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Newbie on day 2

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    Newbie on day 2

    Hi as I've noticed quite a few people hang out on this site before posting, well I've found it's helped me so much. Been in detox several times now and always say no more when I get out. Doing it on my own this time and this is day two for me ( I'm a binge drinker ). Day 1 was the worse for me, but have the shakes and sweats today but have been through worse. I found the anxiety withdrawals were the worse so would drink wine to take it away. Lots of the stories on here are very similar to mine, my marriage is over, but fortunately for me will at least leave me with a roof over my head. I also have a small child which I could easily have lost with putting her in dangerous situations when drunk, fortunately do not drive.Would love to have responses from people especially those going through the first week of detox or have been there. Carebear:new:

    Newbie on day 2

    Hi Carebear
    I welcomed you on another thread. Welcome again. I too have been in several rehabs. I never want to go back there. I was a binge drinker too. My withdrawal from alcohol was a bit dangerous. I had to be put on medication. If your withdrawal is severe, please go to the ER of your local hospital. Now that I am not drinking or using the medication, I use an herbal supp. for anxiety called Calm's Forte. It works well for me. Others have mentioned GABA and 5htp. You can find out more on the holistic healing thread. I am glad that you are here. Please keep us informed as to how you are doing.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Newbie on day 2

      Hi :new: to. I've got the shakes real bad right now bad headache feel like shit but I have to do this for my kids. Lets stay in touch.


        Newbie on day 2

        Another newbie and suffer from the same day after anxiety...


          Newbie on day 2

          What worked best for me for shakes (I think) was Valerian which is an Over the Counter herbal pill. Take one pill in morning, and one at 3pm. This is a general "sleep" style pill and will make you a bit zoned out. For me though, being a zoned functioning adult was an improvement over the previous state.

          Alternates: Benadryl also works, on the same schedule.


            Newbie on day 2

            I am so weak willed. Have not got even through one single day let along a week or a month. If I could get through ONE DAY. I am very secretive but still.


              Newbie on day 2

              thanx to you all

              Hi to everyone thanx for your support which is so badly needed, I'm on day 4 now and syptoms are getting better, still getting the odd sweats, shaking a little, but the anxiety is lessening, yesterday had some cravings for AL but wasn't going to go through withdrawal again as it is so bloody awful, I am taking Valarian and find that helps a lot, what I would recommend to anyone withdrawing is not to have any caffiene at all as I had a coffee and the anxiety came back, I'm drinking chamomile and peppermint tea which also seems to calm the digestive system. Sleeping is difficult but getting better,coming to this site is a real boost and knowing your not alone is great, it's getting me through so onto day 5, I actually want to go to bed which I didn't before so I can wake up to another day forward and feeling better, many thanx again to you all


                Newbie on day 2


                Awesome on Day 4!! You only have a handful of days before you are in such a much better place. By day 10, all the physical stuff is pretty much gone.

                Hang in there. Keep coming here when you need distraction and before you know it, the shakes, the anxiety, the upset tummy will be gone.

                Sleep takes a little longer to get better, longer for some than others. However, there are natural supplements that can help. Some people swear by Valerian, others take Melatonin, in a pinch I will take a Benadryl. Over time the sleep gets better and better, too. One day you will wake up from a full nights sleep and be completely amazed.

                Glad you are here and doing so well.

                AF April 9, 2016

