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I'm new here

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    I'm new here

    If i'm honest i'm scared and not quite sure of what to expect from this. I havent always had a problem with drink it has only been in the last 10 years or so. I know now that i need help as things are getting out of control and i'm finding that drinking seems to be all i think about. I need to stop and need your help :new:

    I'm new here

    Welcome last chance! We are a great bunch and if you stick with us, you will gather a wealth of information, tools and support towards making yourself well!

    And oh, we don't bite, so please don't be afraid!

    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


      I'm new here

      Hi Skoots

      Thank you for making me feel welcome. I really hope i can settle in here.

      Last Chance


        I'm new here

        welcome last chance!

        i was in your shoes and i am so glad i found this amazing group of people.

        so be yourself. we see each other through the thick and the thin


          I'm new here

          It was getting to the point when i was about to give up all hope then i found this site. I have read some of the post and can see how it has helped so many people and i really feel that i can benefit from it. This really is may last chance. On the verge of losing hubby as he doesnt drink and he feels i drink to much. I reach for the wine as soon as i get in from work. A glass with dinner then a few more after. I feel that my drinking is getting out of hand.


            I'm new here

            Hello Lastchance and :welcome:
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              I'm new here

              You're in the right place. You'll find so many people here who are going through the same. Keep posting and know you're on your way.


                I'm new here


                Hey lastchance!

                Welcome! From one wino to another (I hope you don't mind that term, I tend to be quite blunt), my preference if you please is chardonnay and cheap is fine with me. With the help of MWO ( My Way Out) I am now 6 days AF (alcohol free). I strongly recommend downloading the My Way Out book and reading it cover to cover. It completely changed my life.

                There is help for you and more support for you than you could ever imagine :l

                Take care of yourself. Celebrate your first few posts with a nice tall glass of ice cold water! :welcome:
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  I'm new here

                  Last Chance,
                  You have come to the right place. This is a wonderful group of caring people here to offer support. I would suggest reading the book to get a handle on the program so you can devise you own plan to quit. This is not haphazard- a plan is crucial and will serve you well through this journey. Many of us have benefited from making a list of the reasons you want alcohol to stop controlling your life. Read it during the tough times to give you strength. I hope you come here often because that helps immensely. I look forward to your future posts and getting to know you better.
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                    I'm new here

                    Kriger thanks for the advice. I will start my list this evening. Can think of many reasons. The main one being losing my hubby. He is my world and has been there for me through so much but guess there is only so much one person can take.


                      I'm new here

                      welcome.. this is a great place. so many caring people.. seems like us alcis are wonderfule caring people

                      just on thing pls talk to your hubby, and let him know you want to change... and look for support..
                      dont do what i did and loose my loved one. probally due to the drink... and im yet to learn from my mistakes.. i still drink...

                      take care and if you need an ear pm me ok..

                      an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                        I'm new here

                        :welcome: Lastchance

                        I too have been struggling with a wine problem - steadily increased from a glass or two a night to drinking about 50 units a week.

                        I've learned so much from MWO and the wealth of knowledge that the great people on here are sharing with me. This is my second attempt at quitting alcohol but I feel it's easier this time having found this site

                        Good luck and welcome


                          I'm new here

                          Lastchance, big welcome to you!

                          downloading and reading RJ's MWO book is a great place to start as well as poking around and getting to know the site. Lots of great info here and marvelous folks to boot
                          look forward to getting to know you. come on chat and say hi. usually someone there in the evenings for sure.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            I'm new here


                            The book is a great place to start! There is hope!!
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              I'm new here

                              Thanks guys for making me feel welcome.

                              Think it all started when me and hubby started trying for a baby. We tried for a few years but nothing happened. We then realised something was wrong and went for tests only to find out that it was me that couldn't have children. We have thought about IVF but just can't afford it. Things have got so bad and drinking has just taking over. Hubby and I don't even talk anymore except for "hello how's your day been" and the usual general stuff. We used to be so intune with eachother and shared everthing. This is day 1 for me.

