than I thought!

      Flyin' high on not being high!

      I'm going to see "The Women" today with gf. Nice reward!!

      Have a stupendous Sunday, all!

      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



        Savon, I KNOW!!!! The guilt kept me from toying with them when I got home! But I figure leaving those four giant monarch caterpillars alone while they ate my parsley plants down to the nub gave me some redemption.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



          Remain CALM .. i am here. We dooing good or WOT? I think this is my 12th day ....

          Thanks Capt. for starting daily bread!! Attached files [img]/converted_files/639811=4417-attachment.jpg[/img]



            Good Morning All ODATer's
            Thanks for getting us started Capt. You have a lovely way with words.
            I hear ya on the shopping, Greenie. I am fortunate in that I can fit in my daughter's clothes, and she buys Great
            Way to Go Savon and Lemon!! You ladies Rock!! Hope I didn't miss anyone. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



              Hey Everybody!

              As I sit here diligently guzzling my All-One powder mixed with healthy cranberry/pomegranite juice I am contemplating eating one of the donuts I just bought for my daughter and her friend. They had a sleepover. Let me see, what should I do...hmmm.

              See ya, gotta go have a donut!

              Take care, have a great day, Day 6 for me!
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



                Go ahead and have the donut.. give yourself what you want. i said so. send me one. :H



                  Capt'n, It's going to be a good day ! I can feel it ! Ha1 IAD !
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss



                    Morning all,

                    Got a bad case of the blues for some reason this morning and I'm not sure where they are coming from. Ex stuff or Topa related? Greenie, can I borrow some of that AMAZING strength you have???

                    Had a date at the BBQ yesterday and had one more glass of wine than I should have. (goal was 2) Not too bad but I'm a bit pissed at my self for doing it. And today I am suppose to go to a wine tasting / Jazz festival with a girls group. I think I need to pass on that. Just don't feel strong enough yet to be in those social situations right now and hold to my goals. Still too sad about this guy thing and feeling a bit weak.

                    Best to bust my butt around the house here and get a few projects done and run the pup instead so I can feel better about starting the week off strong. *sigh*



                      happy sunday everyone!

                      Hubby and I are still remodeling our dream suite for 2 plus laudry & powder room. So weekends have been full of pounding 2x4s in place, leveling and then pounding some more. But low and behold, this morning we bought sheetrock!!!!

                      Now all I have to do is not crave AL to celebrate the arrival of the sheetrock! Or at least cave in to the crave.

                      Have a great day everyone!!!!



                        Day 8 today. This morning my husband and I (I really like the sound of that) took our little boys to the driving range to bang some balls around. It's pretty funny to watch our 3 year old son swinging a little tiny club and missing the ball by a mile. He did make one really good shot though. Smack into our 5 year old's mouth on the back swing. Nothing like swallowing a little blood on a Sunday morning. Makes ya grow big and strong. Since I don't play golf, my hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders and back are already sore.
                        See ya.



                          Hi guys,

                          Nothing like sheetrock and a bit of blood on a Sunday morning...

                          Hi there Croft, sounds like a lot of work going on there but also sounds like good fun

                          No'mam - you sound a little better than the last time I checked in here - hope all is well

                          And to all Odaters - keep strong

                          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.



                            Hey all,
                            Been having a not-so-good day. My back hurt and I've been bitchy. I hate that. But, no AF today. I'm luckily broke until tuesday, (sometimes broke is a great thing!!!) or I could've gave in. I'm chuggin kool-aid like no tommorro, and the motrin seems to be helping..(why didn't I think of motrin earlier). Day 4 for me- woo-weeeee!!!!!!!!
                            Have a great Sunday!!



                              Hey all! I am a BAD PERSON! The Pres debate on Friday got me going to my old political forums, which is a known hot-button for me. Between the adrenaline rush of my -uber superior- opinions, and a couple nips of gin, suddenly I was king of the world, and 1.5 liters of hard alcohol disappeared from my cabinet in 36 hours.

                              I'm just now getting to Mea Culpa and let's restore balance for Monday, a work day tomorrow. Fantastic weather here, warm and sunny. I'm trying to drink that in, and not focus on my massive failures of the last two days. Anyone interested in a detailed discussion of the battle of Waterloo? Why does the "Duke of Wellington" go by his title, and not his name; Arthur?

