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    Hi all you ODATers....

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! I wasn't around much so didn't get a chance to log on.

    AF/NF last night - Friday and Saturday I did drink a bit but nothing out of control. Funny though, Saturday I did smoke and I ahven't smoked in over a week - OMG - I had a BRUTAL nicotine hangover yesterday........I felt like crap! All I could feel in my body was smoke, I wanted to throw up, it was awful! Guess that reminded me why I don't want to do that anymore! If I hadn't of had a couple of beers I wouldn't have wanted to smoke so when people say you need to kill both demons together I can sooooo understand why!

    Here's to a good AF or mods day, whatever your plan!

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


    Tina Fey is at it again... TOOO funny!

    Saturday Night Live - Couric / Palin Open - Video -

    Looks like I'm on board for Day 9!!

    Little choo-choo says, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!!"
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



      A lovely morning to all......

      Are you waiting with anticipation for my announcement that I finished the tax workbook? I didn't think so. :H I didn't. I worked on it a good bit and then drove across town and sat on the back porch with the two GF who have big struggles of their own and we laughed our arses off. So much more improtant than the IRS! Hopefully I'll finish it today and get it to the accountant.

      Have a great Monday - A fresh start if you need it and another successful week to rack up if you don't! :l
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - MONDAY

        Hi all

        Another rushed message - sorry!! Still all mental here and I was out all day yesterday driving to somewhere in the north west to pick up another dog - a lovely 5 month old lurcher. Must be mad! But he is so gorgeous! Saturday was a seriously early 4am start to get out trail hunting, then back to do the cottage changeover, then out to the movies and an Indian meal. Al free Saturday but not Sunday.

        Hope all is well and I also hope my life settles down a bit so I can spend a bit more time on here!!

        bessie xx


          ODAT - MONDAY

          Good Day Uni, Greenie, Savon, Bessie and all to follow
          I worked all weekend and my football team was on the Bye week, meaning that they did not play, so AF was pretty easy over the weekend. I will be working the overnight shift tonight and tomorrow. I am waiting for my benefits package to arrive, so that I can get health insurance. I really would like to discuss Topamax with my doctor again. She also wants to run blood tests on my pancreas and liver. Things are pretty stable here, which can be dangerous for me. Being the Good Alkie and Adult child of an alcoholic, I find comfort in chaos. Sick and sad, but true. Happy Monday and best wishes to all.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            ODAT - MONDAY

            Hello odaters!

            Had a nice weekend myself. Uni--I had a very close call myself with the ciggies Saturday night. We had some friends over to watch the football game and I was thinking about the smokes a little too much. The little demon kept telling me I could just have one or 2 again. But I just kept stuffing my face with chips and dip. I was so glad when I woke up the next morning with no disgusting ciggie breath! I did have 5 beers though. Just enough to have a little headache in the morning. But not drunk for sure. I ate which helps so much! And you know, it didn't taste all that great.
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              ODAT - MONDAY

              Hello. Day nine here. Looks like Savon and I are on this mountain climb together.


                ODAT - MONDAY

                Day 7 AF here. Same as sea, my football team had a bye so it made it easier for me. I'm in the 7 day thread so WHEN I make it through today, I've made it through my first goal. It's gonna be a great day today. I hope the same for everyone.
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  ODAT - MONDAY

                  I have been GOOD! :H

                  Ain't missing them headaches either!!


                    ODAT - MONDAY

                    Hi everyone

                    What a lovely upbeat thread we have today. Did me good to read it. Have not been able to get near a computer all week, Day 1 again but going to keep on trying. Taking it ODAT and today I WILL NOT DRINK.



                      ODAT - MONDAY

                      Hello all ODATers ---- Day 2 again for me. Friday and Saturday were not good, so started AF again Sunday. Going AF through the week days is an improvement for me, but I'd like to get through the weekend as well soon. If not completely AF, then at least moderating.
                      I felt like crap on Saturday and worse on Sunday. When I do drink now, it seems to affect me more the day after than it did before. Is that because of the supps (L-Glut and Kudzu), or because I've had more AF days than before?


                        ODAT - MONDAY

                        Hello Odaters!!!!
                        I've missed this thread the past week!!! Just returned from gorgeous Hawaii yesterday, and am burnt crispy from snorkeling and catamaran sailing on saturday (really, I was at a conference for the first 4 days, and did work!!! really!!!) I have to admit that I was not AF!!!! Didn't expect to be, but not sure how to jump back on that old wagon. There was a hash run yesterday at 4:30 (my plane arrived at 2:30), but I just couldn't imagine running after having the whole previous night spent on an airplane - I just can't sleep sitting up!!!!!! So I rested but went out with that gang afterwards and drank some wine. Fun, but I stayed up too late and I didn't go to work to day but slept until 1pm!!!!! So now, I really have to get some control back with this wine slurping!!! I guess I just have to get my mind set straight and maybe start up with the Kudzu and L-glut again. I think I should try something else too, as I think I get pretty tensed up when trying to stop drinking (I think about wine all the time when I know I can't have any), so maybe something to relax me. Must read back in some of the threads to see what others take!

                        Sounds like some good successes too here. I know how hard weekends are too, and it seems mondays (or sundays rather) for me are always Day 1. Silly.

                        OK - beautiful fall day, sun is shining, wonderful colours out there. I will take my dog Jake out for a walk and try to clear the fuzz out of my head and then make some nice veggie filled supper for my guys!!!
                        oxoxo Peanut


                          ODAT - MONDAY

                          New Day - I also find that I am more hungover now than I was before after a night of drinking - I think it is due to more AF days and our bodies healing...........

                          That's my take anyway......
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            ODAT - MONDAY

                            Didn't make it. Didn't get drunk, but bought wine.

                            I had to relive my boyfriend's death this morning, and it was just TOO much.

                            Excuse? YES.

                            I'm back on board as soon as this bottle is gone ... (can't explain that part)

                            For those of you wondering if you would actually feel better, NOT.

                            Never achieved a Happy High... just got tired. OH BOY - what fun.

                            I'm over it. Had to be reminded, I guess.

                            YOU don't need to be (I hope!). It's really not worth it. Nothing changed, except I took a longer nap than I would have (OK - that may have been good!).

                            Have I done anything constructive today? No. I forgive myself. I think.
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              ODAT - MONDAY

                              A new day, but what carnage on the stock market. My few remaining investments got trashed. It's only money and I have my health. If I really had a choice, I'd rather have health AND money, but sometime's those things are out of my control.

                              I slipped over the weekend. I'm looking forward to putting my life back together again as a non-drinker. Better, Faster, Stronger. I like that. I'm going to be Stronger now. Great weather here, 20 degrees above normal. Time to walk the dogs.

