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Day 10 and craving.

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    Day 10 and craving.

    I'm really craving alcohol today. I feel nervous (probably has to do with the pot of coffee I've sucked down) and I bought a pack of smokes this morning. I ought not have done that but I was just dying for one. I won't drink today but damn I want to. Never ever seems impossible. Never drink again? Ever?? I wonder, if I drank non-alcoholic wine would I feel better or worse? I don't even know where to get it. I know what I need to do right now. I need to work out really really hard and focus on household chores, grocery list. All I can think about is how good a glass (right, more like a bottle) of wine would taste/feel. I can't seem to get motivated to get anything done. I really want to just be high on life but I'm having a hard time catching the buzz. There is an AA meeting tonight that is just chicks and I think I will go. Ok, deep breath, stand up and move. Don't think, just move. Bye.

    Day 10 and craving.

    Be sure to have a cookie, or some other carboydrate. That way you can be sure your body is not handling just a small sugar imbalance due to your tension and the coffee. Give yourself a treat, anyway.

    Shift the focus away from this evening. The holiday season is coming up. Have you started planning? I always find that pleasant distraction to call my brother to see if they are in town, and figure out accomodate out-of-town mothers, in town siblings, and our annual friends and family party.

    You've done the hardest part already. I'm rooting for you to hold strong tonight too!


      Day 10 and craving.

      noma'am;427454 wrote: I wonder, if I drank non-alcoholic wine would I feel better or worse? I don't even know where to get it. .
      Hi there,

      I tried the AF wine a few times, most liguor stores carry it. It wasn't great, wasn't was just, what's the point? I knew it was not going to give me the buzz so whats the point. Do you do the supps? Maybe some extra Kudzu or L-glut.

      10 days is awesome, most I've done so fay is 5. Keep up the good work
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Day 10 and craving.

        NM, you're doing great! Don't let the cravings and impulses scare you or intimidate you! They are just thoughts, with some emotional content, and they are deceitful, as well (they can trick you into believing that you absolutely MUST have a drink!). Remember that if you don't give in to them, they will go away... and you will be stronger.



          Day 10 and craving.

          NM, reread your post from 10 days ago. It will serve as a strong reminder of how you don't want to feel again. Feeling a craving sure beats feeling despair!
          Wishing you strength, you can do this! :l
          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


            Day 10 and craving.

            You are doing absolutely wonderfully...Every day in every way it will get better and better..
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Day 10 and craving.

              Keep up the good work. The L-glut works quick for the cravings. Keep reading and posting.


                Day 10 and craving.

                The cravings do pass, if you do not give in to them. You are doing so well. I am sure that you do not want to start over again. I also use the L-Glut. When the cravings are very intense I pour half a capsule under my tongue. I was amazed with the results. Hang tough.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  Day 10 and craving.

                  They will pass NM, I remember thinking around 10-14 days that I wouldnt be able to continue. It does get so much easier though. The lglut will help you as will kudzu. Keep going hun
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Day 10 and craving.

                    Focus on the fact that you have made it to 10 days. You do not want to have to go through those tough days again. Do something to pass the time and before you know it you will be on day 11.


                      Day 10 and craving.

                      way to go keep up the good work
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        Day 10 and craving.

                        Hi Noma'am,

                        WIP, Boss and everyone else has given you great advice. I'll add to the chorus. I'd skip the AF wine at this point. It doesn't taste all that good, and may in fact make you miss the real thing too much. Better to find an alternate real beverage that you enjoy. The other thing I'll mention is the concern about being AF "forever." I'm no expert, but it's probably not a good idea to let the little demon drinking mind project you out to the future. Looks too scary and may sabotage all your good work. Take it a day, or hours, at a time. You are so worth this effort which seems monumental at the moment but will get better with time. Hang in with yourself!


