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Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

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    Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

    I do great on the supplements. I feel AWESOME for about 2-3 weeks and then boom! I have this huge urge to drink wine. It is completely overwhelming! What is happening psychologically or chemically to me that makes me his this wall! :upset:
    Thanks very much!

    Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

    Boss Man should be able to answer this for you. He is the resident expert on what alcohol does to the body. If he doesnt pick up, why dont you pm him?
    I have heard though and I think it did for me too, get quite difficult at 3 weeks, the only thing you can do is ride it out. Use the supps and CDs, read, use everything you can in your arsenal of tools. At least now you know when your danger time is and you can be ready for it.
    Good luck!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

      The same thing happened to me,over and over...I was great for a few weeks and then couldn't resist AL...I had to finally figure out ways of coping with the urges.There wasn't one thing that worked.I have dozens of tools in my sobriety tool box.Movies that make me laugh,music i love,candy,books,etc. i change the thought of drinking by finding something else to focus hasn't been easy but it is working for me now...L Glut. is good for cravings and fresh grapes are great...Going to chat need to design your own plan and follow thru on it...there is no magic pill.
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

        sasha, i'm feeling the same... but, we can do it... i'm just glad it's monday and not friday..


          Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

          BossMan has had some great posts, but I never found his information helpful regarding binge drnking, or why we crave after a period of abstinance.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

            Unfortunately my knowledge of chemicals really covers the first week. All the things that AL impacts, from sucrose, insulin, seretonin, dopamine and other essential systems stop being significantly impacted after about a week after your last drink.

            We all have broken bodies. Once our liver learned to convert AL to sucrose, it retains that knowledge and will use that system again if we drink. Once our brain goes day after day with a serotonin overload, our brain gets accustom to that level and thinks that it's normal. So even after a long time AF, our bodies will quickly recognize AL again, and retain a "drinking memory" long after we drink. I'm not convinced, however, that after 7 days there is a true chemical imbalance as much as simply a memory of how the systems functioned with AL in the bloodstream.

            We definitely have three brains, and cravings involve a dialog between the top two. The third brain, really just the top of the spinal column, handles autonomic systems like heartbeat and breathing, and is thankfully free from AL interaction.

            It's your mid-brain that controls moods, and alcohol increases serotonin which make the mid-brain very happy. Our mid brain can't talk, can't think, and doesn't even have memory. We tend to think of it just as moods, although it carries some important roles in terms of fight/flight reactions which help protect our fragile bodies on a day-to-day basis. Mostly, the moods get interpreted by our forebrain, which is our seat of knowledge, control, and memory. Our forebrain can act logically and responsibly, but the mid-brain is just a moody child with no real control.

            So think of it like the good angel and the bad angel over your shoulders. You can read your books, and know in your brain what is the right thing to do. But the bad angel never goes away, and is always ready, because that's an essential part of you. So I think there just comes a moment when your main brain is feeling good. It's feeling relaxed and happy, like things are fine. And the minute the control is relaxed, out comes that moody child whispering "if you REALLY want to feel good you'll have a DRINK". Alternatively, maybe something bad happens and your conscious brain is overwhelmed, and the moody child is going to come out and say "You'll feel a lot better if you just have a DRINK".

            And of course, as we all know, the alcohol in a single drink is enough to shut down your dopamine system. Dopamine is an essential chemical for your forebrain, and when shut down the effect will be to suspend any sense of logic, reasoning and memory. So just one drink, and it's party time for your inner child until the next day.

            So the ultimate solution is to quiet that mood brain, just as we talk sense to our logical brain.

            I'm currently thinking that meditation will help. ALso the CD's will, because they seek to communicate with the mood section of the brain. Instead of trying to imprison my "bad angel" maybe the approach is to engage it, and redirect it. I think these will help because you need to gain that inner dialog. We have such a tendancy to wash our whole brain with information overload, and that has a tendancy to make the moody child lost since the child can't actually think or process any information. So the key is to quiet the brain, make a space where you can spend time with your own midbrain. Maybe by knowing it better, be better able to direct any bad thoughts..

            That's just a concept. I'm not even up to three weeks, so I haven't been able to experiment much.

            For a quick lift; Chocolate, Oatmeal cookies, counting blessings all can exercise or "feed" your serotonin center, and the first two also add a bit of blood sugar lift just for fun. The warning is; don't eat protien with your candy and cookies. Eat the complex carbohydrates after you've been fasting for 2-3 hours, and then no meat/eggs/dairy/cheese for 30 minutes after. This is supposed to maximize the serotonin reaction in your body. Simply put; a cookie may be able to stave off a craving. It's always worth a try.


              Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

              thanks all makes sense... my child brain is being a little a** brat that needs a good whoopin... i'm waiting on the cd's, and am hoping they'll give me a good push...


                Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

                WOW, Boss is so filled with info that we all need to know...It all makes sooo much sense..This site is filled with such great people who unselfishly give of their wisdom and is simply an amazing place..
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

                  Bossman, that was awesome information.
                  Thanks for all the knowledge you always have to share with us.


                    Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

                    The same thing happened to me for a long time... Every 2-3 weeks I would get an urge that I only rid of by drinking.

                    Set small goals for yourself. Try adding on more and more days. I did that and within a couple of months I had a wonderful stretch of 7 months AF. But stupid me thought I could moderate.... so back to square one I went.

                    Keep on trying.


                      Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

                      Hi Bossman,
                      Thanks for your thoughts. I guess you are saying that after the first week, the cravings really are all emotional. I agree, and think that the emotional piece is far more powerful than the physical piece.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?


                        I bet the comments made sounds like an echo to you. I hate it but it?s happened to me too. 2 or 3 weeks is just enough time for me to feel comfy again. I forget how it felt to feel like shiz in the morning. How a lack of good sleep impacts my life. The money I?ve wasted and the years I am peeling of my life.
                        Now, I always am thinking ?don?t get complacent? Like a lot, I can?t mod, I?ve tried, and it does not work for me. My life must be a life without my old buddy al.

                        Bossman has some of the most realistic words of advice I have heard. There are a lot of wise folks here. Know yourself and keep yourself busy during those times. I have found exercise helps a bunch too.

                        Good luck, omw
                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                          Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

                          I'm at 2-3 weeks and I feel the same way. I am a miserable son of a bitch right now and having cravings. I felt so damn good in the first 2 weeks. Now I feel worn out and beat up. My back hurts for no reason. I guess we need to just stick it out and eventually it will go away.

                          I am also pulling away from friends. I have nothing good to say so I say nothing.
                          Starting over again 09/06/11

                          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                            Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

                            Change, it does get better, that 2-3 week stage is really tough but you will get good feelings back. I too hid away, I am just coming out of it now. Hang in there
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Why does the bottom fall out at 14-21 days?

                              moody i guess... yesterday i was one of the "i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore" folks... today, freakin fine.... day 18... who knows what tomorrow brings...

