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Hey - 7 Day People...

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    Hey - 7 Day People...

    What about who's ever up first posts new thread? (Like they do on ODAT)

    Maybe call it: "Sunday Oct. 5 - 7 Day Thread"

    That way, we'll be able to keep the threads separate.

    If you're on Day 1 -7, you would post on that thread. If on Day 8, you would say in message that you're on 2nd Day 7 (or whatever...)

    Does that make sense?

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      Hey - 7 Day People...

      Good Luck 7 Dayers

      This is a great thread and you are a great group. Making a 7 day goal was a great idea. I apppreciate you words of encouragement, but won't be able to stay. I just can't keep up, and with the work load ahead of me I know I won't be around much.

      But I did want to say thanks, I'll check in and see how you all are doing.

      Wish you all the best :groupluv:
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Hey - 7 Day People...

        Hey AK - so don't do the 7-day thread... Just the ODAT.

        Even ONE day AF, is Good!! And, who knows, you might just surprise yourself!!

        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          Hey - 7 Day People...

          Thanks Savon, I'm gonna keep my 7 day at a time goal and "lurk" for awhile. I will check in and say hi, give words of encouragement when I can. Let yall know how things are going. I have a PM buddy keeping me strong.

          Wishing you all the best-this site truly is wonderful, as are all of you :h

          When I said can't keep up, I meant with the thread not with AF
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            Hey - 7 Day People...

            akgirl;427640 wrote: Thanks Savon, I'm gonna keep my 7 day at a time goal and "lurk" for awhile. I will check in and say hi, give words of encouragement when I can. Let yall know how things are going. I have a PM buddy keeping me strong.

            Wishing you all the best-this site truly is wonderful, as are all of you :h

            When I said can't keep up, I meant with the thread not with AF
            akgirl!! im sooo glad to hear that you are not bailing out on your goals. you are a strong person and i get encouragment from reading your postings as i do everyones but heres the thing you can get on this thread or any thread whenever you want. we are all here for you. i am committed to myself and to the others on here but really we are team of support and care and lots of love. its not everyday we can communicate these feelings of anxiety and Al issues to the outside world. if you can thats great but we are here for you whenever you need. i dont feel a sense of obligation or a feeling that i would let someone down if i didnt post consistently.

            thing is it helps me a great deal. so whatever works for you. i would love to hear how your progress is and also if there are stumbling blocks in the road, get on here and let us know. maybe we can offer a bit of advice or a simple boost of encouragement!

            i know i am super duper grateful to all the support i get here from a remarkable group of people.

            i am almost wrapping up my day 9 (which is my day 2 in my seven day plan) wooohoo!

            its killing me yet i feel good

            hope all is well and if not i am thinking of ya'll


              Hey - 7 Day People...

              Day 6

              Today is day 6 for me, and I feel excited, because 5 days was the most I could get before. I think about drinking so much sometimes, but I also hate to "undo" everything I've done. It's a real dilemma. Well, I will get through at least one more day, so I can say I did the seven days. I just wish I was not "considering it" so much of the time--should I or shouldn't I?? Well, this is a great, and very helpful thread. Thanks.


                Hey - 7 Day People...

                paisley;427689 wrote: you can get on this thread or any thread whenever you want.
                Ya, I knew that. I just thought it polite to say thank you and bye before I just stopped posting on a thread I had committed to join. I am going to do 7 days AF and love the smaller goal.

                Good Luck all
                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                  Hey - 7 Day People...

                  Hi all

                  Back to day 1 again - always seem to stumble on day 3 or 4. But only 2 glasses of wine last night (has to be better than a bottle+++ which is where I have been).

                  Stick with it all.



                    Hey - 7 Day People...

                    Hi to all ---- and MM --- in my opinion, if you held it to 2 glasses of wine, you did fantastic. I find it more of a challenge to stop there than be AF. Tomorrow is our 32nd wedding anniversary, and I most likely will have a couple of glasses of wine with dinner out. If I can come home and not continue drinking, I will be so very happy. There's my challenge for tomorrow! .... but today "I will not drink". Have a great AF day everyone!


                      Hey - 7 Day People...

                      Woo hooo, Nurse & AKgirl (I misunderstood, too, AK - glad you're hangin' in!!)...

                      Day 2.

                      Day 1 was spent with slight hangover from Cheap wine! YUK. Feeling Better today.

                      Good AF Day, All!
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        Hey - 7 Day People...

                        Good morning you guys!

                        Day 10 (actually 3rd day in the 2cnd week)

                        How is everyone doing thus far??

