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    May I speak again? (Don't want to take up too much space here)

    Hey - Boss - - I've been glued to TV since this travesty began. Not so much because I am huge stockholder... but more because this is Historical. Did the same thing with 9/11. And OJ Simpson shit.

    Just feel I have to KNOW what the heck is going on.

    Anyway, bottom line is... I drank today. I was on Day 9.

    Not proud of myself. BUT - having those days under my belt Still make me feel good! I will be back... as of NOW.

    I will be SO happy when I wake up tomorrow knowing that I'm back on board. Having lived on both sides now, I more than ever know Which side I want to live on.

    IT IS GOOD. Just batten down the hatches. I may be selling seashells by the seashore soooon.

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



      Hear you Savon. You know who SHOULD drink? My Mom lost $25k today. Not this year, or this month. She lost it just today. Not in stocks, but in her "careful" and "vetted" investment portfolios. At nearly 80 years old, that represents nearly a year's worth of income for her. And you know what? She'll probably have a mint tea and go to bed early.

      So let's say it together: We drink not because we have a reason, but because we make an excuse. Because there are people in the world with a far better excuse, who don't drink at all.

      Seashells are pretty. If we find seven salacious sirens to sell seashells, we can silently seal our security.


        ODAT - MONDAY

        Hello all Monday ODATs,

        Boss -- we've carefully saved as well - for retirement, kids' college, etc. and it's not worth much today. But I'm not going to let it get to me. First, I think the market will recover given LOTS of time. And second and most importantly, getting upset for doing what we were supposed to be doing - i.e. saving -is not going to change a bloomin' thing. It'll be ok - one day at a time. Your Mom must know that, too, and how smart to drink tea and call it a day! Bet there's a few cocktails being downed on Wall St. as we speak!

        Savon, that anniversary of your BF's death must have been so difficult. I went to the funeral last Friday of the young man who was in school with my youngest daughter. He had just turned 19 in August and it was a tragic death with AL involved. His poor mother has not even begun to touch her grief. What I think you should be congratulating yourself on is the 8 AF days before it, the recognition that this was an isolated and difficult incident, and the resolve to move forward. Can you put yourself back a year ago and say the same thing?

        And to Noma'am, so glad to hear you're moving along. I haven't checked the other threads just yet but hope things in your world are looking a little brighter. We're all in your corner. I truly hope you're feeling better about dear Noma'am - you deserve a break!!

        Vera was playing much of the totally rained out weekend. Sunday went to my first ever Red Sox game which was loads of fun even though we lost to the Yankees and we had to dodge raindrops most of the day. I was surprised that Fenway was as clean and orderly as it was. It felt very special to be in a place that goes back so many years - a place where everyday folks just adore their hometown team. Had some wine with my Italian dinner in the North End, but all under control. Have gone back on the Campral, though, as I'm not as ready as I thought tapering off. Oh well, will give myself more time before I try to fly without wings.

        Back to the workweek - hope it's all what we need.



          ODAT - MONDAY

          Hello everyone scary times words being used "financial melt down" and stuff not to be balked at I know.... watching 17 years of retierment fund go down the tubes...... but lets stick together and find the real meaning of LIFE !!!!! love..... freindship....and help !!!!! which this wonderful place has an abundance of. Stick together guys we cant go wrong! For Savon take care sweet heart!!!!!! hang in there and remain sober and a BIG hug from me. Just had a wander in the garden all the new flowers and scents love spring


            ODAT - MONDAY

  ;426707 wrote: If we find seven salacious sirens to sell seashells, we can silently seal our security.
            Love it!

            Your poor mother. One of the innocents caught in the crossfire of GREED & Stupidity.


            Thanks, Cap & Vera, for your kind words.

            Yes, we all need to hang in together. (If only the Congress can figure that out!!)
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

