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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Good morning!

    It is gorgeous weather here. I love October. GF wants to go to the beach this month. We can get a beach front condo for free. Oh, I hope it works out. Just then for a split second I had that AF uh-oh feeling. "What will it be like to go and be AF? Oh dear, can I do it? We've partied there for 12 years." ..... "Of course I can! She supports my not drinking and I'll enjoy it so much more being AF."

    Yesterday hubby had to tap into credit line in a big way to meet expenses. It was hard to keep off the panic train. Health insurance premiums went up AGAIN. I'm scared to look at my investments, yada, yada, yada. I had to hold onto my big girl pants tightly to keep it at bay. Panic is a powerful emotion. Faith is a powerful tool.

    Have a great day and keep the faith!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi ODATers!

    Greenie you are just so transformed - you go girl!

    Have been messed around this morning waiting in for 2.5 hours for alarm guy who just didn't show up - so frustrating, felt like a G&T but I haven't - had some soup instead. Am not drinking now before 9pm on the days I do and as I go to bed just after 10pm this seems to be keeping me modding along.

    Hope all you ODATs are doing just fine.

    Luv Bx


      ODAT - Thursday

      This was in one of my "messages of the day" type thing I get via email:

      Jesus said, “Don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time” (Matthew 6:34 LB).

      "Even" Jesus believed in ODAT!!!

      So, I'm on Day 3. I have waves of both Confidence AND Shakiness!!! ?????

      Off to Santa Fe tomorrow (YAY!). Probably won't be posting until I get back. "Might" have a drink - haven't seen friend in Years (but I don't even know if she drinks... hoping NOT).

      But IF I do - it will be in Moderation!!

      Have great AF day!
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT - Thursday

        "Faith is a powerful tool". Yes i needed to hear that. Thanks greenie talk about a bell ringer.
        Savon thanks for what I dont know....... but reading your post I feel good about another day AL free THANKS mate!!!!!!
        Love cap


          ODAT - Thursday

          ""Panic is a powerful emotion. Faith is a powerful tool.""

          Jesus said, ?Don?t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time? (Matthew 6:34 LB).

          Couple of GREAT quotes here this morning. Thanks guys!! :goodjob:
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            ODAT - Thursday

            THWAK...................ring the bell Cap'n, I beat the beast for another day......

            Day 5 AF and NF. Feeling good but really frickin tired........Wish I could get a good nights sleep!

            Busy day here at work - hope everyone has a great day and meets their goals.

            Love and Hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Thursday

              Thanks LVT 25 you are such a sweet heart


                ODAT - Thursday

                as i read these comments, i am embracing the end of thursday. it is 11.11pm here now. you are starting out on thursday. i joined ODAT a few days ago because i felt that was were i am right now. i was right. ODAT is where i am at, but you guys are helping me more than you know.:thanks:


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  TWAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Uni youre the best the fags and the booze youre the best!!!!!! on the top of the promotion list!!!!!!!! THWAKK al around the head tommorrow . Day Five the hardest UNI you know that now!!!!!! promise just get to day 6 I gotta have you in good shape for the match the green and the mean (HAAA) Bessie are shaping up . Your are rockin girl keep going why go back to day zero. NO POINT. Bring it on wake up clear love ya Uni your getting stronger with every day YOU ROCK ( i must admit as an Ozzie I dont like that expression) Id rather say youre cool


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Lee Lou good to see you


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Good day all ODATer's --- just checking in and everyone seems very positive ... yeah! I'm on my day 5 and this is my challenge day. It's my 32 wedding anniversary, so I do plan on having a glass or two of wine with dinner out tonight with hubby. The challenge part, is coming home and NOT having any more! If I get through that I will be so happy to have made that spectacular progress. I will probably log on here tonight when we get home, just to keep me from hitting the liquor cabinet.
                      I'm feeling so great being AF these past few days. It certainly is worth the struggle.
                      Wishing you all more power to reach your daily goal today.


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Good Morning, ODATers,

                        Love the thread today. Greenie and Uni, thank you for sharing the thoughts. Great quotes to remember through the day.

                        Everyone, have a great ODAT day, enjoy life and be grateful for the gift.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Go uni Twakk that bugger he only wants to make you feel like rubbish

                          Bell has been summoned 3 times


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            Day 12 here. I feel really good today. It was cool and beautiful this morning but it's still going to hit 100degrees this afternoon. When will summer finally end? I am really excited to watch the VP debates tonight. Hoping to see lots of blood hit the podium. I just love political violence! It will be nice to NOT get into a heated, drunken political argument with my husband for once (over things we agree about no less!). Things are getting better and better between us. It's hard to believe that only a week ago things were so so bad.


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              Amazing how AL has the power over relationships. It touches all of us drinkers and non-drinkers alike. Last week I had to go to a liquor store to buy a bottle of Port, called for in a recipe, never before did I have such hatered of that kind of store. I felt so sick in there, just thinking about what AL does to the man I love and to us and to the people who have become my virtual friends.
                              I am so happy for you noma'am, it was just a matter of time.

