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October 30 Days AF

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    October 30 Days AF

    Good morning October AFers!!!:rays:

    Welcome Day 2!!

    Yeah Rustop!! Good to have you! We have shared time on threads in the past and I welcome your insight!! Don't dwell on your disappointments. Focus on your progress!!

    Kat20 - Enjoy your lecture and have a safe trip! We will be thinking of you and look forward to seeing how your weekend went!

    Wally 22 - the October wagon has lots of people to hold you on!

    Cuckoo - I too have started to proactively put my 0 in the drink tracker to keep me focused on the goal.

    Chard - so far the sea is calm but the forecast is for some rough spots ahead. We will weather them.

    Noma'am, sausage, tlrgs and bossman - Hello and how is it going!!

    I had a good nights sleep - yeah!! No waking up and watching the clock for hours as I do when I am drinking!! I really think this is my time to let this, make this work!! Tuesday was a new low for me. I spent most of yesterday in that shame place. Now is time to move on look forward and make some changes. It occured to me that I was drinking like an alcoholic. Well, HELLO, that is kind of like saying I throw like a girl . . . I am a girl!!:yougo: Duh!!

    Have a great day 2!! Just think after today only 4 weeks to go! We can do it!



      October 30 Days AF

      I'm in...I made it through day one, 30 more to go!
      Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying... "I will try again tomorrow."


        October 30 Days AF

        Rustop, glad to see you here. I think we were on another AF thread a while back.

        Evergreen, I agree with you about looking at this proactively. I think too often we set ourselves up for failure because we think it is impossible so we talk ourselves into failing before we even really try.

        OntheRoad, congrats on day one. I'm trying to focus on I have one more day to go and that is today. When I make it through today, I will concentrate on tomorrow.

        This sounds a little funny but I'm down with a nasty cold or sinus infection which really helps me not want to drink. For once I'm glad I'm sick. Anyway have a great day everyone.


          October 30 Days AF

          I am in, in, in!!!
          Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


            October 30 Days AF

            Day 2 for me. Have been slipping since ending 31 days beginning of July. September saw only 8 AF days so I've signed up for October but I know it's going to be a struggle . . . . but it feels good being back although it's a bit harder to log on because I've changed my job and my screen is overlooked but no excuses - I can still log on in the morning and evening . . . am missing one or two people from the June/July months and I really hope they are alright . . . . . Px
            Short term goal 7 days AF


              October 30 Days AF

              Ship ahoy, my maties!

              Welcome aboard HMS Sobriety and god bless all who sail her!

              Am mega busy at the mo, will try to post later

              Hugest Congrats all on day 2 - we can do this!!!

              Don't want any man overboard whilst I am missing - the only lifeline you'll get thrown is the promise of being AF!!

              Love Chard123


                October 30 Days AF

                Welcome Patricia, On the Road and Gabby!!:welcome:

                Chard I think that we will have to make you the ship's captain!! You know the lingo and the captain is always busy . . . seldom seen . . . but stearing the ship!!

                Hello Kat20, Boss Man, Rustop, trlgs, Kuckoo, nomam, Wally and Sausage (sounds like a band or maybe a gang!!) :band2: Hope Day 2 went well for everyone!!

                Day three is dawning!! Super busy - I have 20 teenagers coming to my house for chili tonite!! Feels good to be busy with a little bit of energy. I did not sleep long last night but did get a stretch of non alcohol induced REM sleep!! Also no guilt pangs and searching my brain to see if I forgot anything. Each time I remind myself (almost out loud) of how good this feel it is one more layer of prevention for relapse. The one good thing about committing to 30 days AF is we have taken the decision out of it. No deciding to moderate or rationalizing that one drink won't hurt. Whatever we do past this 30 days we are committed for now.




                  October 30 Days AF

                  Hello all, I'm here and ready for day 3. I was feeling a bit shaky because Friday's are my party night but I made it home and logged on immediately to MWO and in my message box was a reply from someone I did 30 days AF with last October. I had sent a message on 9/28 to her and 2 other people who I became close with when we did 30 days AF last year and today she responded. Talk about a positive omen. I couldn't have asked for a better day for her to respond. I am committed to this and look forward to a similar journey with my new group.



                    October 30 Days AF

                    Hi everyone - day 34 for me as I did Sept AF too. just wanted to say that my first 2 or 3 fri nights in Sept were really tough being AF but yesterday was my 5th AF friday and it was so much easier. Just hope that inspires everyone. Have a good AF day.


                      October 30 Days AF

                      I'm up for it. I have no choice anymore. 30 days HERE WE COME!


                        October 30 Days AF

                        Thank you for the encouragement, Sausage, and congratulations on 34 days AF.

                        lil.michelle, welcome aboard. Happy to have you.


                          October 30 Days AF

                          BTW, made it through day 3, I'm up and dressed and headed to the gym. Never would have done that after a night of Friday night drinking.


                            October 30 Days AF

                            Hi Shipmates

                            I'm in!

                            30 days AF seems like a dream at this point but ive seen so many others on MWO making
                            it happen.

                            Seas have been real choppy around here. Huge waves that knock you off your feet
                            just when you think your getting somewhere. Plenty of seasickness. particularly in the

                            Im certainly looking forward to sailing to calmer water. Having company will be great.


                              October 30 Days AF

                              Good morning all, another night of AF and feeling good especially since I made it thru Friday and Saturday which are killer nights for me. Up early again and headed out with the dogs. I hope everyone is doing well and would love to see some posts from each of you on how you are making out.


                                October 30 Days AF

                                I'm feeling good and actually getting some things accomplished around the house. I guess not having two bottles of wine or four martinis leaves me with a little energy for the day...who'd of thunk it!
                                Hope all are well and AF.
                                Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying... "I will try again tomorrow."

