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October 30 Days AF

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    October 30 Days AF

    I would like to join as well. A little of a late start (Day 2), but better late than never. Better late than never they say. Hey, who are 'they' anyways?
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow


      October 30 Days AF

      lukalee, I'm glad to see you. I don't know if you remember but I sent you a link about aromatherapy patches because you and I dissussed our tendency to be less than patient.

      ontheroad, glad you're feeling good, it is quite astonishing what you get accomplished when you haven't numbed yourself with huge quantities of alcohol the night before. good job on af.



        October 30 Days AF

        I'm on board

        I have missed the first few days...but I am motivated for the rest of October. Today is my sister's birthday so my motivation is to be in the present for all of my family. Today is a good day to start!!!
        Hanging on!


          October 30 Days AF

          idbiscuit, good to have you on board. What a wonderful gift for your sister and your family. Wish you well on today's start. Happy birthday to your sister.


            October 30 Days AF

            Hi everyone
            Day 35 for me, definitely getting easier than a month ago. The cravings are definitely much much less, if you can even call them that now, it's more that I just miss the taste of a nice cool glass of white wine. Getting through the weekend was Ok (my first couple of fri and sat nights Af were tough as I mentioned in an earlier thread) The only problem is as the weeks go by and i continue to feel better and better I'm in danger of forgetting how rubbish I felt after a nights drinking - even though I've made diary notes to look at when I'm tempted. Keep going everyone. I've lost 6lbs in weight since Sept (with very little modification to my diet and have so much more energy for everything including exercise. I try and exercise at least 4 times a week and am on the October abbercise thread also. Those of you struggling - rather than repeat myself, click on my username and read all my early posts - I first posted back on 2nd Sept 08 (with just 1 AF day behind me) It was tough at the beginning but i'm pleased I'm still hanging on in there and it's definitely getting easier.
            Good luck everyone.


              October 30 Days AF

              SAUSAGE, thanks for posting and letting us know it can be done. You are an inspiration. I certainly will look for your earlier posts. Getting ready to go post in drinktracker day 5 AF for me.


                October 30 Days AF

                Ahoy Maties!!!!

                :cheering Ahoy Maties!!!

                We are on day 6 of our fantastic voyage!! There have been some rough seas as we leave land and I am sure some seasickness but you know what they say keep you eyes on the horizon and don't go below!!

                I have been away from the posts this weekend - visited my 2 girls in college and went to a football game; went to a band competition and homecoming dress shopping not to mention having 17 band members to my house for chili on Friday!! This journey has been easier with the distractions and busyness. Honestly not alot of tempting opportunities but some occasional moments. (i.e. that little whisper "Those people can enjoy a beer or glass of wine at a tailgate, what is wrong with you?":alf

                It has been good to quickly check in and see everyone keeping on keeping on!! Cuckoo thank you for keeping this thread going!! You are doing great! Day 5 posted and moving onto 6.

                Sausage thank you for being the voice of experience in this track. You are our Yoda!!

                Idbiscuit, my chief motivator for this IS being there for my family . . . really being there:h

                On the road, it is amazing how much energy I have wasted or drowned!!!

                :welcome:Lil michelle, whoosh and lukalee!! We are glad to have you aboard!!

                Chard hope you had a good lecture and welcome back, we have missed you!!:l

                No ma'am, Kat 20, Wally 22, tlrgs, Patricia, Bossman, Rustop and gabby. How is it going? Let us know how you are. We have lots of lifeline and lifeboats. We can send out a search and rescue! I believe that sausage has the experience to be our coast guard!!

                We are on to a fresh week. Day 6 acoming. Do you realize we are one fifth of the way there!!!!

                Bon voyage



                  October 30 Days AF

                  Hi everyone

                  Had an extremely busy week-end. My daughter is 16 today. We went out for dinner at the week-end and I'm afraid I gave in and had one glass of wine. It was only one glass as I was driving. However, I was kicking myself afterwards. Anyways started a new diet today so feeling very motivated.



                    October 30 Days AF

                    Top of the morning all ! So good to be home in my familar routine. Well I did it, remained AF for a weekend with an out of town lecture. Difficult for me with the stress of flying and Being among my peers. I am absolutly a social phobic. Everyday also ends with a cocktail hour. Funny why so many people are alcoholics. Its shoved down your throat sometimes. In regards to the social phobia, I happened to bring along a book called "Twenty-Four Hours a Day" it is a companion book for AA with Daily thoughts, meditations and prayers.

                    Oct 1st "Are there some things I do not feel like doing ? Am I held back by self-consciousness or fear ? Self-consciousness is a form of pride. It is a fear something may happen to you. What happens to you is not very important. The impression you make on others does not depend so much on the kind of job you do as on your sincerity and honesty of purpose. Am I holding back because I am afraid of not making a good impression ?" ...........Wow that is totally me. The thought continues with a meditation and a prayer if you care to do that. Anyway, I just consider this a big trigger for me. However, it makes me think.

                    Welcome to all who have joined in the past 4 days and stay with us and strong. A bump in the road is not a failure.

                    Rustop61, Congrats on moderation.

                    Evergreen, I hear what you say about that little voice and I wonder sometimes if people are thinking that of me. I think is going to take awhile for me to get over that.

                    I'll log on alittle later today to read and encourage all those who need it. Just wanted to get caught up after the weekend and say hello to everyone.


                      October 30 Days AF


                      Quick post - I would call a single glass of wine a great success in moderation!!



                        October 30 Days AF

                        Hello everyone, glad to see you evergreen, rustop, kat. I was hoping you would show up. Congratulations each of you on your successes. Way to go. I so happy to have you all back.


                          October 30 Days AF

                          Good morning all!!!

                          Quick post!! How is everyone. Ship shape??

                          Busy week here!! I was coming home last night from an event and the idea of a glass of wine passed through my head and for the first time in I don't know how long I really had NO desire for it!! I thought it's October . . . not an option. But seriously there was none of my usual craving.

                          I know that will not last. I have to be careful to not be complacent.

                          Have a great Tuesday all!!!

                          Keep posting. Keep working on it!!



                            October 30 Days AF

                            Good Morning Friends, Thank you for the warm welcome back. Hope you are all well .

                            Cuckoosnest, You mentioned in an earlier post something about aromatherapy. Whats that all about ? I am interested.

                            Evergreen, Congrats on overcoming the urge. Those are the times when I get in trouble.

                            Ok, Just a shout out to the other Oct 30 day'ers. Don't give up. Even if you had a slip get right back on and keep going. This habit is a hard one to change and if anyone is going to be helpful its the people here. So if your just reading this thinking oh, I can't post, I already blew it, Get that thought out of your head and know there are people here who are very supportive and non judgemental. In fact one of the best things for my sobriety is sharing and helping others.

                            Have a beautiful and peaceful day.


                              October 30 Days AF

                              Hi everyone

                              Wet and miserable here today. Had a very early start 5.30 a.m. as daughter was going on a school trip and I had to have her at the school for 6.30 a.m. Boy, staying AF last night really helped, imagine that early of a start with a hangover, ugh!!

                              Great to see everyone doing so well.



                                October 30 Days AF

                                Rustop: Clear mornings are a blessing!!

                                Kat 20 - I am with you!! Any October 30 dayers if you haven't made it keep posting. 30 days of working on it is a great place to start. We can't get where we are going if we don't know where we are! For me I fall down more than I stand up. The whole point is I have to keep getting up. This site is like a hand up!!

                                Reaching out: EG

